MARCH 1965
PRODUCTION INFORMATION![]() Cast and story information from: ITC Entertainment Programme Synopsis: Crossroads Episodes January-December 1965. Producer: REG WATSON (Weeks 18 to 20) ERIC FAWCETT (week 21) Created by: HAZEL ADAIR AND PETER LING Directors: ALAN COLEMAN, TIM JONES, JACK BARTON Written by: JOHN PENNINGTON (Week 18), IVOR JAY (Week 19), HAZEL ADAIR & PETER LING (Week 20) TERENCE DICKS & MYLES RUDGE (Week 21) KENNETH HILL (Week 22) Theme Tune: TONY HATCH Other Crew: Designers: REX SPENCER and ELIZABETH DORRITY, Floor Managers: PETER HARRIS and LIZ STERN, Production Manager: MARGARET FRENCH |
EPISODE 86: 1st MARCH, 1965: Owen Webb has departed his lodgings at Kitty and Dick’s place, with George Petersham taking on the room now its vacant. George is one of the key participants in the Kings Oak Players and a senior worker at the Heathbury Potteries.
Ruth is overseeing the mornings at the shop, and Amy shows her around where everything is and how the procedures work. (It transpires Amy has helped out in the past when needed at the shop).
“Couldn’t I have mumps as well? They are contagious aren’t they – very contagious. That’d be smashin’ -I’d really like that” – Sandy
Sandy is hoping he’ll catch mumps off Jill so he can have time off school in bed too. Meg says he wouldn’t like them at all.
To start afresh, Christine is thinking about moving with her parents when they relocate south shortly. She confides in Meg that Milton Keynes would be a fresh start for everyone, and no one there would know her history.
Brian isn’t too impressed with Ruth; she’s forgotten to feed the dogs. While over at The Crown, Dick is talking to landlord Harry about needing to find money to wire to Kitty next week. He’s promised her some further holiday spending money while she’s in Australia. Harry suggests some top horses to bet on.
Hugh Mortimer is described as ‘A middle-aged rather distinguished businessman, with a very friendly tone’. Hugh asks Meg if Jill is around and then how is Sandy doing. Meg is curious about how this businessman knows so much of her life.
“I know all the stories. Your sister has gone to Australia – I know that. Let me see, what else do I know…” – Hugh Mortimer.
Meg suggests as he knows all these little details she ‘should’ know who he is, but she admits she does not. Hugh is rather surprised, Meg looks puzzled.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 87: 2nd MARCH, 1965: Hugh Mortimer introduces himself to Meg, informing her that Jonathan keeps him well-informed about everything that goes on.
Vi Blundell has been trying to find accommodation for Christine who is thinking of starting afresh elsewhere with her illegitimate baby. She notes she has spoken with her neighbour Mrs Higton who is surprisingly – considering Christine’s circumstances – keen. But as Vi says Mrs Higton hasn’t much cash coming in.
Hugh has a business meeting in the area and meets with Charlie Forward at the motel bar.
Jill is feeling much better and is up and about, she says she has had a get-well card from Sarah who also noted the job at the magazine is still waiting for her. Jill tells Meg she wants to give it a try. Meg says it is a good idea.
A local newspaper has arrived to do an interview with film star Julia Fleming, who has requested not to be disturbed in her chalet. Sandy talks to the crew and notes Marilyn has also a part in the movie. Their interest is piqued. Marilyn knocks on Julia who declines to open the door, however, is later furious when she discovers it was the press who were turned away.
Marilyn: “Yes, a cameraman and a reporter”
Julia: “Oh, dear! You’re a fool girl. Just think, I’ve missed all the morning papers. Do you realise what you’ve done?”
Marilyn: “Near enough, yes. I think I do” [Smiling pleasantly].
Brian is late back at the Jarvis’, Dick isn’t impressed the dinner has gone cold. Brian explains he is late due to trying to sell his scooter because he knows Kitty will need money.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 88: 3rd MARCH, 1965: Carlos is worried about having to go to court in the Gary Simmons case, ‘I have seen plenty of gangster films. I know what happened to people who talk.’ Meg reassures him that ‘Al Capone died a long time ago, Carlos’.
