JULY 1965
PRODUCTION INFORMATION![]() Cast and story information from ITC Entertainment Programme Synopsis: Crossroads Episodes January-December 1965, TV World/TV Times/ TV listings. Producer: REG WATSON Created by: HAZEL ADAIR AND PETER LING Directors: ALAN COLEMAN, TIM JONES, JACK BARTON, REG WATSON Written by: HAZEL ADAIR AND PETER LING (week 35), PAUL ERICSON (week 36), DAVID ELLIS (week 37) IVOR JAY (week 38) Theme Tune: TONY HATCH Other Crew: Designers: REX SPENCER and ELIZABETH DORRITY, Floor Managers: PETER HARRIS and LIZ STERN, Production Manager: MARGARET FRENCH |
The editions for Thursday, July 1st and Friday, July 2nd can be seen in June’s storylines.
EPISODE 176 – JULY 5th: This episode’s first half is entirely focused on the one storyline of the greyhound scam.
The scene from Friday’s cliff-hanger carries on. Sam has answered the motel phone, Cliff on the other end says he had a hunch Sam and Finn would be up at the motel with the dog. He also tells them he has Sandy, who foolishly decided to watch what was going on. Cliff says its very simple, exchange the dog for the kid and everything will be fine. They are to exchange Sandy for the greyhound at the 24-hour Black Cat Café.
Meg enters the reception, asking what is going on. Sam makes excuses that he’s just dropped Finn off at the motel after an evening out. She doesn’t question why Finn suddenly disappeared earlier and goes back to bed half-asleep.

On the way to The Black Cat Café, Sam has a thought. Cliff can’t be trusted at the best of times, they’ve already now got into trouble with him for taking the dog, what if he’s got some heavies to beat them up once they’ve got the dog? He suggests while they’ll be in trouble the best thing might be to call the police and explain the whole thing…
Meanwhile at the truck stop outside the café Tiny has decided to stretch his legs while Cliff waits inside with a coffee. Sandy pretending to be asleep sees his chance and darts from the car into bushes and off into the night. Tiny breaks the bad news to Cliff who says they will just have to pretend Sandy is still being held to get the dog back.
Sam and Finn arrive and meet Cliff, Sam says no dog until he’s seen Sandy is safe and unharmed. Tiny decides to rough up Finn, to get the dog – outside the police are waiting. Cliff tries to make a run for it, but is grabbed by Sam.
Part Two is the following morning. Meg is concerned Sandy has gone wayward. His bed is slept in, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Finn thinks Sandy is at the motel, when Meg says he isn’t, he’s surprised. Meg then wants to know just what they’ve all been up to…
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 177 – JULY 6th: Sam finds Sandy hiding in his room at his lodgings, he said he told Sam’s landlady he had a urgent message to pass on so she let him in. Sam explains the police are now involved and he is safe to go home, before he causes any more trouble.
Carlos and Josefina are discussing when the time comes, what they will do for living arrangements when Josefina no longer is working and looking after the baby. Meg suggests they ask Vi Blundell about becoming lodgers at the farm, its a big house with lots of rooms. Josefina likes the idea, Carlos isn’t so keen.

Meg is surprised when Sandy walks back into the motel foyer like nothing has happened. She’s furious with him, then she’s furious with Sam and lays all the blame on him.
Gordon catches up with Hugh and tells him Joe is going to make a public apology in the newspapers and on the local television news. Hugh says while that is a positive step, it probably won’t do much good, the damage has been done.
Sam visits Meg to try and explain, but she says he needs to stay away from the motel and Sandy as the latter seems to have a misplaced ‘hero worship’ problem going on. And that means his petrol station position is ended too.
“If you imagine I’d still employ you after all that’s happened – you’re a bigger fool than I thought… No, Mr Redway. That’s all finished now. You finished it.” – Meg
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 178 – JULY 7th: Wednesday’s episode sees the Jarvis’ getting ready for the return of Kitty Jarvis – who is heading back to Heathbury following her extended stay in Australia for the wedding of daughter Leslie.
