JUNE 1965
PRODUCTION INFORMATION![]() Cast and story information from ITC Entertainment Programme Synopsis: Crossroads Episodes January-December 1965, TV World/TV Times/ TV listings. Producer: ERIC FAWCETT and REG WATSON Created by: HAZEL ADAIR AND PETER LING Directors: ALAN COLEMAN, TIM JONES, JACK BARTON, REG WATSON Written by: KENNETH HILL (week 31), DAN DOUGLAS (week 32), IVOR JAY (week 33) TERENCE DICKS & MILES RUDGE (week 34) Theme Tune: TONY HATCH Other Crew: Designers: REX SPENCER and ELIZABETH DORRITY, Floor Managers: PETER HARRIS and LIZ STERN, Production Manager: MARGARET FRENCH |

EPISODE 151 – MAY 31st: Monday’s visit to the Crossroads Motel picks up with the cliff hanger from Friday and the arrival of Winnie Palmer at the motel reception, much to the surprise of Christine Fuller – who the former had a few months earlier unleashed a barrage of anon hate to the ‘unmarried mother’ in several vile telephone calls. This time, however, after a spell getting mental health treatment, Winnie is ‘pleased for Christine’ that she has become friends again with her brother Ralph, the local milkman.
Monday, as the cockerel faintly continues to crow (see notes below for episode 151), Sandy is up early unable to sleep. It’s the week of his school exams. At the shop in Heathbury Ruth is also stressed – Glyn hasn’t shown up and she’s expecting a lot of angry people without newspapers to turn up.
“It was a mistake taking Glyn on, Ruth. I can’t help feeling it’s a rather good thing he’s finally let us down like this… it means we have an excuse to sack him.” – Dick Jarvis
Later at the car hire office, Gordon is updating Dick on his article about Hugh Mortimer. To get around several legal issues he’s going to first test the water with a generic ‘temptation and councillors’ item. Dick suggests Hugh will sue if there is any hint of it being directed towards him.
At the shop, Amy is closing up as Ruth goes to prepare the evening meal for the Jarvis’. Amy is about to lock the door and leave when she forgets her handbag, after collecting it she departs the shop – forgetting to lock the door. While Ruth is busy in the back kitchen Glyn sneaks in and helps himself to the till takings. He’s just about to leave when Ruth catches him at the till. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 152 – JUNE 1st: Glyn explains he’s taking the money from the till that he’s owed. Ruth says he might be owed it but that isn’t how it works – that is stealing. He explains he doesn’t want to work for the shop anymore now he knows Hugh Mortimer is involved with Dick. He tells Ruth his side of the story, how if it hadn’t been for Hugh his mother Doris would have been treated in Switzerland and would still be alive. Ruth explains that Hugh has nothing to do with the shop, its another business Dick and he are involved in so he has no need to stop working as their paperboy. He agrees to resume work tomorrow.

Ralph pops into the motel kitchen to give Christine a gift, its from Winnie. She remembered Christine liked it when she came to dinner once. It’s a locket that belonged to their late mother, Wendy. Christine, after a bit of persuasion, accepts it.
At the car hire office, Dick is trying to find out why Janice dumped Brian. She isn’t keen to talk about it, but says it was just one too many rows. ‘It would have been wrong to carry on the way it was. I am still fond of Brian, and I hope we can still be friends’.
Meg is enjoying the company of Hugh at his penthouse apartment, where the conversation turns to the council election and Hugh admits he is slightly nervous about it, its an entirely new avenue for him to be venturing into. Although he thinks nervous is probably the wrong word…
“Well, there’s something in it. I always get a feeling down here [touches his solar plexus] every time I’m bringing off something. I’m not sure I’d call it nerves though. It’s a sort of heady excitement which has some of the symptoms of nervousness, to be granted, but whether I’d call it by that name I’m not sure.” – Hugh Mortimer
Thoughts soon go from local politics to pleasure, and having hinted about marriage during their picnic at his country retreat a few weeks ago, Hugh finally asks; ‘Meg, will you marry me?’
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 153 – JUNE 2nd: Hugh has just asked Meg to marry him. She seems reluctant to respond. ‘I wish you hadn’t asked me tonight’ she notes, with Hugh observing ‘You’re looking reluctant my dear’. She responds with ‘don’t be cagey Hugh’ and as she’s about to say something else he says…

“I love you, Meg. I love you. And I hope you love me too. If you do, it might be a rather good idea if we got married?” – Hugh
Meg responds with two words that would be heard a few more times in Crossroads’ run “Oh, Hugh!”. Later she tells Hugh that she feels the same way. ‘The perfect partnership’ he responds. Meg however says there are complications…
“I’d like very much to marry you – but I’ve been married before, Hugh. I’ve got children to consider – I know it sounds trite to say that, but I’ve got to think of them. Oh, Jill doesn’t matter so much, I know. She’s grown up now and looking after herself, but Sandy. He’s different. He’s just the wrong age for this sort of thing to be happening. He could take it very badly.” – Meg
Hugh notes that teenagers these days are much tougher than she may think. He adds that he simply insists that they get married. Meg agrees, but asks if they can keep it a secret until after Sandy’s exams.