Meg is astounded when Vi chirps in that Carlos might have cause for concern, the gossip in the village is Gary has ‘lots of connections’ in all the wrong kind of places.
Newspaper Report:
“First stop to Stardom. Pert, pretty Marilyn Gates of the Crossroads Motel has been given a part in Lee Gregory’s new film, due for release in the autumn. Marilyn, 34, 24, 36, has taken over the part from Julia Fleming due to the actress becoming unwell. From the picture shown here readers will think that there’s no doubt that Marilyn is destined for success. Or to quote director Lee Gregory ‘A British Bardot’.”
Julia reads the newspaper article and is outraged. She demands solicitors, she demands the directors, she demands Marilyn.
Dick asks Meg if he can loan £200 to send to Kitty; she says the best she can do is £25, which he accepts
A man called Nick Tully (not listed in the cast list) Described as ‘a prosperous-looking man in his forties’ arrives at the reception asking to speak with Carlos. He mentions to Carlos his wife Josephina, he mentions what a good chef he is. Then he makes a point that Carlos won’t be saying anything about Gary Simmons in court next week, will he?
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 89: 4th MARCH, 1965: Christine has been to visit Vi’s neighbour who is looking for a lodger. Christine says Mrs. Higton is younger than she expected, but is very kind and has decided rather than move with her parents to Milton Keynes she will stay in Kings Oak with Mrs. Higton.
Amy and Ruth are looking after the shop, Amy notes Thursdays are quiet days. She ponders the takings for the week. Suggesting its not enough for anyone to want to steal. Ruth finds the conversation rather odd.
“I wouldn’t do it of course. I’ve got no nerve for that sort of thing. My mother shoved ‘honesty’ down my throat when I was a kid. But I sometimes think, ‘what would happen if I stuffed the week’s takings in my pocket an’ just walked off’?” – Amy Turtle
The film producers get a visit from a Mr. Sweeney from the Film Artists Association. The FAA has seen the newspaper report with Marilyn Gates proclaiming she’s the new star of Lee’s movie. He informs Lee that as Miss Gates isn’t a member of the FAA she can’t feature in the film.
Hugh Mortimer is meeting with another business acquaintance at the motel bar. Hugh observes the local area is ‘abundant with investment possibilities.’ He later indulges Meg in conversation noting she looks radiant.
At the shop Dick is surprised to find a card has been left for Kitty. ‘For Kitty, from a well-wisher’ inside is enclosed £50. Dick is happily bemused.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 90: 5th MARCH, 1965: Dick is trying to think of who would send Kitty £50. He thinks it must be someone who knows they were short of funds for her Australian holiday. He rules out several people including Meg, Charlie and lodger George. He then remembers he told Harry, landlord of The Crown. He thinks it must have been Harry.
Jill has her cases ready and is about to leave the motel for London. She says goodbye to everyone and Meg runs her to the train station. Vi thinks London is a lonely place for young women and Jill will probably be back soon enough.
Dick visits Harry in the pub to thank him for the money for Kitty. Harry hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about.
“You’ve forgotten, haven’t you? You don’t know Gary Simmons now. And by next week, at the trial, he won’t mean a thing to you will he?” – Henry
Carlos gets a visit from two dubious fellas, Sid and Henry, they urge him to forget the name Gary Simmons and ever meeting him.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 91: 8th MARCH, 1965: Meg finds Carlos battered and bruised in the kitchen. She attends his injuries while calling for Philip to bring a brandy. Both question Carlos about what has happened, and he says he had an accident on the motorbike.
Having been roped into playing a minor role with the Kings Oak Players Dick is now being urged to take on the lead role due to Mervyn Wallis just not being good enough, well according to Hilda Duvene.
“That’s calling the kettle black if you like. Mervyn may not be Sir Laurence Olivier but that is just as well for Hilda. She is no Sybil Thorndyke herself.” – Dick
Philip has taken a look at Carlos’ motorbike and has come to the conclusion that it isn’t in the slightest damaged so Carlos can’t have sustained the facial injuries he has from a road accident. He notes to Christine the chef has lied, but why?