Outside the motel kitchen Sandy is cleaning his shoes while Finn is cleaning some candlesticks that he says reminds him of the Bishop’s candlesticks in Les Misérables. Sandy isn’t sure what Finn is on about but asks if it’s about a vagrant who steals a greyhound. Finn is wounded.
After making his public apology, Joe surprises Hugh as he’s heading to his car. Joe tells Mortimer that while he may have won this battle he hasn’t won the war. Joe says Hugh is no better than all the criminals around
Joe: “You are as much a guilty man as I am. Fred Ackroyd and I were little men, we made a mistake and went to prison for it. If you weren’t so powerful you’d be there too. And I’ll see that happens yet.”
Hugh: “Do you really believe that?”
Joe: “I know what you did to me, I know what you said to Fred”
Hugh: “Just what did I say to Fred?”
Joe: “That if it could be seen that I could swing the precinct contract in your favour you’d see us all right”
Hugh tells Joe to get in his car, he thinks its about time this was all straightened out…

Finn tells Carlos and Sandy that Saland, the greyhound, is now fine and back with his owner. It reminds Carlos of his run-in with gangster Nick Tulley, and how he was beaten to be silenced, but spoke the truth in court and is like ‘Abraham Lincoln’ noting ‘No father, I cannot tell a lie’. Sandy suggests he means George Washington. Later Finn gets a call from a Mr Curtis, owner of Saland. He wants to see him.
Hugh explains that what he said was not bribery or anything underhand. All he had suggested to Fred is that if Mortimer Investments won the contract he’d be able to offer a lot more work to several companies. He didn’t ask anyone to sway or bribe. But he did suggest that Fred may seek to hire Joe for work, but only because of Doris’ illness. Legit work, nothing underhand. Hugh notes clearly Fred either has a grand imagination or has interpreted his intentions entirely incorrectly. Joe says it sounds plausible. He offers Hugh a personal apology.
Finn is worried that the greyhound’s owner is after his blood for the doping plot, however he’s surprised when he’s given a financial reward for ‘protecting the dog’ from a possible death.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 179 – JULY 8th: Dick Jarvis has been called to see Hugh at the HQ of Mortimer Investments. Slightly worried about what ‘his boss’ could possibly want, he is relieved to learn it’s about the premises’ of the car hire company. The swanky new offices provided by Hugh will be open and ready on August 2nd. Dick is concerned that Hugh will be overseeing things at the new place.
“You were afraid I’d be poking my nose in all the time? No, my dear chap. You’re the expert on cars and hiring them out. I shall leave the running of the business entirely to you. As far as I’m concerned you’re the boss. It just happens to be my money backing the venture, my gamble” – Hugh

Marilyn Gates makes a surprise return to the motel. She say’s she is just in the Midlands for a few days with Benny to visit family. She also says Benny’s agent is coming to arrange the new contracts for the band and herself. So she’d like to arrange a business dinner in the restaurant.
Sam and Janice kiss, he explains his problem with his motel venture and how Meg is being unreasonable. Janice thinks its rotten he’s now a petrol station short of a future.
Kitty returns home to be greeted by the spruced up parlour filled with flowers from Amy, Brian, Janice, Meg and Ruth. Sandy has also popped in to welcome her back. ‘It’s funny, now I’m back it only seems like yesterday’ Kitty observes, adding ‘and yet so much has happened’…
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 180 – JULY 9th: Kitty and Ruth are discussing what has been going on since she was last at home, with Kitty thanking Ruth for looking after the shop, and the family during her absence. ‘I’m very grateful to you Ruth’ she states. They then talk about Leslie and Jimmy’s wedding, Kitty says she’s become very fond of her son-in-law.

Hugh has called Joe and Glyn to his office for a meeting. He tells them that now things have been explained and Mortimer Investment has never intentionally, nor him, tried to bribe or harm anyone it is time to start a fresh. He thanks Joe for the apologies both public and private. And says he’d like to return the favour. He notes his sources tell him that Glyn is good with electrical work. So he’s willing to pay for his training at Technical College and then employ Glyn as an electrician. Joe is rather taken by surprise, but pleasantly so of this offer. Glyn is still holding a grudge. Joe says he’ll attempt to talk Glyn round. ‘That boy has quite a sizable chip on his shoulder’ Hugh notes..
