PRODUCTION INFORMATION![]() Cast and story information from ITC Entertainment Programme Synopsis: Crossroads Episodes January-December 1965, TV World/TV Times/ TV listings. Producer: REG WATSON Created by: HAZEL ADAIR AND PETER LING Directors: ALAN COLEMAN, TIM JONES, JACK BARTON, REG WATSON Written by: IVOR JAY (week 39), MYLES RUDGE & TERENCE DICKS (week 40), PETER LING & HAZEL ADAIR (week 41) ROY RUSSELL (week 42) Theme Tune: TONY HATCH Other Crew: Designers: REX SPENCER and ELIZABETH DORRITY, Floor Managers: PETER HARRIS and LIZ STERN, Production Manager: MARGARET FRENCH |
The archive notes reveal that Harry Shiels was due to appear in an episode as landlord Harry Legget. However, an updated script notes that Harry is unavailable for the recording so Ann George steps in for the episode as barmaid at The Crown with a slightly amended script to note Brian is surprised to see her ‘back behind the bar’. Amy notes Harry’s having a few days away.
EPISODE 196 – August 2nd: A new week and a new month at the Crossroads Motel. The storyline carries on from Friday’s cliffhanger and baby Mark being taken from his pram outside the grocer’s shop. Winnie has told Christine what happened. She is hysterical. Meg comforts Christine and urges Ralph to ‘take Winnie home’
“I’m not going to tell you not to cry, Christine. That would be silly. But what you mustn’t do is to… to think the worst.” – Meg

Carlos is out for his morning jog. He spots a bicycle that seems ‘abandoned’ by a hedge. He takes it and cheats the rest of his jog. Leaving the bike behind a tree near the motel. When PC Adams comes back from his pee-break he finds his bicycle gone…
Sandy and Finn are surprised at Carlos’ very speedy return to the motel from his jog. ‘You’ve knocked nearly five minutes off from yesterday’ Sandy notes. Carlos says ‘It is not a miracle, it is me. Today I feel…(Carlos growls with vigour.)
At the car hire yard Hugh and Dick are talking and he mentions Australia. ‘For one reason or another I had to drop the idea of expanding in Australia in the past, but things are different now’ Hugh goes on to say ‘I’ve made a few inquiries and I’m convinced it would be a good move.’ What Hugh next says leaves Dick taken aback…
“What I want right now is research. An on-the-spot investigation to be done by a man I can trust – you!… I estimate that what I want to do out there would take about three months. I’d like you to go as my representative.” – Hugh
Christine and Ralph are talking at the motel patio, Ralph says he can’t wait for the wedding so he can look after her properly. She says with Mark missing there is to be no wedding, and no marriage.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 197 – August 3rd: ‘You might say you’re in a bit of a flap’ is Sandy’s retort when Carlos attempts to leave the tent in the motel field, and brings the whole thing down on top of him. Carlos isn’t seeing the funny side. Later suspicious of Carlos’ speedy jogging they spy on him. He’s seen taking the bike from its hiding place and riding off on it.
In the kitchen, the staff are discussing Christine calling off the wedding to Ralph due to baby Mark having been abducted.
“I can’t see what difference it makes. I mean, she wants to marry Ralph. Why put it off? Everything’s been laid on, and I’d have thought she’d want to be with Ralph all the time while this is going on” – Marilyn
Meg says, apart from being very upset, Christine thinks with Mark missing it would be in very poor taste to get married in the circumstances.
At the Jarvis’ Brian is telling his mum and dad about the issues he’s having at work and is thinking of quitting. Dick says it’s his decision. Dick then turns the attention to himself and the proposition Hugh gave him yesterday. Kitty asks what he plans to do, he says he’s still thinking about it. He tells her how Hugh made it clear if he did this he’d become one of ‘Mortimer Investments’ top men, and he could leave the car hire for a more executive lifestyle. Kitty says he should accept, it sounds like a one-off experience. He says if he did go he’d be taking her with him.

Hugh pops into the motel and says he finds it amusing she would use a foreign accent when speaking to Mr.Little the other day. Meg says things are now starting to become clear and asks Josefina to explain, which she does – but she says it was just a misunderstanding, Mr. Little was so impressed with the place she couldn’t get a moment to explain who she really was. Meg says not to let it happen again. Hugh finds it all very amusing.
PC Bull visits Dick at the car hire office giving him new information on the accident. Ruth, who is covering for Janice as secretary, asks what Dick is going to do. He asks her to find the paperwork used for issuing a dismissal.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 198 – August 4th: Mid-week resumes at the car hire office and Dick has sacked Mr Prentice from the garage for ‘Criminal Negligence’ after it came to light the gearbox in the car which crashed should have been fixed after a defect was discovered. Instead, a rushed patch-up job had been done – just to get the car out of the garage so Prentice could go home. Dick apologises to Sam for not believing his story.
Christine comes into work at the motel, despite Meg saying she can take as much time off as needed. She tells Marilyn she’s just sitting at home worrying about Mark so wants to try and keep busy.