Hilida Duvene seems to be the least of Dick’s problems when he discovers Charlie Forward has put out invitations for Traveleaze Car Hire to be sold. Dick only finds out when he reads an offer from WestLake Development Company.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 92: 9th MARCH, 1965: Amateur theatre regular and lodger at the Jarvis’ George Petersham tells Dick he has a hunch who gave the £50 gift to Kitty. He thinks it might be Hilda Duvene. Dick is horrified.
Vi is reading the tea leaves in Christine’s cup. She says she has luck due her way, and the leaves show a faithful friend will do something good for you. Romance! Vi also sees romance for Christine. She’s not so convinced.
Hugh: “Not a bad place you have here. [Teasing] It’s not The Ritz, of course.”
Marilyn: “Oh no, sir. It’s called The Crossroads.”
Looking into the tealeaves for Carlos, at his request, Vi sees trouble ahead. Dark times. Carlos tries to laugh it off. Later he confides in Christine he was beaten up by two thugs.
Dick declines to get more involved with the dramatics group, but thanks Hilda for the money. She is furious George revealed her name when she asked him not to.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 93: 10th MARCH, 1965: Christine talks to Philip about what
Carlos has told her about Gary Simmons and the beating. Philip isn’t surprised but thinks Carlos is wrong to do as they have asked. He needs to speak out in court about the stolen goods. Christine says she at first also agreed with that, but then Carlos mentioned that if he did speak in court the motel would be smashed up.
“Let me tell you this. I don’t like thugs. And no tearaway is going to get away with anything. Not if I can help it All right? I’ll call into the police station on the way to work, and don’t worry” – Philip
Meg is talking to Carlos about expanding the motel to get more passing trade. She is pondering opening a ‘Coffee Bar’ with a juke box. Carlos isn’t a fan of boom-boom music.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 94: 11th MARCH, 1965: It is the day of the court hearing concerning Gary Simmons and the hi-jackings and stolen goods. Carlos is talking to Meg, she tells him he must tell the truth under oath or he could go to prison if he lies and is found out. This dismays Carlos. Philip later tells Christine he spoke to the police and they are going to step up patrols in the area while this court issue is going on.
Meg talks to her solicitor about the idea of the Coffee bar and possibly an all-night café, ‘to bring the youngsters in’. He says he’ll deal with the authorities and the legalities, he urges Meg to get a property developer to overlook the plans. Meg says she knows just the man…
At the car hire Dick is left furious when Charlie informs him that he’s sold his share to WestLake Property, and there is nothing he can do about it.
Carlos has told the court the truth and is pleased he did, he then decides to tell Meg the truth about the beating and the threats towards the motel.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 95: 12th MARCH, 1965: Meg attempts to impress Hugh over dinner but a mix-up – deliberately – by Marilyn sees Mr Mortimer pour custard all over his scallops. Meg is furious and orders a replacement, which Carlos is none too pleased about. (Marilyn doesn’t like ‘flash/show off’ Hugh). Marilyn is also narked that she’s heard nothing from the movie company since they left and wonders whether she’ll be in the film at all.
Dick gets a visit from a representative from WestLake Property; Mr Farrell informs Dick that Charlie has sold his controlling share but the company has no interest in running a car hire business. They have bought in to close it. The building it resides in and those surrounding it are part of plans for a new supermarket. Dick is left speechless.
Carlos: “THAT is tartar sauce. Now this is custard. Different no? And they LOOK different. Now you make no mistake tonight like with that Mr.Mortimer!”
Marilyn: “Oh, don’t be daft. Haven’t you ‘eard of a game called spot the deliberate mistake?”
Carlos: (Horrified) “You make on purpose?”
Christine has moved into her new accommodation and tells Philip its a new start for her and the baby.