The next day at the motel Amy Turtle pops in and asks to see Mrs Richardson, Vi Blundell is very reluctant to help put the two together. She assumes Amy is meeting with Meg to replace her after all this speculation she’d be leaving to become a farmer’s wife.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 154 – JUNE 3rd: Meg chases after Vi down the driveway following an outburst that she’s no longer wanted and is being replaced. Meg asks her what is she on about. ‘That old woman, Amy Turtle is taking my job’. Meg says Mrs Turtle only popped into the motel to give Sandy some of Brian’s old clothes that he might like. Vi says she’s made a right twit of herself. She then explains to Meg how stressed she is by hubby Les urging her to quit the motel to work full-time at a farm he’s taking over.

Meg says maybe she should consider taking on the new position, while the motel would miss her, it sounds like an amazing opportunity.
Hugh is visited by a representative of the Conservative Party – although the name isn’t stated it’s made clear who they are by a comment from Hugh “they’re so popular they’ve just lost the General Election.” The representative, Mr Finlay, is trying to get Mortimer to stand for their party rather than as an independent ‘There are several important advantages, by far the most obvious is that we have a large majority in the ward already.’ Hugh declines. ‘The only time my father James in his lifetime ever lost money was when he meddled in politics.’ While he is standing for councillor it is to be independent of any political party or politics.
Mr and Mrs Robinson, who Josefina is sure are not who they seem, return for another two nights at the motel.
In the kitchen news has travelled fast that Vi Blundell, after fifteen years with the Richardson family, is leaving to join her husband in his new role as a farm manager, the live-in position will see her overseeing the housekeeping. Sandy suggests to Carlos they should throw her a farewell party.
Hugh has arranged a meeting with Gordon Amos, who wants to discuss his newspaper item concerning Joe Meredith who accuses Mortimer of several underhand issues. Hugh isn’t interested in the story, or The Clarion and its editorial standards. He gives Gordon a simple warning…
“If you go ahead and publish that article, I’ll use every means in my power to break you.” – Hugh
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 155 – June 4th: Meg has arrived at Hugh’s apartment just as Gordon is being thrown out. Meg suggests Hugh needs to learn to keep calm, especially now he’s going to be a public figure. Hugh says it doesn’t matter, Gordon will write what he likes anyway. ‘They love scandal. Reputations don’t mean a thing, they can disappear overnight.’
Christine and Vi are cleaning the kitchen, Vi taking a lot longer than usual. She tells Christine as it’s her last day working at the motel she’s taking it all in. ‘This has been more than a job for me, it’s been a family’ she notes.

“I can remember the first day I came to work here as if it was yesterday! Poor Mr Richardson was still alive then. I came as a daily to Mrs Richardson. Mr Richardson’s Aunt Clodagh whose house this was, had just passed away, and Mrs Richardson had just given birth to Sandy. It wasn’t a motel then, of course, just a lovely house. And what a happy family they were, then it was a B&B for a while. Oh, you’d have loved Mr Richardson – Charles – he was a fine handsome-looking fella he was. A bit highly strung mind, but that’s because he was artistic.
“He drew cartoons for the local paper. He used to say I often gave him some of his best ideas. I’d mention something perfectly ordinary and he’d say ‘that’s it’. It was awful him being cut off in his prime. It was the motorway cutting through here, that’s what sent him over the edge.” – Vi Blundell
At the shop Amy is telling Ruth about the ‘crazy’ Vi Blundell up at the motel who had her in a ‘hypnotic gaze’ and how she was rather scary.
In the function room, Meg is holding a farewell party for Vi Blundell.
“Fifteen candles, one for every year you’ve worked here. Has everyone got a drink? …Right then, here’s the toast. To Mrs Blundell and to her husband and to his new farm and their whole new future.” – Meg
Josefina is flustered, she is trying to get help to stop the Robinsons ‘kidnapping a child’. She takes Meg to one-side at the party and explains she was taking food to their chalet when she overheard them talking, they’re flying out to America where they won’t have any problems in keeping the youngster. Meg tells her to stop being silly, and not to let this imagination of hers get the better of her.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 156 – June 7th: Picking up the cliff-hanger of the previous episode Mrs Robinson has rushed into the motel reception looking for her husband, when she finds him she tells him ‘the kid is ill, maybe even dying!’ She askes him to get a doctor. They both rush off to their chalet.
Having witnessed the scene between the Robinson’s Meg walks over to Josefina and Vi, who are still enjoying the party food at Vi’s farewell party. Meg notes that Josefina might just be right about Mr and Mrs Robinson after all.
“Look, lets be sensible about this. We’ve already had enough trouble with that Spanish maid spying on us, and now the owner’s getting all suspicious. She’s no fool and we’re not going to be able to kid her. If we call a doctor here we’re liable to be stuck here till goodness knows when. And all that time she’ll be after us, wanting to know what’s going on.” – Mr Robinson
At the Jarvis’ Brian and Ruth are chatting, she was unware that Janice had broken off their engagement. Brian says he for the fist time in ages ‘feels free’. He then goes onto annoy Ruth by saying she was partly to blame for the relationship breakdown with Janice – because Janice had become very jealous of Ruth. Ruth says she really had no cause for jealously and suggests they’ll probably be back together soon enough. Brian disagrees.
Doctor Quilley is in the chalet with the child, and Mrs Robinson, while Mr Robinson waits with Meg in the reception. When the doctor comes to the desk he’s very annoyed and calls for an ambulance, stating its likely the boy appears to have had a reaction to some sort of sleeping drug. Following several further probing questions, Mrs Robinson admits they maybe should call the boys real mother.