Meanwhile at the factory Wilkinson tells Brian the bosses are bringing the police in to find who has been selling their design secrets. Brian says he’s not happy with the whole situation and has applied for a job at another rival company, Nelsons.
At Ralph’s house, Christine has called in, but there is still no news on Mark. He asks her if she blames Winnie for it. Christine, slames herself most, but yes she isn’t best pleased with Winnie.
“You want me to be fair with Winnie? You’re talking to the wrong person, Ralph darling. I’m involved personally. My baby’s been stolen So, please, excuse my prejudices – and don’t talk to me about being fair.
“It’s me sick with worry, it’s me without Mark. It’s me hating whoever took him. You think I can stand outside myself and be what you call fair-minded?” – Christine
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 199 – August 5th: Sandy and Hugh are fishing on the bank of the River Slotter. It is one of the ‘getting to know’ days that Sandy promised Meg he’d undertake to try and get on with Hugh. Sandy says he’s enjoying fishing more than he thought he would.
Hugh: “What about you and me, are we friends now?”
Sandy: “Yes, I think so.”
Hugh: “I want to marry your mother, you know.”
Sandy: “Yes, I know. I read about it in the newspaper”
Sandy while still throwing the odd barbed comment is warming to Hugh and says he doesn’t mind him marrying his mother, he’d been behaving like a kid and now realises Meg being happy is the most important thing. ‘Hugh looks at Sandy with a new regard’.
At the motel kitchen, Ralph arrives in a hurry, he asks Meg if Christine can come outside. When she does she’s stunned and then overcome with emotion as she sees baby Mark fast asleep in his pram. Ralph explains that the pram and Mark had been left in his porch at his house this morning. Ralph says he’ll go and speak to the police about it, while Christine and Mark reunite.

Kitty, Dick and Brian are out having a picnic where Brian is discussing the whole issue at the factory, noting he’s applied for a new job. Dick says if he thinks it is a good idea then maybe it’s for the best. He turns his attention to ‘new ideas’ and asks Kitty if she’ll go with him to Australia for three months. She says if he wants to go, she’ll go.
Dick notes it might be the only chance he’ll ever get to see their daughter Lesley in her new life down under and Hugh had said that Dick, if he accepts, would become one of his ‘right-hand men’ a top job in Mortimer Investments. He could quit the car hire and become a higher-paid executive. Dick and Kitty think it’s wonderful news.
At Ralph’s house, Winnie makes an unexpected visit. Ralph is suspicious, he says Winnie has been lying about getting time out from the hospital, he says she stole Mark, and he wants the truth.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 200 – August 6th: Ralph says he knows she’s lying because on Wednesday in the post Winnie’s medical card arrived. He called the hospital, they’d forwarded it on as she’d left it behind when she was discharged two weeks ago. Now it’s her turn to explain. She says she rented a small room in Kings Oak, that is where she’s been staying with Mark. She says she did it ‘because I love him’. She explains she’d left Mark at the lodgings when she went shopping Mark was never in the pram outside the shop.
“Don’t ‘oh Ralph’ me. The agony you have caused, the hell, walking the streets hour after hour, day after day, looking for that child. Everybody Christine, me, the police, Mrs Richardson. You’re not well in the mind. You’re beyond help, you’re mad!” – Ralph
Ralph says it will be their little secret for now. He knows Christine would never go near Winnie again if she found out, and he doesn’t want anything to upset his wedding.
At the motel, the staff are getting the function room ready for the wedding reception. Josefina, Marilyn and Meg are all busy making last-minute preparations. Carlos is looking at the rings, he is proud to be the ‘best man’ after all what other man could be better? Sandy is eyeing up the food.
At work, Mr Shaw asks to inspect Brian’s desk. He goes ahead and finds a brown envelope with £30 in it. He asks Brian if it’s for ‘services rendered’.
At the church Vi Blundell has arrived to join the wedding guests, Winnie Palmer is also in attendance and keeps mentioning how sorry she is about Mark, which agitates Ralph.
Christine arrives and the wedding goes without a hitch.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
Episode 200 article: ‘The Stage: ATV’s Crossroads reaches its 200th edition’
Tomorrow sees the 200th edition of ATV’s daily serial Crossroads. It started in the midlands in November 1964.
Produced by Reg Watson, Crossroads means a highly organised routine by a 100-strong production team. It also means a seven-day week for actors in order to transmit a daily serial.
There are eight to ten main characters. Regulars such as Noele Gordon, Roger Tonge, Brian Kent, Beryl Johnstone, David Fennell, John Bentley and Anthony Morton are given breaks every six weeks and then return to the story.
EPISODE 201 – August 9th: Mr Shaw explains he has been given an anonymous tip-off in a note that Brian is the leak to the rival company. And finding £30 in an envelope was supposed to prove Brian’s guilt. Brian protests his innocence. Shaw says it clearly looks like a stitch-up, so Brian shouldn’t worry too much for now. But the bosses of Wendell and Cope will get to the bottom of it.
At the motel bar, Meg and Hugh are discussing his progress with Sandy. Meg says he hasn’t stopped talking about his catch, the ‘two foot long Perch’. Hugh says that might be a little exaggeration but ‘the boy had a good day’ and that is all that matters.
“Oh don’t thank me. I enjoyed myself as well you know. No. There’s nothing like sitting on the bank of a river with a rod in your hand for relaxing a man. Helps to get things into perspective.” – Hugh
Hugh turns his attention to business, he tells Meg an American friend of his – Al Pirelli (Changed to Borelli possibly before broadcast) – a ‘very shrewd property developer’ who recently opened his first UK hotel in London, and is now eyeing up opening one somewhere in the Midlands. Hugh asks Meg a favour, can she put Al up at the motel for a few weeks while he does his local business? Hugh reckons he can get a lot of business from Pirelli Enterprises if they keep Al happy. Meg agrees ‘even if his name sounds like some New York gangster’.