Kitty asks Ruth to stay on and run the shop a little while longer while she catches up with everything she needs to now she’s back, but she’ll take care of the family side of things from now on. Ruth agrees to help out a little longer.
At the motel Meg is talking to Carlos, he says he’s spoken to Vi Blundell and when the time arrives she’s happy to take him, Josefina and the baby in as paying lodgers. Josefina has a dizzy spell at the bar, but thinks she’s been bending too fast and passes it off as unimportant. Meg tells her she needs to slow down now she’s pregnant.
“I used to work here myself, you remember Mr Silver? Before I decided to break into show business, that is. Mind you, I’ve always had a hankering for the stage, haven’t I Benny?
“I was reading a magazine the other day and Adam Faith, or was it Tom Jones?, anyway one of them said if you have talent its your duty to perform.” – Marilyn.
Benny and Marilyn have met up with the agent for Georgie Saint and the Dragons, Mr Silver, who goes through the contract with Benny, while Marilyn talks of the grand ideas she has as a performer. Until Silver, tired of her endless chatter declares ‘Fact is dear, you’re not included in the contract, there’s no place for a girl singer.’ Marilyn is aghast. Elsewhere Christine and Ralph have gone for an evening walk from Burbank to Kings Oak, while taking a moment to look at the sunset skyline Ralph asks Christine to marry him. She says yes.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 181 – JULY 12th: Christine and Ralph are thinking about the future, as a family with Mark. But Ralph suggests they keep it quiet until they can tell his disturbed sister Winnie face to face.

Kitty is trying to get to the bottom of why Brian called off things with Janice or was it the other way round? She wants to know the details, but Brian says he hasn’t the time to discuss it. But he does tell his mum that it was Janice who said they should call it quits. Kitty can’t believe it. At the car hire office Sam asks Janice out on another date – which she accepts.
Josefina has been told to rest by Meg, Marilyn has happily offered to help out in the meantime, which was graciously accepted.
Kitty is talking to Ruth about Brian and Janice, with Kitty thinking maybe Janice became jealous of Ruth due to how much time they’d spent together, Ruth tells her it is unfortunately the other way round – Brian has fallen in love with her, with out any encouragement.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 182 – JULY 13th: Kitty and Ruth carry on their conversation about Brian’s unrequited love for Ruth. Kitty is taken aback. She asks how Ruth feels for Brian and responds with only fondness. She says she’s as sad as anyone that Janice called off things with Brian.
“I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you Kitty, I’m sure that the attraction Brian feels for me is only a passing thing. And now it’s all open and above board, I’ve agreed to be friends with him.” – Ruth
Ralph’s having a day off, Les Blundell delivers the milk to the motel. He also takes Carlos to one side and says he’s thought about the lodging situation and thinks it might be a bad idea, he’s sorry Vi has given them false hope.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 183 – JULY 14th: Hilda Duvene has roped Sandy and Dick in to help with a jumble sale to support the Kings Oak Players funding. At the motel Finn is getting acquainted with Marilyn. She doesn’t quite understand why he likes to collect ‘old tat’. He tells her he’s collected many different things. It used to be matchboxes, and now it currently is old books.

Sam and Janice are looking forward to their latest evening together, a trip to the Heathbury Swimming Pool and then a meal afterwards. Their happy chat is cut short by Dick who accuses Sam of scratching the newly resprayed company car he’d been using. Sam furiously walks out.
Kitty is helping Sandy pick some items for the jumble sale, she tells him ‘Uncle Dick won’t want an old sweater anymore’. Sandy gives it a critical review and a low price. Kitty then tells him she kit it years ago, but Dick would agree with him – he hated it too.