Carlos is telephoned ‘by the police’ and heads off to identify two of the criminals involved in his recent beating. Shortly after however when Sergent Glover pops in Meg comes to the realisation the phone call was a hoax and Carlos is likely in danger.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 96: 15th MARCH, 1965: Sergent Glover is taking details of the call to the motel for Carlos. He believes he’s been lured into a trap. ‘They’re violent men and he’s one of the few who can identify them’. It’s been 45 minutes since Carlos left for an old warehouse at Mill Lane, Glover calls in squad car assistance and leaves for the warehouse
George is looking for a bear for the local dramatic society’s latest play. Harry the landlord thinks the brewery might have one, it used to advertise ‘Bruno’s Pale Ale’. Harry says its time to start a bear hunt...
Dick talks to Ruth about the car hire business being shut down so his offices can be demolished. Ruth wonders if there is any hope, Dick says it’s the helplessness that is getting him down.
“I feel much better, that talk with you did a lot of good. I’m in a fighting mood now. And even if I lose eventually I’ll give them a battle” – Dick
Meg discusses with Hugh her plans for an expansion, ‘I was thinking of the other side of the road, they built the road right through our garden three years ago. I’ve still got half an acre over there and there’s an old barn that might be able to be converted. Meg plans a coffee shop aimed at the youth market.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 97: 16th MARCH, 1965: Carlos’ bike had broken down so didn’t make it to the warehouse to meet the criminal gang who had plans to silence him, luckily for Carlos the police did get there in time and make arrests.
“You English you have some very strange customs. I think they are all mad.” – Carlos
Ruth has found a tatty falling apart old bear in the lounge at the Jarvis’ and has tried to get rid of it, the dustman however says she’ll need a special collection and it’ll cost a quid to remove such an item. She ponders burning it in the yard. Mrs Tranter recalls she once knew a taxidermist, but that isn’t any use.
Hugh has sent round to the motel one of his architects to discuss the coffee shop plan. Ross speaks with Meg and Ruth (who has just been telling Meg all about Dick’s problems with the car hire company) he’s arrived rather late in the evening and explains he’s been very busy with new plans for the centre of Longton. Meg and Ruth are both curious, but Mortimer Investments have no interest in Longton?
Ross explains its one of their subsidiary companies – WestLake Properties – working there, building a new supermarket, hotel and office facilities.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 98: 17th MARCH, 1965: Ross carries on explaining how Mortimer Investments have many business interests and is currently in control of several development companies in the Midlands. Ruth makes her excuses and leaves.
Later Meg talks to Ruth about the chat with Ross, and thinks it might be hopeful for Dick and the car hire firm; ‘Hugh is a terribly sweet man, very kind. He’s not ruthless at all’. Meg hopes to persuade Hugh to leave the car hire site out of the redevelopment.
Philip thinks Christine needs cheering up and has invited her to the weekly dance at the village hall. She’s reluctant to go after all the trouble with Ralph’s sister Winnie and her vile phone calls.
Victor’s brother Gordon turns up and gives Dick the willies.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 99: 18th MARCH, 1965: The late Victor’s brother Gordon is chatting with Dick and it soon turns to money – he wants to know how much of the car hire business is his. He’s told it’s 5%.
A Mr Alistair Hopkins checks in, Meg observes his case seems very light, and he tells her it’s empty – leaving her puzzled. As he signs the register he remarks on what a pretty ashtray the motel has, with the Crossroads logo on it. He’s given the key to Chalet 4 ‘Thirty shillings for bed and breakfast’ and
Meg thinks nothing more of it.
Sandy and Kate have another date at the motel. Philip notices the reception desk ashtray is missing…
Meg talks to Hugh about the redevelopment that involves the old Drury Car Hire site which Dick is now operating.
“I’m very sorry you brought the matter up, but as you did I ‘d better be equally frank. Friendship is one thing – and very pleasant too – but business Mrs. Richardson is business.” – Hugh
Hugh makes it clear he has no intention of redesigning his plans for the Longton town centre redevelopment, Dick’s business is not going to be part of the new site.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 100: 19th MARCH, 1965: Rumours have been spreading through the car hire drivers and Ken Church asks Dick for some reassurances as the grapevine is the business is to close. Dick says its the first he’s heard of it.
Mr Hopkins of Chalet 4 is taking coffee at reception, only it seems the teaspoon has vanished. Marilyn was sure she’d given him one… [Once she leaves he takes the sugar bowl and its contents and puts it in his briefcase.]