Hugh has invited Alan Greaves Editor of The Clarion newspaper to dine at the motel. Alan tells Hugh its nothing personal and the story is topical. He admits it could harm his election chances but public interest stories are important.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 157 – June 8th: John Robinson arrives back from the hospital, at the motel his real wife Margaret is waiting in the reception. ‘I go away for a few days and what happens? My ex-husband of two years, makes a rapid reappearance, steals Richard [the child], runs off with him and then nearly kills him!’.
Meg has a meeting with Sam, the council have approved the GoCol plans for a Petrol Station at the motel.
Hugh is talking part in a debate concerning the forthcoming by-election. Joe Meredith is in the audience and is being a nuisance, however other members of the public tell him to be quiet so they can hear Mortimer.
“…The whole point of my personal campaign is that party politics play too dominant a role in local government. In fact, I’m not even sure whether they ought to be there at all. After all, where does party come into it? Party politics is either absurd or bad for the community.” – Hugh
Joe then announces to the gathered meeting that Mortimer obtained a contract with the council to build a housing estate three years ago, not on merit but by fiddling! He demands Hugh deny it…
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 158 – June 9th: Mid week motel action begins the next morning and Hugh pops into the motel to see Meg. ‘I thought Titans of Industry were at their desks early’ she notes. He says today he’s carrying his work with him and lifts his briefcase. The conversation turns to last night and the by-election debate which saw Hugh verbally abused by Joe Meredith. Meg suggests it wasn’t too bad, he just looked like someone with a grudge. Hugh says either way he’s got publicity and its not positive for the Mortimer campaign. Meg says all the local newspapers have run praising stories – apart from The Clarion which hasn’t said anything, yet. And that worries Hugh. He then adds he must be off – he’s meeting his lawyer to sue Meredith for slander.
Winnie has popped into the motel with Ralph for afternoon tea, but this time her mood is very different. When she spots Christine wearing her dead mother’s locket she accuses Christine of stealing it. Later the motel staff ponder the situation and think it sounds like Winnie’s had a relapse.
Josefina is bamboozled by alcohol talk by Wilfred McKenna at the motel bar.
“Was it not Doctor Johnson who said ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel’, and do I look like a scoundrel? A whisky if you would be so good. And none of that Irish rubbish either. Patriotism should never influence a man’s taste. I’ll have a scotch.” – Wilfred McKenna.
Meg has persuaded Hugh to speak to Joe Meredith rather than have a public legal case. If it doesn’t work, then take action. He reluctantly agrees.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 159 – June 10th: Wilfred ‘Finn’ McKenna is relaxing comfortably in the motel reception – everyone has gone to bed. The next morning Carlos finds Finn eating in the kitchen, having helped himself to breakfast.

Dick and Brian are barely talking after Dick gave a few words about Brian and Janice splitting up. Over breakfast he tries to show Brian he should try to make up with made-up ‘advice’ from a book he’s recently read. He also uses the moment to try and find out if Brian has feelings for Ruth and vice versa. Both make it clear without stating the obvious they do not, with Ruth saying if she ever was to get involved with a new fella he would most certainly be older than her.
Finn has managed to use his Irish charm on Meg, and passed himself off as a friend of Carlos so appears to be out of trouble. Finn is further in Meg’s good books when she finds he has fixed the noisy air conditioning unit in the Men’s toilets, but little realises only because it was disturbing his sleep.
At the car hire Janice makes a lunch date with Sam, who then asks her about new curtains for his lodgings. By the end of the conversation Janice has talked herself into making them for him.
“You’ve got to play the game Meredith, according to the rules. Kicking the board over only gets you thrown out of the club. What you do is to exploit your opponents weaknesses. Everybody’s got a chink in their amour somewhere. And if you look for it, then shove your dagger in. That is how to deal with Mortimer” – Gordon Amos
Amos has visited Joe about his outburst at the local meeting which has ended up putting Hugh Mortimer in a positive light with people sympathising with him due to ‘an abusive heckler’. Amos suggests Joe shouldn’t do it again. Joe says he’ll do it at every public event Mortimer is to attend. Amos says it will make him look bad, not Hugh. And if he wants Joe’s life story printed in the paper it isn’t the way to help make it happen…
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 160 – June 11th: Friday morning at the motel and Carlos is in a cheery mood. Christine isn’t so when Ralph arrives and tries to explain Winnie is a long way from being recovered fully, and that is why despite giving her a locket as a gift, she’d forgotten and then called Christine a thief. Christine isn’t so sure, but she’s willing to believe Ralph for their friendship.
Finn returns to the motel, explaining to Josefina that he is currently short of funds, but will have money soon. However this doesn’t seem to fix his current issue – he needs somewhere to stay. She fetches Meg. Knowing they’re short of staff now Vi has departed he offers his service ‘I can do the work of a woman, and the work of a man’ he notes. Kitchen and maintenance all rolled into one.
Hugh pops round to visit Joe and warns him he’s very angry, and he can afford the best legal team, while Joe hasn’t a penny. He also offers him some free advice.
“Now listen to me. You’re a man with ability, something unfortunate happened. You landed on square 99 and came down the snake – put it how you like – but you now want right back up to the top again. Well, so what. Plenty of people have fought their way back to the top again. But they only did it by putting their old life behind them and starting again. It’s the only way to do it.” – Hugh

Joe sees an opportunity, he says he’s riddled with debts so its difficult to start again with so much baggage. Hugh eyes an expensive chess set on the sideboard. He say’s as he knows Joe won’t accept charity, he’ll buy the board for £150. Joe says it cost £250 but he’ll take the offer.