Sandy talks to Kitty about Sam Redway, says he helped him a few times, and especially recently with some nasty guys. Kitty says she knows and he should count himself lucky. Sandy says he wants to help Sam now. He was going to run a petrol station at the motel but Meg is so angry with Sam she’s called it off. Sandy asks his Aunt Kitty to speak to Meg about it see if she can persuade her to change her mind. Kitty says she’ll think about it.
At the pool Sam and Janice are discussing Dick’s accusations that he’d scratched a car hire vehicle.
Janice: “It was nasty. I must say. I’ve never seen Mr Jarvis going off like that before.”
Sam: “And the whole point is this, Janice, I never touched that saloon car. I don’t know who did the damage, but I know that I didn’t!”
Janice: “Well, he does have a lot of worries. I mean the business is moving shortly. He has a lot on his mind.”
Sandy has been helping Finn sort though some of the books, and let Josefina borrow one to read. Now no one can find The Way Beyond. Finn says they all need look for it. Marilyn is curious why he’s so concerned about an old rotten book? Because it’s worth £200 Finn tells them. Carlos, Josefina, Marilyn and Sandy start frantically looking for the book.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 184 – JULY 15th: Christine has a go at Les for telling Carlos and Josefina they can’t lodge up at his farm. He tells her not to go on at him he’s already had Vi giving him earache over it. Christine then turns her attentions to why Ralph hasn’t delivered the milk today? Les says he’s been sent on a special delivery. Which turns his attention back to Josefina. He confides in her that Vi told him Josefina had miscarried once before back in Spain he said he doesn’t want to have the responsibility of a baby, especially as the farm is in the middle of nowhere if something went wrong. She says none of this is his concern – that is for Carlos and Josefina to worry about. She urges him to reconsider.

Finn asks Sandy if the valuable book could have accidentally got into his jumble sale collection. Sandy says he doesn’t think so they weren’t in the same room. Finn suggests they check with Duvene just to be sure.
Les explains to Carlos and Josefina why he overruled Vi, but says that if they’re happy to be lodgers at the farmhouse then they are welcome.
Christine and Ralph have headed to the hospital where his sister Winnie is being treated for her mental health issues to tell her about their forthcoming wedding. They’re both solemn, not sure how she’ll take it.
“Well for a couple who are doing the right thing at last, I do think you could at least smile about it!
…and if you take some advice from me you’ll get married as soon as possible. There is no point in long engagements.” – Winnie
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 185 – JULY 16th: The end of another week at the Crossroads Motel and at the car hire office Sam and Janice are pondering his future with the company, things aren’t looking good for him now Dick has taken quite a dislike of him, partly brought on by Meg’s issues with Sam recently. He’s surprised when Kitty calls into the office and says he’s the one she wishes to have a chat with.

At the jumble sale Finn is searching the church hall for his book, when he sees the Vicar with it. He asks where he found it. The vicar says Mrs Richardson gave him it yesterday, she found it in the kitchen and assumed it was for the jumble. Finn makes him an offer for it, seven and six. The Vicar accepts.
Christine is at Ralph’s home when Winnie arrives back for one of her visits. She says it’s nice to have a baby in the house. Her keenness to see Mark and cuddle the baby puts Christine on edge.
“I’ve been feeling so well lately that the doctor agreed that I could come home for the weekend… A baby in the home, that’s what I’ve always wanted to see and hear. A nice little babby.” – Winnie
Kitty has explained to Sam that Sandy wants to help get the petrol station idea back up and running and he’s asked her for help. She asks Sam to explain about the incident with the greyhound. Sam notes how Sandy wasn’t involved and just got caught up in it. He also admits he was taking part in it for the money, but he changed his mind. Kitty thanks him for his honesty. She then tells him she’ll try and get Meg to reconsider.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 186 – JULY 19th: Winnie is suspicious that Christine doesn’t want her around baby Mark. And she’s absolutely correct, but Christine attempts to make excuses for Winnie not to hold or go near her baby. Winnie isn’t convinced and notes ‘Anyone who would hurt a baby must be out of their mind, and that’s what you think about me?!’ Christine protests that isn’t the case.
