Produced by: ATV NETWORK at the Alpha Studios, Birmingham.
Producer: REG WATSON
Theme Tune: TONY HATCH
Other Crew: Designers: REX SPENCER and ELIZABETH DORRITY, Floor Managers: PETER HARRIS and LIZ STERN, Production Manager: MARGARET FRENCH
Episode Status: All episodes from December 1965 are missing from the archive.
Cast and story information: ITC Entertainment Programme Synopsis: Crossroads Episodes January-December 1965, TV World/TV Times programme listings. The cast list is now shown for each episode, with the listing ‘in order of appearance’.
Episode 283 – December 1st | Written by: Roy Russell |
Directed by: Tim Jones |
Meg’s Sitting Room: Meg has invited Stevie’s teacher Roy Grainger in for a chat.
Production Note: Meg shows in Mr (Roy) Grainger. There is some tension. Meg has a difficult approach to make and has not yet measured Grainger enough to decide to make it fairly direct. Grainger realises this must be about Stevie and as he is experienced enough he realises that she has a girlish crush on him. He is wondering whether this is a case where the child has confessed her affection to the parent. Grainger’s replies are honest and straightforward, but at times, he chooses his words carefully as this is a delicate subject
Meg discusses taking on Stevie as a foster parent and how her mother walked out on the family, for another man, and that her father seemed to treat her as an inconvenience. She hasn’t had much in the way of love and affection.
Mr Grainger: “However embarrassing we find this Mrs Richardson we must be frank. For her sake. I’ve been aware of Stevie for a few weeks now. And, I really don’t know whether she imagines she’d like me as a father or whether it is something…”
Meg: “You see she could be hurt again. Badly. If she makes an emotional attachment and then finds itis just in her imagination.”
Mr Grainger: “I think the best approach is for any teacher to be completely ‘unaware’. Not of the girl but, shall we say, of the crush she has. And eventually, she will find someone else she likes much better – a film star, a pop singer, the boy next door. She’ll get over it quite quickly, Stevie will by the end of the Christmas holidays have moved onto another infatuation.”
Meg isn’t so sure…
Brian and Janice’s Flat: [Next morning] The couple return from their honeymoon in London. He carries her across the threshold. They’ve decided not to tell anyone they’re back yet, to ‘have some peace’ but note they’ll have to be careful with Sam living below, so it’s tiptoeing around the place for them both.
They both agree that their first evening meal in the flat should be ‘something special’. Brian digs around in a box and finds a cookbook – ‘Fit for a King and Queen: Exciting Meals for Two’. Janice is a bit taken aback by the fancy recipes. Brian pauses and says it doesn’t matter what they have as long as its just the two of them – bacon and eggs will do.
Road in Heathbury: Kitty and Dick are in his car, she’s in the driving seat as he begins to take her on her first driving lesson. Dick is talking her through the gears and engine start routine, she’s a little more concerned the seat isn’t right. When they try to move the car lurches forward and stalls. Dick gets frustrated, Kitty, unimpressed with his attitude, says she won’t take lessons from him unless he keeps his patience.
Meg Richardson Roy Grainger Marilyn Gates Carlos Rafael Kathleen Donovan Stevie Harris Janice Jarvis Brian Jarvis Dick Jarvis Kitty Jarvis |
Episode 284 – December 2nd | Written by: Roy Russell |
Directed by: Tim Jones |
Brian and Janice’s Flat: Sam has heard noise from the flat upstairs and gone to investigate, he is nearly hit over the head by Brian when he enters their flat. He is surprised to find them both back from their honeymoon early. Janice explains they decided to save some of the honeymoon money to spend on the flat so came back a little earlier than planned. Sam asks why the creeping around. Brian says so they have a little time to themselves otherwise their parents will be around fussing.
Motel Kitchen: [Next day] Carlos wishes Meg the best of luck with the Crossroads Petrol Station, due open today. She tells Carlos she may just need all the luck she can get. ‘Is it the right time to be opening another new business?’ She wonders, so soon after the coffee bar. Carlos says anything that brings people to Burbank cannot be a bad thing.