Later Hugh visits Meg and shows her his chess board. He explains why he bought it and tells her he thinks that should now be the end of the matter with Joe Meredith.
Once Hugh leaves Sandy pushes a newspaper in his mother’s direction. As Meg reads it her face grows with horror.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 161 – June 14th: A new week at the Crossroads Motel continues with Friday’s cliff-hanger. The episode opens with Meg looking at a newspaper headline ‘Hugh Mortimer Engaged’ the article goes on to reveal his wife-to-be is Mrs Meg Richardson widowed owner of The Crossroads, a motel near Kings Oak. Sandy is horrified. Meg is horrified Sandy has found out about it this way.
“Now Jill has gone off to London to make her own way in the world, and in a few years you’ll want to leave home and make a career for yourself. I’m going to be very lonely Sandy. No one to turn to… or care for me. It’s not a nice future to look forward to. Now someone has come along whom I’m very fond of and he’s very fond of me. I know Hugh Mortimer and I can be very happy, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to do anything to destroy that happiness would you Sandy” – Meg
The following morning the news is also reported in the morning local papers. Hugh rushes to the motel to find out why Meg told the press, she says she hasn’t said a word – and wouldn’t have as Sandy’s very unhappy. Hugh is taken aback, ‘he dislikes me that much’. But if Meg and Hugh didn’t tell the press, then who did? Meg thinks, and says the only person she told was Ruth – and she wouldn’t, would she?
At the shop Amy is getting tangled up in a new display the local chocolate factory has sent to promote their latest product. While wrapped up in the ‘mobile display’ Amy notes to Ruth that is must be nice for Mrs Richardson to be engaged. Ruth looks at the newspapers with that very news on the front page.
Later at the shop Meg and Ruth discuss the newspaper coverage of her engagement to Hugh. Ruth says she was surprised to read it, Meg says someone leaked it to the paper. Ruth says she certainly didn’t do it. Ruth suggests Meg best ring Jill and let her know, hopefully none of the London press have printed anything. Their discussion is interrupted by Mrs. Mears falling into the chocolate display.
At the Railway station buffet Jill and Sandy are sitting at a table discussing their mother. Sandy is left disappointed that Jill thinks Meg marrying Hugh is actually a good idea, ‘but Jill, you just don’t know what he’s like’. Jill replies she does know what he’s like, she’s met him a few times reminding Sandy she’s friends with Jonathan Mortimer
Ruth and Brian are chatting about art while washing up the dishes in the Jarvis’ kitchen, Ruth accidentally gets soap on Brian’s shirt, she wipes it off, he then takes her into his arms and kisses her, at first she resists – then weakens to his charms.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 162 – June 15th: Jill and Meg are discussing Sandy’s distress at the thought Hugh Mortimer could soon be his step-father.
“Sandy’s young, he doesn’t understand. He’ll come round in the end just you wait and see. Anyway I think you’re doing the right thing to marry him mum. He’s a dish” – Jill
Ruth and Brian in the Jarvis’ parlour Ruth says she behaved ‘very foolishly last night’ and they should forget about their night of passion. Brain says they can’t just forget such a thing. She reaffirms that they simply must.
Finn is continuing to work as general kitchen assistant and motel handyman. Although Christine finds him anything but handy. Taking his time over everything, he suggests that work should be done well not rushed.
Meg and Jill are talking about her job in London, Jill enthuses how she loves working at Silhouette Magazine, the people and the lifestyle. She also says its taught her a lot and how stupid she behaved over Phillip Carroll. Meg says she’s very proud of her ‘independent, sophisticated daughter’.
“Having a brother like Sandy is giving me experience in solving human problems. A few more family crises like this and I’ll be a proper little Marjorie Proops!” – Jill
Sandy visits Hugh at his penthouse apartment. He says he’s not happy he has to find out what his mother gets up to via the local press. Is Hugh marrying his mum, and how soon. Hugh is taken aback by Sandy’s direct questioning
Hugh suggests that while it may be difficult for Sandy to like him, would it be so bad if he could stop hating him? Sandy has no response and leaves.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 163 – June 16th: Amy and Dick are looking through the morning papers in the shop, Amy is disgusted by all the strikes. ‘I don’t know how this country keeps going’ she notes. She says her sister Hilda, she has a husband always on strike at the car factory. She says she told him the other night ‘I don’t know how that place ever gets a car built’.

Dick says he has some good news, and his daughter Lesley is making a grand recovery, and the wedding should be back on for a fortnight. This also means Kitty will be back soon.
Finn and Sandy are talking about exams and how Sandy is coping with them. Disheartened he thinks he’s doing terribly. Finn says at least the education system is much better than when he was a young lad, Sandy isn’t convinced.
In The Crown pub, Heathbury, Dick and landlord Harry are looking through Harry’s old theatrical photos and posters in a box he’s just rediscovered, we see posters and pictures from productions such as ‘Dick Whittington, Theatre Royal Glasgow, 1936’ and a ‘Variety Bill’ for the ‘Hippodrome Theatre, Birmingham, 1936′ featuring Gracie Fields, George Formby, Will Hay and Arthur Tracy’.* Harry says the variety show was for charity, and he was proud to have appeared on it, even if he was bottom of the bill. They then both mourn the passing of the great old theatres, ‘Supermarkets, bingo halls, wrestling or boxing palaces now’.
“In those days Dick you could make a good living and never have to leave the Midlands if you didn’t want to. You did panto in the winter, a good summer season and a few odd variety dates between. You could live handsomely believe me. I wouldn’t want to be in the business now, but I do miss it.” – Harry
Dick suggests he put the posters in frames, and some of the pictures, and put them up in the pub. ‘You shouldn’t hide your talent under a bushel like this Harry, the posters will brighten the place up.’