Dick and Kitty at the shop are discussing their three-month stint in Australia. They’re not sure Hugh would pay her fare, but seeing as they have the money from the sale of the old car hire site that isn’t a problem if he doesn’t. Dick says three months is a long time, they’d need to have cover for the shop. Kitty says Dick is worrying too much, but she is also aware that Amy Turtle wouldn’t want to run it alone for that length of time.
Meg gets a call from Godfrey Winn’s agent, he wants to visit the motel tomorrow. Winn has written articles on hotels in the past and now he wants to experience a motel. Meg goes to inform Carlos they’ll need their best menu offering tomorrow while she’s in the kitchen Josefina welcomes a man at reception. He asks to speak to Mrs Richardson and says his name is Fothergill.
Finn McKenna has invited his friend William T. Fothergill to take his place at the motel, while he’s away on urgent business elsewhere. Meg is a little bemused by Finn’s sudden departure, but also just as bemused he’s given himself a replacement. However, having interviewed William she has to admit that Finn picked a good friend to suggest as his replacement.
At the new car hire office Dick and Hugh are discussing the Australian division of Mortimer Investments that Hugh wants to establish. Dick says he is prepared to take on the initial three-month stint. He explains Kitty would also like to go, and they’d stay with their daughter at her house. Hugh says that as they have accommodation that will save three months on hotel expenses so ‘the money I save on the hotel bills can pay for Kitty’s fare.’ Dick says he’s very grateful.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 202 – August 10th: At the shop, Kitty asks Ruth if she’d mind running the place for the three months she intends to be with Dick in Australia. Ruth says she loved running it, but the answer is no. She says she’s grateful for the help Dick and Kitty have given her,since she arrived from London – having left her husband, but she needs to start being independent again, she’s looking for work elsewhere.

Brian visits Janice at the hospital. ‘It’s lovely to see you’ she tells him. He’s brought her grapes. Sam arrives, he’s brought her a large bouquet of flowers. Janice looks cautiously between the two men. Later when Brian has gone Sam mobservesJanice ‘You’re still in love with that bloke’.
Sandy has gone to visit Jill in London. He’s sent Meg a postcard.
Dear mum, just to let you know I arrived okay. I went to Trafalgar Square this morning and fed the pigeons. Then Jill took me out for lunch. We had boiled beef and carrots and mincemeat tart and cream.
Jill sends her love and says she’ll be phoning in a couple of days. Lots of love, Sandy.
P.S. Has Mr Mortimer spoken to you yet?
Meg, reading the card at the motel bar, asks Hugh what on earth Sandy means by that last part. Hugh just smiles. Later he mentions that Sandy had asked him to ‘put in a good word’ about Sam, especially as the Petrol Station building is nearly complete. Hugh says he’s spoken to Dick about Sam, and says he seems to have had a run of bad luck, but he’s decent enough under his fiery exterior and is a hard worker. Meg is far from convinced.
In the kitchen Marilyn and Josefina are discussing how the pregnancy is going. Josefina says she’ll probably have to give up work soon and have plenty of rest, which she is looking forward to. Marilyn wonders who will replace her. She says she has a friend called Diane that might be interested, she’s not had a job for a while. William takes a call from Finn, who co-incidentally asks about Josefina’s future as he knows a nice girl looking for work. Kathleen would be perfect. Finn suggests William recommend her.
Godfrey Winn arrives in the reception amid difficulties in the kitchen, mainly due to Carlos exercising on the floor rather than cooking. Meg attempts to make the best of it with Winn, noting it’s not the best of days the motel has had and she can only apologise. Godfrey says she mustn’t worry he’d already experienced The Crossroads last week – he had dinner in the restaurant when Meg was out.
“You see I’ve already had a delightful evening at this motel. I called last week on my way to London. The service and food were excellent…I’m simply calling today to meet you and get a few facts about you to round off my article.” – Godfrey Winn
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 203 – August 11th: Meg has told Marilyn and William she will be advertising in the paper for a replacement for Josefina, so Diane and Kathleen can apply along with anyone else interested. Later Kitty and Meg in the Jarvis’ parlour are discussing Australia, Meg says the only answer is for Kitty to advertise in the newspaper for a temporary manager for the shop. Kitty says if they don’t find anyone she just can’t go – and Dick says he won’t go if she can’t come along.