Sandy corners Finn outside the kitchen and says he would like some help. Finn says he’s too busy and anyway Mrs Richardson doesn’t like him being distracted from his jobs adding ‘she’s got more eyes than a King Edward potato.’ Sandy explains how Meg isn’t keen on Sam and he’s trying to correct this situation. Finn says he doesn’t think there is anything he could say that would change her mind.
“When you’re a little older you’ll learn that it’s easier to turn water into whisky than it is to make a woman change her mind… Mrs Richardson is a woman of granite itself when her mind’s fixed, and it isn’t me that’ll be wearing out my strength battering against her.” – Finn
Josefina joins Carlos in the kitchen, but says she still feels terrible. He says she must return to bed, but she says doing a little light work will maybe take her mind off it. And maybe some chocolates. Carlos is aghast that his wife would have chocolates for breakfast.
Christine explains to Ralph her concerns about Winnie. She tells him how last evening she felt nervous Winnie being near Mark. He says when his sister was ill she had every right to feel that way, but now she’s getting better she wouldn’t harm Mark.
Sandy and Hugh are in the motel reception, Hugh asks Sandy if he is much interested in politics. Sandy surprises Hugh by saying he’s looking forward to the by-election. ‘Yea, they’re using the school as a polling station so we get a holiday’. Hugh laughs. Hugh asks if Sandy would like to earn £2 putting some leaflets through doors. Sandy declines saying he’s not that interested in money yet – he’s plenty of time to earn his fortune.
Kitty has been talking Australia to Dick, who is now utterly bored of hearing about it all and tells her so.
“Ever since you came home all you’ve done is babble on about Australia… If you want to know, I’m absolutely sick and tired of the subject. I don’t want to hear another word about it!” – Dick
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 187 – JULY 20th: Hugh Mortimer pops into the Jarvis’ to bring Dick and Kitty some good news. He hands over an envelope. He says the deal is done; the council have purchased the site of the old car hire office and that is a cheque for Dick’s share of the proceedings. Kitty says Hugh could have sent it in the post, he’s gone to a lot of trouble. Hugh responds by saying it isn’t often he gets to play Santa Claus so took the chance.
Hugh is also interested to hear about Australia from Kitty, he’s thinking of opening a branch of Mortimer Investments down under. She says she probably wouldn’t have any information that would be much use to him, other than its a very nice place. Dick looks tragically bored by the return to this subject.
At Ralph and Winnie’s house he’s touching on the concerns Christine has over baby Mark being around Winnie. Ralph talks to the point with his sister. She tells him ‘When I was horrible to Christine I was ill, terribly ill. That’s all over now. It belongs in the past, I want to forget it and I hope you will.’
Ralph says it may be more difficult for Christine to be able to forget and move on entirely.
“Think of my responsibilities. Christine and I are going to be married. I’m bringing her to live here. But can the three of us live together?” – Ralph
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 188 – JULY 21st: Louis, described as ‘a portly, kind scholarly man’ visits the motel. He’s a book dealer who has come to see Finn and his rare first edition of ‘The Way Beyond by Marcus Long’. However Finn isn’t at the motel at the point of his arrival and Sandy attempts to keep him occupied. Louis asks if the book is around to look over while they wait for Finn, Sandy goes and fetches it.
At the soon to relocate car hire office Hugh pops in to discuss a matter with Dick. He wants to use the car hire cars to help get voters to the election station on the day of the by-election. Dick says that doesn’t sound a good idea. Hugh says as they’re his cars, he wants to use them.
“Look you know how apathetic most people are about local elections. In 1962 only forty-two-per-cent of the electorate bothered to turn out. Even those who mean to vote can be put off by bad weather, an unexpected visitor or a good programme on the television” – Hugh
Finn is awaiting his offer on the rare book from Louis, who offers him £40, seeing Finn’s offended he suggests £50 and that is as much as he’s prepared to offer. No deal.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 189 – JULY 22nd: Thursday resumes with Hugh and Dick discussing Mortimer using the car hire cars for election purposes. Dick isn’t keen, but suggests that the solution would be for Hugh to hire out all the cars to cover the expenses – wages, petrol – Hugh agrees. Dick is surprised.