Gordon Amos has the feeling Joe Meredith is up to something and he intends to find out what.
Finn makes a strange phone call, naming himself as ‘Sartorius’ and notes that he needs a little more time to arrange the money, but he’ll have it in a few days.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 164 – June 17th: Ralph and Christine are chatting in the kitchen, Ralph says Les Blundell is one big problem. Ever since he took over the farm its all started to go wrong. He says he hates going up there now, Les is a nightmare. He also confides that things with his sister Winnie haven’t got any better. She is back at the home after her relapse, but is soon going to have weekend visits. Ralph isn’t looking forward to those.

Amy and Ruth are discussing the recent Derby. Amy notes her husband Fred lost a bet and he was ‘like a raving lunatic’ he kicked the telly. She said she wasn’t fussed about him losing the bet, but she was annoyed he did £2 worth of damage to the TV set. (This scene notes to add a losing jockey name in at the last minute from the real recent derby).
Brian is furious with his dad after finding out he’s taking Ruth to the cinema. ‘Since when have you been interested in going to the pictures? Mum is always suggesting you go to see a movie, but you’ve always been too busy?’ After the film Ruth and Dick pop into the Crown, Dick is pleased to see it is now decked out with Harry’s theatrical past. (This appears to be a tribute to some real music hall stars as the camera shows some of the photos as Harry mentions names such as George Robey, Ella Shields…) Ruth suggests the pub should have an old time Music Hall night every now and again.
“I’m Burlington Bertie, I rise at ten thirty. Everyone knows me from Smith to Lord Roseberry. I’m Burlington Bertie from Bow” – Harry, Ruth and Dick singing in unison
Gordon makes sure he bumps into Hugh at the motel. He tells Hugh that Joe has retracted his information to the newspaper, but wouldn’t say why. Hugh is pleased, but doesn’t show it – he simply responds ‘that is very interesting’. He then turns his attention to the Clarion reporting the engagement first. Hugh demands to know who told Gordon. He says he can’t reveal his sources, but he confirms he was the journalist that was given the information.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 165 – June 18th: Finn is back on the phone pleading for more time to find the money he owes, he’s caught by Christine on the phone and changes the subject to books. He tells her he’s trying to sell some old books he thinks might be valuable to raise a bit of money. She says it sounds like its more hassle than they’d be worth.

Ruth corners Dick and says she must talk to him. Brian’s behaviour is becoming more and more strange. She tells Dick that Brian is ‘in love with her’. Dick suggests she should just ignore it, when he was Brian’s age he was falling in love with women all the time. She says she can’t forget it. ‘Because he loves me, and I don’t love him he also hates me’ She decides its best if she leaves, and Kitty will be back soon anyway. Dick says absolutely not, he will talk to Brian.
Milkman Ralph is still annoyed with Les Blundell who supplies the milk from the farm he’s running – or in Ralph’s view running badly. He says if it carries on he’ll have to make an official complaint about Les. Christine says to give it time.
Dick tries to discuss Ruth with Brian, but he isn’t in any mood to listen and tells his dad to mind his own business.
Hugh and Meg are relaxing in his apartment. He believes he knows who leaked the news of their forthcoming union to Gordon Amos after something Amos said, ‘a confidential source’. If Ruth hadn’t leaked it, and neither of them had it could only be someone who is supposed to operate for him ‘confidentially’ – his secretary. He believes she has been listening into his calls. He tells Meg she was fired as soon as he put two and two together.
Hugh: “In my employees I demand two qualities above all. Loyalty and efficiency. Anyone found wanting must fall by the way side”
Meg: “But surely you could have given her a second chance?”
Hugh: “I don’t give second chances in business.”
Their conversation turns to setting a wedding date. Meg says that due to Sandy they will ‘have to have a rather long engagement’ Hugh is not impressed at all by this suggestion and notes ‘I’ve a feeling if we don’t marry soon then there just won’t be any future for us together. I will not put up with a long engagement. It’s soon or never’ Meg says in that case it will have to be ‘never’.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 166 – June 21st: A new week in Kings Oak and Heathbury.
Ralph arrives at the motel to deliver the milk and is surprised that Christine isn’t on shift. Carlos informs him that she’s been given a week off due to the motel not being busy. Ralph feels put out. Carlos says he shouldn’t be, it was only decided last night. Carlos is also not impressed with Josefina. ‘She is lazy today because she has twice the work to do’. Josefina says it isn’t that, she’s not feeling well. He isn’t convinced.
Meg and Hugh are discussing their ‘soon’ or maybe ‘never’ wedding. Hugh suggests they should not make any hasty decisions on their future. Things have just got a little ‘hot under the collar’
“I don’t wear a collar Hugh, and nobody – nobody – puts one on me to drag me where I don’t want to go!” – Meg
Cliff Wiles pops into the car hire office to book a self-drive for Saturday. He tries to woo Janice, but she’s not that interested. ‘A car with plenty of room in the back’ he asks for. She says she knows his type. He frains fake hurt. Sam pops in and is surprised to see Cliff, they tell Janice they went to school together. Cliff is surprised that ‘Sam is working in such a dump’. Once he leaves he warns Janice off Cliff ‘you don’t have a police whistle’
Sandy takes a call at the reception from some people called Jackson and Payne. They asked for Sartorious. He tells them there isn’t anyone there with that name, when they mention McKenna he says now he knows who they mean and asks if he can take a message. Once they hang up he tells Meg that they sounded rough and threatening, he suggests they call the police.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 167 – June 22nd: Sandy has looked in the phone directory to see if there are any companies called ‘Jackson and Payne’ he tells Meg there is only one listed, a betting shop. She tells Sandy before they do anything she will talk to Finn first and find out what the situation is. When Finn is confronted by the bookies name, he says it must be another McKenna they’re after, it can’t be him. Meg is not believing a word of it. Later he tells her it is him, and he owes them £25.