Petrol Station: Sam is showing Marilyn around the filling station and garage. He tells her its not as busy as he expected – only two customers so far this morning. Marilyn asks why all the pumps are different prices. Sam explains ‘Standard, Premium and Super; all different octanes, see’. She pretends she knows what he’s on about, but really isn’t that interested.
Just then a customer arrives. Described in the production notes as ‘Dorothy Glenn, early 30s. A character of two layers. The underlayer is the decoy of a clever confidence trickster duo in partnership with Evan Lloyd. She is not happy in her work or with the arrangement. Her outer layer is someone uncertain, due to her circumstances of being an only child from wealthy parents. She creates a person one warms to instantly and someone you would trust after only a short acquaintance.’
Dorothy asks Sam if he can help with her car, it has broken down at the crossroads junction near the motel. She points to it from the forecourt. Sam says he’ll see what he can do, she tells him there is no rush, and she’ll take lunch at the motel while she waits.
Jarvis’ Parlour: Kitty is on the phone to Ruth they’re discussing Brian and Janice’s wedding, and she says she’ll send Ruth a picture – they’ve just arrived back from the photographers. When she hangs up Dick suggests it’s time to take some serious action over Kitty’s driving lessons. If she wants to learn, and after the fiasco yesterday, she needs to learn the Highway Code and how the car works. He gives her a copy of the car manual and the Highway Code and suggests Kitty has some new bedtime reading. Kitty begins to wonder if semi-retirement is as good as she thought it would be.
Motel Reception: Dorothy is chatting to Meg. The meal is complimented, as is her garage manager Mr Redway. Dorothy asks for a brochure, which Meg duly provides. Dorothy goes on to tell Meg how she ‘lives just outside of Glasgow, but is always on the road’ visiting friends. She adds, ‘I don’t have to work financially I mean. But then sometimes I think it would do me good to have to fend for myself.’ She also mentions that maybe she should turn to do some charity work ‘now that Daddy has gone’.
Sam pops in to give Miss Glenn the bad news, the petrol pump in her car has totally broken down, and the new part will take a few days to arrive; if she wants to keep the car on-site. She tells Sam she hasn’t much choice, then asks Meg for a chalet…
Jarvis’ Parlour: Kitty has been studying the highway code book.
Dick: “Come on, you’ve been reading through that for over an hour. Can’t you tell me one place where you shouldn’t overtake?”
Kitty: “Oh, I do think you’re mean not going out in the car tonight.”
Dick: “Look Kitty it’s for your own good, and for other people on the road and pavement too…”
Kitty: “Anyone would think I’m so bad that the moment I start to drive road deaths jump up dramatically”
Dick: “Well if you don’t know where you’re supposed to be on the road when you overtake they very well might.”
Kitty isn’t impressed that Dick is mocking her ability on the road, and less happy that ‘you’re calling me stupid’. She suggests as ‘you have no patience as a teacher’ she’s decided to pay for ‘proper driving lessons’. Dick is riled, ‘Heaven help the poor fella that gets to teach you’.
Sam Redway Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Sandy Richardson Stevie Harris Carlos Rafael Kathleen Donovan Meg Richardson Marilyn Gates Dorothy Glenn Kitty Jarvis Dick Jarvis |
Episode 285 – December 3rd | Written by: Roy Russell |
Directed by: Tim Jones |
Outside Motel: Friday begins with Stevie and Sandy talking about yesterday and how he really enjoyed helping Sam in the garage. Sandy tell her he’s going to assist Sam again tonight after school. Stevie asks if that is a good idea ‘You know how upset your mother was with you getting oil all over your shirt’. Sandy says not to be ‘so wet’ Mothers are supposed to worry and anyway this evening he’ll stick to just working the petrol pumps.