Josefina is feeling much better and is discussing Les and Vi Blundell and how she’s looking forward to living on a farm. Marilyn says baby Rafael will be lucky to have all that land to play around in. Christine interrupts them and says she’s just seen Winnie Palmer coming up the motel driveway. She asks Marilyn to cover reception and if Winnie asks for her she’s not at the motel.
At the car hire Sam is still unhappy about the way Dick is treating him, so much so he feels maybe it’s time to quit the job. He says he only really likes it for the co-workers, winking at Janice. They had planned another date on Friday, but Dick has rearranged the schedule and Sam is now working. Another reason to be annoyed with Mr Jarvis.
Winnie is talking to Marilyn while Christine hides elsewhere. Winnie says she walked to the motel to see Christine, she has something on her mind. She thought the walk might also help clear her mind. She asks Marilyn if Christine has ever said anything about her. Marilyn responds by saying ‘only that she thinks you’re not keen on her’. Winnie says she’s tried to prove otherwise but nothing seems to work. Later Marilyn talks to Christine about the problem.
“I’ve just talked to her for a quarter-of-an-hour. And if you want to know what I think, I think people have got the wrong idea about her. And that includes you Christine.” – Marilyn
Hugh is meeting with one of his business associates, Raymond Little, big in wine. Hugh suggests that for his West Midland gathering this year he may want to try hosting it at the Crossroads Motel. It’s a ‘modern, comfortable establishment with all the facilities you could wish for’ Later Raymond pops into the motel and heaps praise on it to Josefina who he mistakes for Mrs Richardson, and she decides to play along…
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 190 – JULY 23rd: Raymond is talking to Josefina under the impression she is Meg and he wants to hire the restaurant for his wine-tasting function. He mentions to ‘Meg’ that he was recommended the motel by a mutual friend, Hugh Mortimer. Josefina as ‘Meg’ asks when Mr Little would like to use the restaurant. He says August 7th. Josefina says that is fine. He gives her his card and says he’ll be in touch to make the final arrangements.
At Ralph and Winnie’s house, Christine pops in and finally faces Winnie for a chat. Winnie tells her everything will be ok. She wants to see Ralph happy and she’s thrilled he is to marry Christine.
Janice is being harassed after a night out by Jack Staples, one of the car hire drivers. He’s drunk and won’t leave her alone. She says she’s waiting for a lift from Sam, so he should just behave as Sam won’t put up with his drunken antics.
“I’ve warned you Jack, if you don’t leave me alone I’ll phone the police. My idea of enjoying myself isn’t being pawed by a beast like you!” – Janice
Sam arrives to collect Janice and Jack. Later in the car Jack is in the back seat but hasn’t sobered up any, nor is he calmed down. He says even drunk he’s a better driver than Sam, he lunges forward and grabs the wheel, and the car spins and goes out of control…
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 191 – JULY 26th: Sam, ringing from the hospital, calls Dick to tell him about the car crash. He’s sustained a broken wrist. He tells them Janice is unconscious in a critical condition. It’s the middle of the night and Dick at the Jarvis’ parlour has been joined by Ruth and Kitty. Kitty says she’ll ring Janice’s parents to let them know.

Carlos, a father-to-be, has decided to get fit. He’s taken up jogging; he is running around a hill near the motel but keeps being distracted by people eating. A man driving past with a passenger licking an ice cream, the child with her mother walking a dog who is eating sweets. He turns away from temptation and carries on jogging.
Sam has been released from the hospital and pops into the car hire office to see Dick, he tells him that the police have charged him with dangerous driving. Dick says if he loses his licence then that’ll be the end of his employment too. Sam says the only hope is Janice will come around soon and confirm Jack grabbed the wheel.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 192 – JULY 27th: Dick tells Sam that he will wait to see what the police and Janice say before he decides what to do about his future with the car hire firm. As he’s injured Sam suggests working in the garage doing small jobs there. Dick agrees, his tone however is one that has already found Sam guilty and is ready to give him the sack.