At the shop old lodger Owen Webb pops in to see Kitty. He says Bournemouth wasn’t all they’d hoped it would be and he and his wife Gwynne have returned to Heathbury. Kitty has an idea…
At the factory, Brian speaks with Mr Shaw about the recent goings on. He says last night he was talking to Mr Wilkinson in The Crown about the brown envelope that was planted in his desk. Brian says Wilkinson observed ‘that sort of swine always prefers to remain anonymous’ Brian tells Shaw that he never mentioned the tip-off was anon, could Wilkinson be the culprit?
At the motel bar, Hugh is having a quiet drink when Sam approaches him. He says he’s heard Dick is going to Australia for a few months, he asks if Hugh has anyone in mind to run the car hire in his absence? Then Sam offers up himself for the role. Hugh raises an eyebrow.
Mr.Shaw hatches a ploy to catch out Wilkinson, as Brian observes; Shaw calls Wilkinson’s office phone pretending to be Mr.Lowther from the rival firm, he is interested in buying the modified fridge designs, as the originals have been discovered as having a fault. Wilkinson bites the bate. Telling ‘Lowther he should know no one in on the deals should call him at work.’
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 204 – August 12th: At the Jarvis’ Kitty tells Ruth and Dick the problem of finding someone to run the shop while she’s away has been solved – Owen Webb has said he’d love to look after the place while they’re away. And if he and his wife live-in they’d both be on site to help each other. Kitty says they’re staying in a room at The Red Lion currently, which is no place for a pair of pensioners.
Meg and Hugh are sitting at a table in the motel foyer, she explains that Josefina is going to carry on working for a few more weeks but is moving in with Les and Vi Blundell on Sunday. So time to find a new assistant for the kitchen is short. Hugh turns his attention to Al Borelli who is due to arrive at the motel shortly. He shows Meg a newspaper item showing Al has just bought a Paris Hotel for sixty-five million francs. Meg says she’ll have to roll out the red carpet.
“I must say – I’m looking forward to meeting him, from what you’ve told me he sounds like a mixture of Citizen Kane and Harpo Marx.” – Meg

Wilkinson pops in to see Brian, he says he’s been fired. They rumbled he was the one selling the designs. Brian says he knows, he was there when Shaw called him. Wilkinson is surprised, Brian says to get out before he smacks him. He’s got no time for a cheat.
Finn pops back to the motel to see how Carlos is getting on with his diet and fitness regime ‘Don’t worry, I’ll get you down to the size of a whippet if it kills the both of us’.
Louise Borelli described as ‘an attractive girl in her mid-twenties’ walks into the motel reception. ‘Hello there, you must be Mrs Richardson’ she observes shaking Meg’s hand. Meg says she was expecting Al Borelli.
“I know, isn’t it all crazy? I’ve just been telling my taxi driver Mr Jarvis that Pop had to cancel the trip at the last minute he’s overseeing a new deal in New York, so I’ve come instead.” – Louise
Hugh is surprised to see Louise and says it has been years since he last saw her when she was just a little girl. Hugh asks if Al is in Paris still, and she says no he is in New York. She pulled off the Paris hotel deal – on her own. Hugh is stunned, Meg tries to contain a laugh.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 205 – August 13th: Friday and Meg and Louise are talking about the motel, Meg says it was worrying at first with all the debt she got into building the place, but now it’s beginning to pay its way she is enjoying running the place. Louise notes that ‘I think you’ve done it all beautifully’.
Louise says it makes a change staying in a family-run establishment and that big hotels are usually atmospherically dead and impersonal. She can see why the motel is so popular, with its personal touch.
Brian visits Janice again at the hospital. This time he’s brought flowers. He says it is nice to find her alone. He asks if she knows when they’re letting her out. She says they are going to review her in a week, so hopefully then. Brian says he also has good news, so when she gets out they will have to celebrate.
“My boss Mr. Erickson called me into his office this morning and he told me I’ve got my promotion, finally. I was beginning to give up hope.” – Brian