Having helped George, the lodger at the Jarvis’, with some of his rubbish Ruth tells Dick she’s sure he’s an alcoholic. Ruth says all the signs are there, she’s seen it all before with her husband.
Meg and Marilyn are talking in the kitchen about Mr Hopkins and both agree he appears to be very light-fingered. Marilyn notes a whole sugar bowl and its sugar cubes went missing while he was in the foyer. Dick meets Hugh at the motel reception desk and to the embarrassment of Meg, Hugh cuts Dick down to size.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 101: 22nd MARCH, 1965: Dick is gobsmacked by Ruth’s suggestion George has a drink problem. Dick says in knowing him for ten years he’d never had any signs of him being an alcoholic.
Marilyn and Christine discuss the ‘strange’ Mr Hopkins and the items that keep going missing. Marilyn says she’s reported him to Mrs Mortimer as a ‘weirdo’. Later Sandy is left unimpressed when after cleaning Hopkins’s car, all he gets is a ‘thank you’.
“Did you see that? As cool as you please, he walks clean past me. I spend at least an hour of my time cleaning his rotten car, and all he can do is to say ‘thanks very much’. What does Hopkins think I am? A charity organisation.” – Sandy
Ken, a car driver with Dick’s taxi company, pops round to see him and informs him former business partner Charlie Forward is opening a dry cleaning firm and has asked some of the drivers to switch to his new company. Ken informs Dick that he’s told Charlie he won’t be leaving Dick’s employment.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 102: 23rd MARCH, 1965: Sandy, Carlos, Philip and Marilyn are talking about ‘Chalet Number 4’ and its occupant, the strange Mr Hopkins, they all agree he’s very strange. Marilyn says she can’t wait for him to meet his comeuppance.
Christine and Marilyn unleash a plan to find out if Mr Hopkins is nicking the contents of the motel – from glasses to ashtrays and several other missing items. Marilyn accidentally spills gravy over Hopkins’s briefcase (which is on the floor next to the reception desk) She apologises and swiftly takes the case and gives it to Christine who says she’ll give it a good clean in the kitchen. Marilyn keeps him talking while Christine manages to open it, and discovers motel hand towels, motel-branded ashtrays and glasses from the bar as well as several items from ‘The Star Hotel, Bradford’
Dick is still unsure what he’s going to do to save the taxi firm from being demolished by Hugh Mortimer. Business partner Gordon Amos isn’t particularly interested he’s only concerned about the money he can make from it (having been left 5% by his late brother Victor). And former majority shareholder Charlie Forward is doing his best to cause unrest with the drivers, even offering them jobs elsewhere. Hugh isn’t returning his calls, and has made it clear to Meg that business and friendship are two very different things.
Then out of the blue Dick is visited at home by Hugh Mortimer.
“Good evening Mr. Jarvis. Hope you don’t mind me calling on you like this, but I understand you wanted to speak with me.” – Hugh Mortimer.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 103: 24th MARCH, 1965: Dick tells Hugh his visit has taken him by surprise. Hugh explains his time is limited and he won’t be staying long.
Dick and Ruth stand astonished at Hugh’s unexpected arrival at the Jarvis’ house. The pair discuss the taxi company, Hugh says there is no going back on his plans and there is no chance of any changes to them. He offers Dick £3500, a £1500 profit on his stake in the car hire. Dick declines, its Hugh’s turn to be left speechless.
“Look, I’ve got an appointment to keep the other side of Heathbury. My offer is a good one. Bearing in mind I hold the controlling interest of your business, you’re hardly in a position to bargain with me. My advice to you Jarvis is to sell while the going’s good.
“I don’t want to have to force you to sell, but I can, and I will. Believe me.” – Hugh Mortimer
Carlos is pining for his wife Josefina, he tells Philip how before bed she looks at his picture every night. Philip suggests that would surely give her nightmares.
Over at Kitty’s shop Ruth Bailey and Amy Turtle are overseeing sales, or lack of them today. Instead, Ruth has busied herself cleaning the shelves while Amy reads a recipe for Sherry Trifle.