Meg and Hugh are passing time at the motel bar. He says the campaigning is making him tired, but on the positive, his polling has recovered significantly since Joe made his public apology. But Hugh knows it’s still going to be a close-run battle with old pro-Tory Hoggarth.
“It’s going to be a close thing. Hoggarth is no fool, he’s a good speaker. Shrewd. And he has plenty of experience behind him in politics. …All my life I’ve had a winning streak. I don’t think I’ve ever lost. Not Once” – Hugh
Meg says Hugh has been ‘very lucky’, he says he doesn’t believe in luck. ‘Lucky is something only failures believe in. It gives them an excuse and gives some kind of hope.’ He adds, ‘But success is not in the stars Meg. Everything someone can be is their own making.’
Winnie has popped into Kings Oak to see Christine and Mark, she asks if she can take the baby for a walk this afternoon. Christine, feeling confident this is a new start, agrees. And just asks that Winnie gets him back home by 4pm for his tea.
Meg and Kitty catch up over tea at the Jarvis’ parlour, Kitty tries to persuade Meg to reconsider Sam, but she’s not interested in any happy reunions with a man who is ‘rude, violent and only interested in himself’. Kitty asks if Meg is very serious about Hugh. Meg says that she does intend to marry him, it’s just Sandy and his unwillingness to even like Hugh that is her main issue at the moment.
Out in his potential constituency Hugh is in the high street giving his campaign one last shout – through a hailer.
“Vote for Mortimer. The Independent candidate. Mortimer, the man who will serve your interests not a party’s. Mortimer puts the community first, he stands for no party politics in local government. Don’t forget to vote and make it Mortimer.” – Hugh.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 193 – JULY 28th: After a long night and a recount, Hugh Mortimer has been declared the winner in the local by-election. The next afternoon at the motel bar Hugh and Meg are celebrating – with Dick and Kitty – even Sandy offers his congratulations to ‘Councillor Mortimer’. Hugh says he’s the first person to call him councillor.
“Councillor Mortimer had won by eight votes, until Mr Hoggarth insisted on a recount, and after the recount Hugh won by eleven votes, isn’t it wonderful?” – Meg
At the hospital Sam visits Janice who has regained her consciousness and is on her way to recovery, there is only one problem. She can’t remember the accident.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 194 – JULY 29th: Brian has a meeting with Mr Shaw, the head of security at his factory, Wendell and Cope. Shaw tells him the designs for a new fridge freezer appear to have been for nothing. A rival company have patented an identical device. It is implied that Brian, for money, may have leaked the designs to NeLeons Corp. Brian doesn’t seem interested in the discussion he has Janice on his mind.
Kitty and Dick are discussing the accident and are happy Janice is making a good recovery, hopefully her memory loss will be short-term. They also lament the passing of Jack Staples. ‘Maybe it was for the best’ Dick says, adding ‘his injuries were appalling, legs and spine totally beyond help’ He’d never have been able to move again.’ Dick says at the end of the week he’ll probably have to sack Sam, he’s a liability. Kitty suggests caution.
“Nobody’s asking you to offer charity, Dick. But please don’t do anything in haste, something you might be sorry for later. Humble pie lies heavy on the stomach.” – Kitty.
Finn has acquired a tent, he gives it to Sandy and they set it up behind the motel. While much to the amusement of Marilyn the daily exercise of Carlos is also underway nearby. Meg later asks Carlos to ‘dress more appropriately around the motel’ as his vest and shorts has had ‘Marilyn in hysterics all afternoon and it limits her ability to work’. Carlos holds his head up with pride, although underneath is hurt by the mocking of his appearance.
Meg is at the reception and is bemused by a booking by Mr Little for the restaurant next month. He’s just sent in the post details of the wine tasting event, noting in his letter of confirming the booking it was lovely to meet her. Meg is starting to think maybe she’s getting forgetful. Although is happy with the amount offered for the restaurant hire.