Carlos is now starting to be concerned for Josefina, clearly she wasn’t being lazy and is actually ill. If she isn’t improving by tomorrow he will call for the doctor.
At the Television Centre Amos is recording an interview to feature on The Midland Viewpoint, (fictional ATV political programme), to discuss the forthcoming election.
Amos: “You know how municipal by-elections are. Not much interest. Usually a low turn out, I don’t think this one will be much different.”
Interviewer: “I’d have thought with the Labour candidate standing down and giving the independent Mortimer and Conservative Hoggarth a straight fight…”
Amos: “Yes, that certainly evens up the chances. I mean this has been a Tory stronghold for years. Mortimer might just upset the form.”
Interviewer: “What do you make of Mortimer?”
Amos: “Well, he’s just a Tory outsider. When he says he doesn’t like politics, what he means is he doesn’t like other people’s politics.”
The interviewer notes Hoggarth and Mortimer will be in to do their interviews and a dual debate live on Friday. Gordon Amos suggests a way of livening up the debate.
Janice and Sam spent last evening out on the town, but Sam is getting tired of Cliff calling trying to meet up for ‘old times sake’ he tells Janice if he calls the car hire again to tell him he has the wrong number. She suggests if Sam really doesn’t want to reconnect he should just be honest with Cliff..
Gordon has suggested to The Midland Viewpoint programme that they do an interview with Joe Meredith, the former councillor who was sent to jail for bribery when he became involved with Hugh Mortimer a number of years previous. The presenter, after some discussion, says fine if Gordon can arrange for Joe to come to the studios.
Meg is concerned for Josefina, she sees her nearly faint in the kitchen and suggests she go and lay down. Josefina tells Meg she is not ill, but she is having a bambina. “A baby!?” Meg asks.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 168 – June 23rd: Meg tells Josefina that it is wonderful news that she’s expecting. Josefina doesn’t seem so enthusiastic. Meg asks what is wrong, and why hasn’t she told Carlos? Josefina says if he finds out he will send her back to Spain.
Gordon visits Joe to discuss the television appearance. Joe says he’ll have to think about it, even if there is an appearance fee. Gordon is surprised at his lack of enthusiasm. Gordon explains that Mortimer and Hoggarth have agreed to appear, him appearing would be a little ‘pleasant surprise’ for the guests. After some consideration, Joe agrees.
After Carlos has his suspicions raised Josefina tells him she is pregnant. He is delighted
Sam visits Meg to find out how the petrol plans are progressing, however when he discovers there isn’t money for an expansion such as a garage he tells Meg she’s strung him along making out she’s raking it in when she’s got debts and barely makes a profit. He leaves enraged. Meg calls him ‘Sam Tearaway’ and tells Josefina if he asks for her ever again she’s not in.
Outside the motel Sam bumps into Cliff, who suggests he has an easy job for him. Sam’s not interested until Cliff asks if Dick Jarvis knows what kind of school they went to?
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 169 – June 24th: Cliff wants Sam to collect a debt from someone, an old man, up at the motel. He owes £25. Sam asks if he’s a heavy for a bookies, he confirms so. Cliff says its an easy job, and no one need find out where they both were educated. The name is Finn McKenna, an Irishman.
Meg and Hugh are having a coffee at his penthouse. Meg observes there is too much hate in the world these days. Speaking of such things he turns the conversation to love and what are they going to do about going forward? Meg says she hasn’t made any decision; she thinks Sandy is ’emotionally disturbed’ by the whole thing.
“Now you listen to me Meg. What that boy needs is a straight talk. No nonsense. No velvet glove mincing. Straight to the point. He’s trying it on, I tell you. Emotional blackmail. That’s what it is” – Hugh
Sam pops to the motel and encounters Sandy, who informs him Meg is out. Sam is secretly relived. Later he finds Finn and tells him the bookies are getting serious about their money due. He says the next person they send round won’t be just issuing words so he needs to find that cash.
Finn says he can’t pay right now, Sam says in that case he has a message for him, he hands it to McKenna. The note says for Finn to be at The Crown, Heathbury, on Friday at 7pm.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 170 – June 25th: Meg asks Carlos if Sam had popped in last night, Carlos says he doesn’t know he didn’t see him. Meg says she was sure she passed him on the road just outside the motel.
The realisation of becoming a father has kicked in for Carlos he says what is he to do? He will need to find a proper home for the family to live and Josefina not working will make it more of a cost problem. Meg says they will all work something out when the time arrives.
Sam has agreed to go with Finn to The Crown where they’re to meet some unknown men about Finn’s bookies debts.
At the ATV Studios Hugh Mortimer is being given the rundown of how The Midland Viewpoint will air, live, later this evening. While Hugh is being inspected to whether he needs make-up, Joe Meredith enters the studio.