Dick asks Hugh what sort of deal he might be doing with Gordon Amos, Hugh says that’s none of his business. Dick Disagrees. Hugh says he’s given Dick enough of his time and £3500 is the offer.
In the pub, George orders pineapple juice leaving landlord Harry a bit puzzled. Later alone at the Jarvis’ George ‘borrows’ from the sideboard a bottle of sherry. He isn’t planning on making a trifle.
Dick having spoken with Gordon Amos informs Hugh that he needs to reconsider his deal – Gordon is not selling to Hugh and he’s siding with Dick, which means Hugh is not the majority share holder in the car hire firm anymore.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 104: 25th MARCH, 1965: The young star of the Kings Oak Players has fallen ill and George and Dick ask Sandy to step into the part. Sandy rehearses with George and isn’t sure about the script but is lured to take part with reassurances from George he’ll like the part when he’s on the stage.
Brian and Janice at the car hire office discuss the latest gossip that Dick Jarvis may have just got ‘one over’ on Hugh Mortimer, a rare, if not unheard of feat. Janice is pleased Dick has been successful while Brian thinks his dad would be better off selling up and taking Hugh’s money offer.
“Listen this dump is about falling down anyway. Much better to accept Mortimer’s offer and clear out than have to spend a lot of money on repairs.” – Brian Jarvis
Amy and Ruth decide to make the Sherry Trifle that Amy found a recipe in a magazine, however when Ruth goes to the sideboard she discovers the sherry is missing. She’s bemused to its absence as it was unopened and she only bought it last week.
Dick is in The Crown with George who has been downing doubles of whisky alone most of the afternoon. When Dick shows concern he’s told to keep his business to himself.
Christine and Philip talk about how things are going, she confides in him that she isn’t sure ‘where things are going’ and he decides to take charge of their future direction by taking her in his arms and kissing her.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 105: 26th MARCH, 1965: Dick explains to Brian why he wants to continue running the taxi firm, and that it isn’t all about money. He’s built up a strong business and wants to carry on.
Ruth is clearing away the breakfast dishes when she spots a bottle of Sherry back in the sideboard that was missing yesterday. Dick thinks Ruth might be right about George and they both think he’s drunk one bottle and then replaced it. They both ponder on how to help him, but can an alcoholic be helped if they don’t want to be?
Janice and Brian have gone to the cinema, she fancies a Cary Grant movie ‘I think he’s smashing’, she says, adding, ‘So sophisticated. And it’s’ that dimple in his chin that gets me’.
Marilyn is telling Carlos about being mistaken as a prostitute by a policeman as she waited on the corner next to the bus depot. She explained she was waiting for her boyfriend Georgie, who now thanks to standing her up is the ex-boyfriend. He later calls to explain his rock band got called to a gig in a last-minute booking in Aston.
Sandy arrives at the Jarvis’ where George is expecting him for a rehearsal for the latest play the Kings Oak Players are performing. Amy has been alone in the shop while Ruth went into Heathbury centre. Run off her feet she sends Sandy straight through to the parlour, where he finds George facedown in front of the fireplace holding an empty bottle of sherry.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 106: 29th MARCH, 1965: Sandy and Ruth are looking at George lying on the floor of the Jarvis family lounge, Ruth slaps his face and he starts to stir. She gets Sandy to make him a strong coffee.
Meg is concerned Carlos is once again wayward. He’s been to see Josefina over the weekend and isn’t back yet. She’s given another cause for concern when Sandy, still at school and yet to sit his GCE, mentions George has offered him a job at the pottery factory.
“You are not leaving school, you are going to sit your GCE and you’re not going to work for George Patersham.” – Meg Richardson
Dick tries to talk to George about the boozing, but he’s once again told to mind his own business.
Hugh pops into the motel to see Meg. She observes that he rarely seems to relax. She notes that he has ‘half a mind on the conversation, and rest is miles away planning empires’. Hugh admits its true, but notes its what makes money, even if it makes him ‘dull’.