At the hospital Ruth has visited Janice and the conversation turns to Brian. Janice says it would be lovely if he’d pop in to see her. Ruth says she has no idea if he intends to or not, but knowing Brian he will most likely visit, Janice isn’t so sure after the way things had been prior to the car crash.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 195 – JULY 30th: Having promised to try and get on with Hugh, Sandy joins him on the motel patio and tries to make small talk, but Hugh is far too busy with the morning newspapers to take any notice. Sandy leaves.
Brian is telling Ruth about his ‘interrogation’ yesterday with Mr Shaw, and how it’s just dawned on him that Shaw was implying he’d done the dirty on his company. ‘Somebody’s pinched a top-secret development design and sold it to another firm’ he notes, ‘and I think I’m number one suspect’
Meg has stern words with Hugh over how he’s treated Sandy earlier. He said he didn’t realise Sandy was trying to build bridges. Hugh suggests they try again, hopefully, this time with a bit more success. Hugh is told Sandy likes cricket, so he says they’ll got to a game next week.

Ralph and Christine are planning a romantic evening, but she feels bad asking Winnie to babysit. And while she really is coming along way in her recovery they shouldn’t make her take on too much responsibility. Ralph says Winnie loves being busy… We see Winnie outside a grocer shop with Mark in his pram, she leaves him outside and enters the shop.
Winnie returns to the pram with her shopping and recoils in horror when she looks down at the pram.
Ruth asks why Brian hasn’t been to see Janice, doesn’t he care. He says he does care, he tried to go yesterday, with flowers, but the hospital wouldn’t let him in, said she was too ill.
Winnie is distraught, Ralph has picked her up and taken her to the motel where Winnie gives Christine the bad news:
“I left the pram outside the grocers, when I came out baby Mark had gone… I couldn’t believe my eyes… The grocer came out behind me, to help carry the shopping and he saw the same thing. He called the police. We’ve been looking for Mark for over an hour” – Winnie
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
∇ Jack Haig makes his first appearance as Bert Green the assistant at The Black Cat Café in 176. It would be the first of three character’s he’d play in the serial. He returns in 1966 as ‘Jock Larner’ a taxi driver. His longest running was that of Archie Gibbs, motel gardener from the late sixties to the early eighties.
The hospital with an Accident and Emergency in Heathbury is called St Joseph’s Hospital as noted in episode 193.
∇Anthony Kenyon/Tony Kenyon will also return in 1966 as Roy Grainger.
Ray Glover’s character is listed in the TV magazines as being called Squeaker, however the scripts and cast list details have him as Tiny
♦The character of Rev Jim Aston-Fenner (Billed just as ‘The Vicar’ in the TV listings) is played by William Sherwood. He would appear a further two times in this role in 1966 before Arnold Ridley took over the vicar role as Rev. Guy Atkins. Interestingly later, before Arnold takes over, William features as ‘Rev. Guy Atkins’.
Able Maxwell is the name given to George Raymonde’s character in the scripts and ATV cast list, however, TV listings note it was changed to Louis Bax.
Episode 178 has a telecine insert at a car park with Hugh and Joe. Episode 190 has two telecine inserts of Sam, Janice and Jack in a car/car crash.
Episode 191 has several OB videotaped sequences including ‘field near motel’, ‘outside farm’, ‘outside hospital’ ‘park and bench’, ‘car park’ and ‘hillside’.
Episode 192 also contains several OB videotaped sequences. These include ‘Motel Patio’ (Walford Hall), ‘Mrs Higton’s Garden’ (Baschurch), and ‘Outside Car Hire Office’ (Birmingham).
Episode 193 contains OB Videotaped scenes recorded on a ‘country lane’ (Baschurch) and ‘Car Hire Yard’ (Rear of Alpha Studios). Episode 194 features an OB scene ‘field adjoining motel’.
Episode 195 has four scenes recorded on OB, ‘Outside motel at patio’ (Walford Hall), ‘Country lane’ (Baschurch), and Grocery Shop x2 (Solihull).
Synopsis written by Mike Garrett for The Crossroads Years. With thanks to Bob Hope for additional cast information from TV World listings.
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