Hugh is going to show Louise the sights of the West Midlands. He says they’ll start with the ‘American looking Bull Ring’ in case she’s homesick, while Meg suggests also taking in Henley-in-Arden as a lovely piece of middle England.
At the Jarvis’ house, Brian confides in Ruth that Janice being so close to being killed has made him realise that he does really love her, he’s never been so worried about anyone in his life. Ruth says Janice is a very lucky girl. At the new car hire office Hugh tells Dick that he’s found a temporary manager for the car hire while Dick is in Australia – Sam Redway. Dick is gobsmacked.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 206 – August 16th: A new week and over breakfast Kitty and Dick are talking about Hugh installing Sam as the manager of the Night and Day car hire while Dick is away in Australia. Kitty says having some responsibility might be good for Sam. Dick says ‘he’s just not the right type of person, he gets people’s backs up. He thinks he knows it all. He won’t be told anything, and can be so irresponsible’. Hugh however has made up his mind.

Josefina and Meg are in the motel kitchen discussing Carlos’ and how he’s now out of action after injuring his back, which has now delayed their move to the Blundell’s farm. Meg is resigned to the fact she’s going to have to step in as cook while he’s laid up in bed for the next fortnight. Meg suggests he should forget about this exercise routine, it’s caused him more harm than good. (Knowing he was cheating Finn and William had been pushing him harder with on-the-spot exercise challenges).
At the new car hire office Dick is showing Sam around the paperwork system. Ruth is moving into the position of receptionist, which means they need a new secretary Sam suggests. Dick says Janice will be back shortly, Sam says with Mr Mortimer buying more cars and more drivers it is a lot of work. Dick suggests getting in a temp until Janice is able to return to work.
“Now look here Sam – let’s get one thing straight. There’ll be plenty of time for you to throw your weight around when I’m away. But as long as I’m here – I’m still running this firm. Get it?” – Dick
In the motel office, Meg asks Marilyn if she can get in touch with her friend, Diane Lawton, to see if she’ll be able to pop in tomorrow for an interview about the position in the kitchen. Meg asks Marilyn to pass this information onto William as well so Kathleen can also be interviewed
Hugh and Louise are working through some paperwork in her chalet. Meg pops into see how things are going with some sandwiches; with a ‘look of cool speculation,’ Louise tells Meg they’ve got so much work to get through they’ll be working through dinner, and hopes it hasn’t caused any issues. ‘Not at all’ Meg responds despite having specially planned a meal for the three of them which is currently being prepared in the kitchen.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 207 – August 17th: Brian’s promotion has seen him sent to London for a management training course. He sends Dick and Kitty a letter saying everything is going well. Dick says he wishes he was so optimistic about Australia since Sam has been put in place as his replacement at the car hire he’s been ‘worried sick’ about how the business will be when he comes back
“I think you ought to put Sam Redway right out of your mind for the next three months. This trip could lead to big things, and I don’t want you worrying about what’s going on here.” – Kitty
In the motel kitchen Marilyn is having a go at William for them being short-staffed and overworked, it was his silly fitness games with Finn that have put Carlos out of action. Meg reminds both of them she is holding interviews at 3 pm today so is keen to meet Diane and Kathleen.
Hugh pops in to see Meg, he says he could tell she was upset about the dinner being called off last night. Meg responds with ‘yes, but for all the wrong reasons’. She says she ‘I shouldn’t let it upset me. If I get emotional about it, I’ve no business running a motel. If she decides to cancel dinner, so be it. She’s a paying guest.’

Later at the reception, Diane enters. She tells William she’s here to see Mrs Richardson, and he tries to put her off by saying it’s long hours and not a great motel to work for. ‘You make it all sound terrible’ Diane notes, then adds, ‘But Marilyn warned me about you, so if you could tell Mrs Richardson I’m here’. Meg is already interviewing Kathleen in her office, the interview has gone well. Diane then has her turn.
At the hospital, Janice’s dad has popped in to see her. He says it’s time to think about compensation, the Night and Day car hire owes her money. Loss of wages, the injuries due to their garage’s negligence. Mr Gifford notes as he works in insurance he’ll speak to colleagues about the claim she need not worry. She tells him she’d rather not sue Mr Jarvis, but her dad won’t hear of it – she has rights and he will make sure she gets what she is owed.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 208 – August 18th: Marilyn has bought a swimming costume for the beauty contest on Thursday at the Floral Fete at Avonbridge. She shows it off to Josefina in the kitchen. Josefina is shocked ‘You are to appear in public wearing only this?’ Marilyn responds ‘of course’.
Josefina: “But you will be arrested!”
Marilyn: “Don’t be soft. I’m going in for Miss Warwickshire 1965”