Christine interrupts the conversation to say Carlos has called and he’s been delayed. Meg mentions to Hugh how much of a problem Carlos has been, Mr Mortimer’s advice is to sack him when he finally shows up. Meg says he’s really not that bad, just a bit ‘unpredictable’.
Hugh tells Meg how Dick is holding up the Longton development and she agrees it does seem to be a bit unreasonable considering how much Hugh has offered him, £3500 is not to be taken lightly.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 107: 30th MARCH, 1965: Hugh and Meg discuss the issue with Dick not selling and delaying the Longton project. Hugh lightly suggests maybe someone should talk to Dick to show he is being a little unreasonable…
Ruth is concerned to find George’s bed hasn’t been slept in. Brian suggests maybe he spent the night in the Salvation Army. Dick isn’t impressed with his flippant attitude.
Carlos explains that the phone wasn’t working at the school where Josefina works, as there was a flood and the school was flooded too.
Village busybody Hilda Duvene has caught wind of gossip and pops into the shop to find out how George is. Ruth gives nothing away, saying he’d been a little unwell but is now fine.
Thinking they were free from the strangeness, having fled when his briefcase was rumbled and emptied of stolen wares from the motel, Mr Hopkins walks back in and asks to re-check in. Christine takes Meg to one side and reminds her of who he is. Meg says the motel is full (lying), and almost gets rid of him until a cancellation comes through which Mr Hopkins overhears
Gordon Amos has heard some interesting news on the Westlake Development that is to consume the area in which his and Dick Jarvis’ taxi firm resides in Longton. Gordon tells Dick that he’s heard the council is looking at developing the area too, but it could go two ways. They might get on board with Mortimer, which could make him more money – so his offer might become even higher. Or they could go on their own, which means Hugh would pull out and they’d not make any money. What do they do?
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 108: 31st MARCH, 1965: At the motel bar Mr Hopkins, now of chalet 6, meets Mr Gibley of chalet 4, and both learn they’re in the ‘collecting’ business.
George still hasn’t returned to the Jarvis’. Dick has asked around the village and no one’s seen him. Hugh Mortimer calls and asks to speak to Dick, he says in his phone call that he has an ‘alternative proposal’ about their little business problems. Dick makes out he’s terribly busy, but will fit Hugh in for 10am.
“(Sarcastically) Oh that’s very kind of you, Mr Jarvis. I’ll make every effort to be there.” – Hugh
Hugh meets Dick for their business meeting at the car hire office. Hugh notes its not often he sees the businesses he owns only for a short time. He describes it as a ‘rather insignificant car hire firm’ He goes on to tell Dick he is never stopped, especially by a business as small as the car firm. Hugh suggests that the new deal will be £3000 and a new site for the car hire office and parking. Dick however isn’t impressed at the location, Devon Lane in Aston – a dive!
“You poor fool, I could break you like THAT” (calming) “However, for one reason and another, I don’t want to do that. I’ll give you a bit longer to think about it.” – Hugh
Marilyn goes to clean Chalet 6 and discovers it’s been emptied by Mr Hopkins, the furniture, table lamp, mattress, the paintings from the walls, the towels, ashtrays and cups and glasses
During Marilyn relaying this information to Meg, Mr Gilbey checks out leaving ‘a large tip’ for the staff, which Meg reluctantly accepts.
Hugh pops into the Motel and speaks to Meg, inviting her out to dinner. He also has changed his mind about her getting involved with Dick, he says he doesn’t want to cause family conflicts and he will handle Dick alone.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 109: 1st APRIL, 1965: Mr Hopkins returns to the motel, and stuns Meg who decides to call the police. Hopkins is bemused, he is unsure what he could have done wrong. Meg says he’s stolen all the items in Chalet 6 that weren’t screwed down, and the chairs were brand new which she’s very annoyed about.
Hopkins says he didn’t sleep in Chalet 6, he swapped with Mr Gilbey of Chalet 4 as he preferred that room. He tells Meg he did notice early in the morning a van outside on the driveway that said ‘Wagstaff Removals’. Meg calls the police..
Dick finds George sleeping in the train station waiting room. George says he went to the River Slotter and had every intention of jumping in, but his fear of water got the better of him.