Cliff and a fella called Tiny are in The Crown waiting for Finn to arrive. Harry tries to make small talk, but they’re not interested. Finn and Sam arrive, they discuss his financial problem. Finn explains how he’s good with dogs, he’s had past experience. Maybe they can come to a new arrangement. Cliff is open to the suggestion.
The Midland Viewpoint is live on air and the debate has been going between Mortimer and Hoggart, but then attention turns to Meredith who talks of his own past experiences.
“What I’m saying is that I’ve learned how easy it is to feather your nest if you’re a councillor and you’re in a certain kind of business
“I’ve got something to prove that Mortimer is a fraud.” – Joe Meredith
He pulls out a cheque signed by Hugh Mortimer for £150. Hoggarth can’t contain his delight, ‘fantastic’ he shouts. Mortimer declares Meredith a liar while Meredith continues to showcase the cheque saying ‘its a bribe’. The programme cuts away to Gordon Amos’ pre-recorded interview.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 171 – June 28th: At the ATV Studios Gordon Amos is at the reception desk on the phone to his editor at The Clarion, Alan Greaves, about what has just been broadcast to the Midlands. Gordon confirms it was a genuine cheque, he notes the ATV switchboard has been jammed ever since the show ended. Mortimer is refusing to make any comment, his only comment is ‘no comment’ to any questions.
Gordon tries to get a comment from Hugh when he walks through the foyer; ‘you’ve just been accused of corruption and bribery on TV tonight, in front of possibly three million viewers?’ Hugh’s response is blunt, ‘Oh, go to hell’.
Finn has been talking to Christine and somehow in his blether and bluster he’s convinced her to loan him £25 to make a profit on ‘first edition books’. Little does she know he’s already borrowed £1 from Ralph and failed to repay. She asks if she could have it back by Saturday. He says that is a deal. She will give him the money tomorrow.
At the motel bar Meg and Hugh are discussing his live television disaster.
Hugh: “You saw the little drama, eh? (Meg nods, sadly) You – and what three million others – I had no idea, no idea at all he’d be there. Had I known I might have been prepared. (sighs). But as it is – that little rat had me completely floored. I hand’t got a leg to stand on.”
Meg: (Sympathetically) “I know. It must have been awful. But whose idea was it that Meredith should be on the programme in the first place? The producer? The presenter?”
Hugh: “Neither apparently, that second rate journalist friend of Dick’s put them up to it – Gordon Amos”
Later Meg talks to Gordon about the TV revelations and explains that the cheque isn’t what it seems, it was for the chess set now sitting in Meg’s office. Gordon looks at it and recognises it. He says sadly, truth or not, its all too late. Three million people have already made up their mind. Mortimer has no chance of winning now.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 172 – June 29th: The previous evening continues; ‘No smoke without fire’ Meg sighs, resigning herself to admit Hugh’s political career is over before its even started. Gordon isn’t really interested in clearing Hugh’s name, but he notices an auction sticker on the chess board. He asks if he can take the details. Meg says fine. He says this may prove Joe once owned it and that would be a start to show the payment was for this and not a bribe.

Christine tells Ralph about Finn’s plan to make money and how she said she’ll let him have £25. He says he’ll make with that £50. Ralph says she must be mad to have done that and urges her not to give him the money.
At the car hire Brian pops in to see Janice, but it isn’t a social call. He asks if he could have his LPs back that he let her borrow when they were together. She says she’ll get them to him as soon as possible. When he offers to collect them she says he can’t, as she’s loaned them to Sam Redway. Brian is outraged
Ralph catches up with Finn and warns him to quit with the ‘confidence tricks’ and to leave Christine alone or he’ll have the police round for a word. Finn is shook by this forceful warning.
At the motel bar later Finn begs Sam to give him £25. Sam is astounded. He tells Finn he hasn’t got that much money so he can’t help. Finn explains he needs the money to pay off Cliff and Tiny as the only other way they’re willing to let him off is if he gets involved in something illegal, something that could get him five or six years in prison.
Sandy, fixing his bicycle chain, listens at the open window curiously.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 173 – June 30th: Midweek visit to the Crossroads Motel and Sam tells Finn not to worry and the scheme with the dogs, it shouldn’t come to that. Just give him time to think of something, he’ll be in touch. Finn says he can’t help but worry. Outside Sam catches Sandy under the window, but is convinced he’s just fixing his bike chain, which he helps with under the understanding anything Sandy may have heard he keeps to himself.
The next morning Christine is being short with Ralph over his dislike of Finn and suggesting she shouldn’t give him any money.
“Christine! What’s the matter with you? I know damn well it’s your money. No one said it wasn’t. But I’d have thought you’d have had a little more respect for it. And don’t tell me it’s none of my business neither. Your business is my concern. And why? Because I’m in love with you, that’s why! And if you’d only climb down from your high horse once in a while I’d tell you”– Ralph

Gordon pops into the motel and tells Meg he’s done some investigating and he can prove that Joe Meredith purchased the chess set. And he paid £95 for it. ‘It’s all here in the Kenton Auction Rooms details.’ Gordon observes, adding how, ‘It doesn’t clear Mortimer yet, but I’ll present this information to Meredith and see what he has to say.’