Marilyn’s zip-up dress has got jammed when putting it back on. She tries to not let Meg see her issue, and although the dress nearly falls off Meg is preoccupied with the breakfast trays.
At the reception Meg checks in Tom Harris and his daughter Stephanie; while over at the hospital Janice tells Sam what her dad has planned, to sue the car hire for the crash. Sam says ‘is that all?’ She shouldn’t be worried they have insurance it won’t come out of the car hire funds.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 209 – August 19th: Kitty has popped up to the motel to see Meg, they’re having morning coffee in the foyer, Kitty says the worry of making all the arrangements for Australia seem to be getting to Dick. She tells Meg however at least the shop will be in good hands with Owen Webb and his wife Gwynne.

At the hospital, Dick and Sam have visited Janice. She says she feels bad about suing the car hire company, but both Dick and Sam say her father is absolutely right, she is entitled to compensation. Although Dick thinks there may be a slight problem. The car wasn’t hired by Janice officially, it was being used for a personal favour and he isn’t sure how the insurance company will view that. Sam says Janice did hire it and he was on duty. He looks at Janice who says nothing. He’s clearly making it up. Dick says in that case there is nothing to worry about.
Meg confides to Kitty she’ll be glad when Louise goes back to America. ‘I don’t know what the business is exactly that she and Hugh are discussing, but she doesn’t keep normal business hours’ Meg notes and adds, ‘I don’t know what to think’. Later Meg and Hugh are off to the fete, Louise invites herself along.
“Don’t worry Meg, I’ll personally see to it that we all have a lovely time. That’s a promise.” – Hugh
In the foyer, Marilyn has brought Stevie some magazines while her father is out on business. She tries to find out more about why they’re staying at the motel. Stevie says they used to live in Wolverhampton, but her mother ran off with another man and since then they’ve moved around. She says her dad would rather she wasn’t around, he prefers to be alone. Meg invites her to have dinner with her.
At the hospital, Janice has packed ready to go home. Her dad has arrived to pick her up, he notes it’s a bit sudden he thought she wasn’t due out yet. The Doctor says he’s happy with her progress and will see her in a few days for a check-up.
In the kitchen, after lunch, Marilyn is waiting for Meg to leave so she can rush off to the fete to enter the beauty contest. Knowing they’re short-staffed she hasn’t asked Meg for time off.
Footage of the fete sees stalls of flowers, games and other assorted events. Hugh, Louise and Meg pass the poster for the beauty contest, Hugh suggests Louise enter, and she laughs. Meg frowns. Elsewhere Marilyn has won the Miss Warwickshire 1965 title. Photographers take her picture. Meg and company are on the other side of a floral display. Marilyn spots Meg and makes her way to hide crawling on all fours…
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 210 – August 20th: Marilyn is telling Josefina about her lucky escape from Meg at the fete yesterday. ‘I was stuck for half an hour behind this bloomin’ display, I felt a right Charlie’ She states, adding ‘When I saw Mrs Richardson and Mr Mortimer I nearly fainted on the spot’. Kathleen has been given the kitchen and chambermaid role at the motel. William says he hopes Marilyn will welcome her, especially as he couldn’t find her at all yesterday afternoon and being so short-staffed it was quite a strain on those who could be found. Diane has been employed as a waitress and receptionist.

Ruth has been offered a job at a hotel in Sutton Coldfield. She says with The Webb’s moving in she accepted as she felt she’d not be much use at the Jarvis’ any longer, although she’s sorry for letting Dick down at the car hire. Kitty says they both understand and wish her well.
Meg brings in a newspaper and says they had a lovely day at Avonbridge and as they were all working hard yesterday, the staff might want to look at the highlights, especially Marilyn. Meg says the winner of the Beauty Contest is quite pretty. Says she’s called Miss Gates of the Crossroads Motel…
Tom and Stevie are checking out, he’s heading off to Leeds. Stevie isn’t happy to be leaving. She tells Meg the motel is the first place she’s liked staying at as its been the kindest. Meg gives her a compact as a parting gift, saying it was Jill’s but she never got round to using it.
“I liked it here… I hate the other hotels. They’ve all got brown wallpaper and they smell. This is different, its more like home. Well what I’d like to be home.” – Stevie
In chalet 5 Louise is on the phone with her father. She says business is going well. But she plans to stay on a little longer to ‘see more of England’ and she’s also met the man she’s going to marry!
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 211 – August 23rd: Louise is admiring some cufflinks she’s purchased as a gift. Diane brings her morning coffee to her at the reception seats, Louise hides the gift before Diane can see them. Meg however walks past far too quickly for Louise to hide them. Meg says ‘They’re beautiful’. Louise notes they’re for a man who can buy anything so is difficult to buy for. Meg assumes she means Hugh and notes ‘a man with practically anything’, Louise says that about sums up her pop. Meg is relieved they’re not for Hugh.