Meg offers Mr Hopkins a brandy as a way of apology. He admires the ashtray, Meg suggests he can have it if he likes, he declines and then changes his mind and promptly takes the item.
Back at the Jarvis’ Dick and George are discussing his addiction to drink and how it all began.
“I suppose you want to know how it all started? Why shouldn’t you? We’re old friends and I daresay you’ve got the usual morbid curiosity about these things – drugs, illegitimate babies, dirty books – read them thirteen times then complain they’re pornographic – that’s how an average man’s mind works isn’t it?” – George.
George goes on to say that everyone likes a drink, he just likes it more often than most. He never wants to be sober, ‘it’s like living in a dazed little world all of my own, where nothing matters and nothing can hurt you’. Dick responds by saying he’s killing himself slowly. Later a visit by Gordon Amos says sources have told him the council is going to refuse Hugh Mortimer’s Westlake Properties plans. Dick realises if Hugh finds this out he’ll pull out and withdraw his offer.
Over dinner Hugh woos Meg with a fine bit of conversation, ‘Mrs Richardson, Meg, we’ve known one another for a few weeks now. At first, you were no more than one of the odd characters I’m forced into contact with because of my business and the way I run it, but lately – lately you’ve become a little more to me…’
He confirms his intentions by presenting Meg with a diamond wristwatch.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
EPISODE 110: 2nd APRIL, 1965: Meg, taken aback, declines Hugh’s gift of a diamond wristwatch. He’s annoyed at her rejection. She says its far too expensive for her to be able to accept. She says if he wants friendship he has to earn it – not buy it.
Meg: “It might be the thing to do in your book, going around the place clubbing women over the head with diamond wristwatches, but most women prefer a little more… finesse. A little more gentleness.”
Hugh: “In other words, I’m not a gentleman. That’s what you’re implying. So I ask the question, is it the gift you are refusing, or me?”
Meg: “Try to understand. I’m flattered by the whole thing, but its taken my breath away. It came out of the blue. There’s no reason to give me this, if there had been a reason..”
Hugh: (Smiling)” Say no more. I’ll present it to you again… on your birthday!”
Ruth and Dick are talking about the Westlake development and how the council are likely to reject Hugh Mortimer’s plans to go ahead with their own for the centre of Longton. Ruth suggests Dick takes Hugh’s money before he finds out what the council are planning. He agrees to speak to Hugh and get the deal done hopefully before the press gets wind of the Westlake failure.
Meg is reminded of her feelings towards Philip as it becomes clear Christine and Philip are becoming close. At the shop George has asked for no visitors, and when Ruth turns Mrs Mears away, only to hear George she calls Ruth a ‘rude bitch’. Luckily, Ruth doesn’t hear. Ruth picks up a telegram from Australia, Leslie (Dick and Kitty’s daughter who Kitty is currently with) has fallen ill and her wedding has been postponed.
Episode Status: Missing/Wiped
Episode 86 sees the first appearance of Hugh Mortimer and John Bentley. In the script cast list, he is noted as being ‘Hugh Mortimer’ and ‘the father of Jonathan and Tony’. The TV Times listings however bill him as Motel Visitor for episode 86 and then Hugh Mortimer thereafter.
Portia the Great Dane is in residence in March 1965 – the Jarvis family also have a second dog introduced, a Yorkshire Terrier called Folly. (Portia was David Fennell’s real pet and Folly belonged to Beryl Johnstone).
Episode 98 (March 17th) Anthony Howard returns to the programme, this time however as George Amos the twin brother of the recently deceased Victor. Episode 100 (March 19th) Graham Weston reprises his role of Ken Church, last seen in December 1964.
One of the first longer-running ‘social issues’ is playing out with George and his alcohol addiction.
Episode 105 notes Meg’s office is ‘upstairs’ and the chalets only have radios, they don’t have television sets
Episode 109 reveals the motel’s telephone number is BURBANK 87346. (The motel is one mile west of Kings Oak Village centre.)
With thanks to Richard Danes for additional TV Times cast/writer credits missing from the ITC Script details. Synopsis written by Mike Garrett for The Crossroads Years.
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