At a transport café Sam meets up with Cliff and tries to persuade him to quit hounding Finn for the money, and to not get him involved in greyhound doping. The conversation turns however to involving Sam, does he want to make a lot of money? They need someone who can pick the locks to the greyhounds.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 174 – July 1st: Gordon visits Joe at his home, complete with chess board and a copy of the Kenton Auction House paperwork. At first Joe doesn’t notice the package and mentions he has heard Mortimer is withdrawing from the local election. Gordon says he has heard the same but that isn’t why he’s popped round. He tells him the details he’s unearthed. Joe says ‘well it was time someone played Mortimer at his own game’, but Gordon points out – Hugh never leaves a trace. Unfortunately Joe just isn’t clever enough to compete. Joe says he doesn’t care, he’s ruined Mortimer’s chances at winning the election and that is all that matters.
Janice pops into the Jarvis’ to return Brian’s LPs, his happiness however is soon dampened when he finds his favourite has been scratched. Janice says it must have already been like that, angrily Brian says it was not. There is no sign of them being friendly any time soon. Later Brian takes a call from Kitty, the wedding went well.
Gordon returns to see Joe, to see if he’s thought about telling the truth about Hugh. Gordon mentions that it could all end up in court if Hugh sues him for the lies he’s told – especially now there is proof the chess board, which was in Mortimer’s possession, was once owned by Joe. Joe reluctantly says he hasn’t much choice but to make a public apology.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 175 – July 2nd: Friday in the West Midlands and its the day of the plan to dope a greyhound with an injection that will ensure it will speed to the finish line at the race in the morning. Sam and Finn are joined at the motel bar by Cliff and Tiny for a drink before they head off.
In the dining room Josefina feels faint and flops into a chair. Christine takes her to lay down and then informs Meg, who says she’ll check in on her in a moment. On her way to Josefina she realises the reception is empty, Finn and company have all vanished. Finn is supposed to be working. Meg is puzzled.
Outside the greyhound kennels the plan is put into action, Sam and Finn get out the car and head to the gates. Sam picks the lock, Tiny and Finn head off towards the kennel of their ‘winning greyhound’. Cliff and Sam keep watch.
At the motel Sandy sneaks through the kitchen, taking an apple on the way. He then puts on his coat and makes for the night.
In the kennel Finn is talking to the dog, much to Tiny’s irritation, when it comes to putting the Mexadrine into the greyhound Finn has a change of heart, say’s its likely to kill the dog, so he won’t do it. As Tiny gets nasty Finn gives him some crushing blows to the chest.
Hugh pops into the motel, Meg says does he know the time, everyone else has gone home or are in bed. He says he won’t stay long then. She says there is always time for a brandy. They both have one at the bar. He confides that he hasn’t had much sleep for a week, he doesn’t take being beaten well. And especially to lose to someone like Joe Meredith.
“I believe in you, Hugh. Your ability, your integrity. You. And I’m serious. You make me angry sometimes, you really do. I mean the least you could do is have a little more faith in yourself.” – Meg
At the kennels gates Finn appears with the dog and tells Cliff he isn’t going to do the race cheating plan, Cliff goes in for a punch but Sam stops him, knocking him to the floor. Sandy is observing from bushes on the other side of the street. Sam, Finn and the greyhound speed off in Sam’s car. However the headlights illuminate Sandy, who is seen by Cliff and Tiny. He tries to make an escape on his bike, but they grab him.
Back at the motel Sam and Finn put the dog in the boiler house. They turn out the kitchen lights ready to go their separate ways when the reception phone starts ringing, Sam rushes to silence it. He picks up the receiver, ‘Crossroads Motel,’.., Cliff is on the other end of the phone with a warning ‘You really shouldn’t have done that tonight Sam…’
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
∇Patricia Greene would have a number of roles in Crossroads including her most high profile in 1969 as the housekeeper for Meg and Malcolm Ryder, during the period he was attempting to poison his wife with tablets and toxic paint.
Episode 153 sees Amy Turtle visit the motel for the first time.
Episode 155 and Vi Blundell’s description of Charles Richardson’s demise makes it sound like he committed suicide however all known notes on Mr Richardson state that the stress of the motorway caused him to suffer a heart attack.
Episode 161 sees a surprise return of Jane Rossington as Jill which isn’t listed in the TV guide for that episode. She is listed in the TV World/TV Times for episode 162.
Episode 151 has a telecine sequence recorded at Walford Hall with the title ‘Countryside at Sunrise’ its description notes ‘Slow pan of countryside area behind the motel, a flush of dawn in the sky. A cockerel crows as the motel and house come into view.’
Another shot later in episode 151 notes ‘Rain on the village shopping centre, rooftops pouring rain. Cut to Heathbury centre bus passing, wet tyres on road.’ Both Kings Oak area and Heathbury were recorded at Hall Green.
Episode 163 notes they have now a set for ‘exterior motel – old house’. This episode also reveals Amy Turtle’s sister is called Hilda. Episode 164 notes her husband is called Fred.
Episode 152 has a telecine scene shot showing the exterior of a street at night, and a focus on a window where curtains are being closed. Episode 153 has a scene recorded on ‘Stratford Road at rush hour’.
Episode 156 has a sequence at Edgbaston with Sandy watching a cricket match.
Episode 171 features the real foyer of Alpha TV Studios in Aston the then home of ATV and ABC TV. The exterior frontage is also seen at the very start of the episode as it zooms into the foyer doors.
Episode 162 reveals Hugh Mortimer’s penthouse phone number is Bluebell 3821.
*Episode 136 appears to feature real variety bills from 1936. Having checked with the archives, Dick Whittington was the panto at the Theatre Royal Glasgow in that year.
With thanks to Richard Danes for additional TV Times cast/writer credits missing from the ITC Storyline Guide/TV World script details. Synopsis written by Mike Garrett for The Crossroads Years.
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