Janice has popped into the new car hire office to take a look around, she tells Sam she can remember not making any official booking for a car with Night and Day. So she knows he made it up that she had. Sam says he added the booking into the register later when he realised she would be making a compensation claim. Only she and he know this. The insurance company have already been out and looked over the details, the compensation will soon be hers.
“I only want compensation, if I’m honestly entitled to it.” – Janice
Meg and Louise are making small talk. She asks when Sandy is due back from his holiday in London, Meg says tomorrow. Louise says Hugh has been thinking about giving Sandy a gift. Knowing French is a school subject he’s struggling with, he was thinking of suggesting he have a holiday in Paris. Hugh has friends there. Meg says he hasn’t mentioned anything. Louise says he must have wanted it to be a nice surprise and probably was waiting for Sandy to return before suggesting it. Meg ponders this conversation.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 212 – August 24th: Hugh pops into the motel to see Meg, he says Tony has just returned from two weeks with old friends in Paris. Meg sees where this is heading and pretends not to have any idea, Hugh suggests as Sandy’s struggling with his French a bit of practical experience might be just what they boy needs.
It becomes clear quite quickly that over the past few days Kathleen’s experience in hospitality has been limited. There has been more potato on the peels than in the pan, she’s been using spoons to beat eggs when it should be a fork and now she’s gone and muddled the settings on the food mixer, leaving Marilyn covered in batter. The mixer explodes in smoke.
“Never mind that thing, look what you’ve done to me.” – Marilyn

Sandy returns to the motel after his visit in London. Louise is introduced to him by Meg, later Louise asks if Sandy fancies more holidays. She asks if he’s ever considered Paris. Sandy is left a bit bemused.
In the restaurant, Diane is clearing up after the lunchtime rush. In walks Dennis Freed who is described as ‘a young promotions manager in his early thirties with a modern hairstyle, odd shaped dark glasses, Carnaby Street style business clothes, a chain smoker of small cigars and smooth talking with easy-going confidence’. Diane fetches Marilyn who has just showered off her battering from the mixer, and looks a terrible mess. Freed is unimpressed with her. He tells her to get herself dolled up like she was at the fete and meet him at The Anchor Inn at seven-thirty.
Meg isn’t impressed with Kathleen, ‘the girl is accident prone and a menace’. She decides its time to let her go. Kathleen isn’t impressed and says she isn’t the problem.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 213 – August 25th: Mid-week at the motel and Kathleen is saying the Crossroads name is a curse on the motel. The broken mixer, and a hoover that stopped working when she was cleaning the chalet earlier in the week, are all cursed. The leprechauns are drawn to a crossroads, and they’re drawn to this one. Meg says she’s never heard such nonsense, everything worked fine before Kathleen arrived. Kathleen is unrepentant, she says the place is full of little people and ‘the Crossroads Motel will go to the devil himself’.
At the shop Kitty is showing Owen how to run the shop, she says Amy Turtle will be in often to help out. At the new car hire office Dick is reminding Sam of all the procedures he may not be fully aware of.
In the motel kitchen, Marilyn is talking to Josefina about her meeting last night with Dennis Freed at The Anchor Inn.
“Dennis Freed. No, it’s not what he wants, it’s what he can do for me. Oh, he’ll make money on the side of course, a percentage of what I make. We haven’t discussed that yet, but that’s what he’s after. I know how it works. I’ll be entering beauty contests all over the country, if I do it professionally Dennis will coach me so that I can win” – Marilyn
Stevie and Tom pop back into the motel, they’re stopping off just for a night on the way to their next digs. Meg introduces Stevie to Sandy. Later Tom takes Meg to one side and says he doesn’t like that she’s treated Stevie like a charity, giving her gifts. Meg says travelling around the country is no life for the girl and she seemed happy at the motel, so she gave her it as she felt sorry for her. He asks Meg to mind her own business.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 214 – August 26th: Meg and Hugh have asked Sandy about Paris. He isn’t keen, mainly because Hugh spoke to his friends in France before discussing the idea with him. William later tells Sandy he’d love Paris, the sights, the atmosphere, the girls. Sandy starts to ponder the situation.
“In time you’ll remember my words. Paris is an education in itself. The Bohemian life, free-thinking. I was studying there myself. You wouldn’t believe that to see me now, would you? …A full life Sandy, and on the whole a happy one. And Paris was one of the best times I’ve ever had, you’ll love it Sandy.” – William
Dennis Freed has returned to the motel to speak with Marilyn, he says she won’t need work there much longer, and he can make her a beauty contest star, has she considered his offer? He then goes on to explain how the winning would work, but he also notes she needs surgery. ‘That nose needs fixing up a bit’. Marilyn is offended and says there is nothing wrong with her nose.

Tom and Stevie are checking out; a warmer relationship between Meg and Tom from their previous encounter. Tom says he was a little out of order in the way he spoke last evening, but he might not appear to worry about Stevie being ‘dragged across the country’ while he works as a salesman, but what is the alternative? He can’t afford a housekeeper to care for her while he’s away. Meg sympathises. When her dad goes to get the car Meg asks Stevie why she likes staying at Crossroads so much. Stevie replies ‘you’. Meg is moved but doesn’t show it to Stevie and simply thanks her for the appreciation.
Sandy tells Meg he’s changed his mind about Paris, and he thinks he would like to go after all. She tells him to let Hugh know as soon as possible as his reluctance when offered the holiday may have made Hugh cancel the whole thing.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 215 – August 27th: Sam thinks Janice has told Dick about the fake entry into the car hire bookings from the night of the accident. Dick says Sam has to decide whether he wants to be moral and sensible or foolish and misleading. Dick suggests Sam tells the insurance company the truth. Sam asks if Dick wants Janice to have the compensation or not. Dick responds that this is not the issue.

Marilyn is talking with Louise in reception, Louise says she couldn’t help but overhear her conversation with Mr Freed. Marilyn says he wants to be her agent to enter beauty contests. Louise asks if has she heard about the beauty queen in America who is suing her former agent for millions of dollars. She goes on to show her a newspaper article. ‘Poor girl was exploited’ she says, adding how surgery has ruined her looks and she has hardly seen a penny of any of her contest wins. And worse in the end she was being sold out as an ‘adult hostess’. Marilyn takes Louise’s warning of caution seriously.
At the Jarvis’ shop in Heathbury Owen and Gwynne are making themselves at home at the store. Owen offers his wife encouragement ‘Go on Gwennie, you’re doing fine’ he observes. She is pleased to be picking up the routine quicker than she expected. In the back parlour Dick and Kitty are preparing to depart, they check over they have everything and leave. Just after they go the phone rings, Owen answers. He tells Brian he’s just missed his parents and that Kitty was very disappointed.
“Paris, they have smashin’ birds. They all look like Brigitte Bardot, only younger” – Sandy
Hugh is discussing business at the motel bar with Louise, Sandy pops over to see him and asks if the invitation for a holiday to Paris is still on? Hugh says of course he’ll make all the arrangements. Meg spots that Hugh is wearing the cufflinks that Louise had supposedly bought for her father. Meg looks sad.
At New Street Station, Dick and Kitty board a train, Brian rushes to wave them off and makes it just in time for Kitty to see him from the window. They both wave at each other.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
Episodes for August 30th and 31st can be found in September 1965.
204 is the first appearance of Louise Borelli (The name is changed to Borelli by the time the character is put into the TV listings, but the synopsis remains as Pirelli for several episodes. It is unlikely any episodes aired with Pirelli as the name used.
Episode 207 sees the first appearance as Susan Hanson as Diane Lawton and Leanne O’Neill as Kathleen Donovan. Stephanie ‘Stevie’ Harris was in initial plotlines called Penny Harris, however changed before broadcast.
Journalist and presenter – and self-confessed Crossroads fan – Godfrey Winn appears as himself. He returns in October 1965 and again would return to the soap to mark the 1500th episode in 1971.
Episode 199 is the first time ‘River Slotter’ and its riverbank is seen.
Episode 196 is OB footage heavy with most of the episode shot on location. Scenes include ‘Country Lane’, ‘Country road’, ‘Motel Exterior’ (front), ‘Car Hire yard’, ‘Field’ and ‘motel patio’.
Footage recorded on Outside Broadcast Videotape in episode 197 includes more action in ‘the field by the motel’, ‘a country lane’ and the ‘car hire yard’. Episode 198 also carries three OB scenes, ‘Motel outside Old House’, ‘Factory Car Park’ and ‘Country Lane’. Episode 199 also contains three OB scenes, ‘Motel exterior’, ‘River Bank’ and ‘Motel old house’. The river scenes were recorded at River Perry near Baschurch.
Exterior scenes recorded for episode 200 include ‘Country Lane’, ‘Outside Motel’ and two scenes recorded outside ‘All Saint’s Church, Baschurch’. Episode 209 has two film telecine scenes recorded at the ‘Floral Fete’. Episode 215 has one scene recorded on telecine at a railway station.
Synopsis written by Mike Garrett for The Crossroads Years. With thanks to Bob Hope for additional cast information from TV World listings.
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