Brian and Janice’s Flat: Janice is excited that the place is coming together. She then touches on the subject of a wardrobe. ‘They have a lovely one in Smith and Wardles at the moment’ she dreamily says. Brian asks how much. ‘Well, they’ve knocked four pounds off… twenty pounds’. Brian asks does that mean it was twenty-four pounds and is now twenty or was it twenty and it’s now sixteen. Janice says ‘Where would anyone get a new wardrobe for sixteen pounds!’ Brian says twenty is still very expensive, he had planned to make the wardrobe himself.
Motel Reception: Dorothy is speaking to Meg over coffee. She’s explained that due to her car being a rather rare type in the UK the part is taking longer for Sam to get hold of, so she will need to extend her stay a few more days. Meg notes that it isn’t a problem. Dorothy then asks if the motel has a safe. Meg says she’s just had one recently fitted. Dorothy explains some jewellery she has she wants to keep locked away; they’re expensive but not overly so. It’s more the sentimental value, having belonged to her late mother. Meg says she’ll put them in the safe and issue a receipt to put Miss Glenn’s mind at ease.

Motel Kitchen: Carlos is ‘helping’ Sandy with his homework. But as it’s English he’s not really much use. Meg comes in and asks Sandy to not loiter around the petrol station. Sandy says if he manages to do all this homework could he not spend an hour there a few times a week? Meg reluctantly agrees – if he keeps clean.
Motel Reception: Dorothy is admiring Stevie’s hairdo – Meg sent Stevie to the hairdressers in Kings Oak as a treat – ‘She’s made a lovely job of it’ Dorothy notes, asking ‘Do you like it?’. Stevie says it’s ‘gorgeous’ and notes it’s the first time she’s been to a proper hairdresser.’ She says she will be thanking Meg ‘so much’ adding she feels ‘very happy’. Meg comes through from the kitchen and Stevie gives her a big hug. Meg says she’s pleased to see Stevie so happy. Dorothy mistakes Stevie for Meg’s own daughter.
While they are talking, Lily Harris – Stevie’s Mother – enters.
Lily: “Stephanie!”
Stevie: “Mum, … Oh, it’s mum!”
Stevie Harris Sandy Richardson Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Dorothy Glenn Meg Richardson Kitty Jarvis Dick Jarvis Carlos Rafael Sam Redway Lily Harris (Stevie’s mother) |
Episode 286 – December 6th | Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill |
Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Motel Reception: The new week begins where Friday’s cliffhanger left off. Stevie has just been reunited with her mother, although after the initial excitement, Stevie isn’t so impressed. Lily says she’s come to see ‘her baby’, Stevie notes ‘Well, here I am. I’ve been here all the time, shame it’s taken you so long to bother.’ Meg sends Stevie on an errand and then gets to the point with Lily.
Meg: “I didn’t want to say what I have to say in front of Stevie.”
Lily: “So I gathered…”
Meg: “I’m responsible for Stephanie now, the council have placed her in my care…”
Lily: “Oh! Whose child is she? Theirs or mine? You think a cold-blooded organisation is better than a mother’s love I suppose.”
Meg tells Lily that the child services are not ‘cold-blooded’ and that ‘they always side with the mother, even when she has proved herself unfit to look after the child’. She adds a further dig at Lily by adding, ‘foster mothers are devoted to the children in their care, and treat them as if they were their own flesh and blood. There are lots of mothers who can’t keep their children with them for all sorts of reasons… lack of accommodation… husbands whose wives have callously walked out on them and their children.’

Brian and Janice’s Flat: Janice and Brian’s wedded bliss continues although she wishes he’d put up some shelves in the kitchen, she’s storing tins in bags on the floor.. Brian says that putting up shelves isn’t something that can be done on a whim. ‘Putting up a shelf requires one or two essentials.’ he tells her, adding ‘It has to be level, then it has to be firmly fixed to the wall with plugs or batten, it all requires careful measurement and planning’. Janice responds by asking if he can’t just nail something up.
Motel Reception: Evan checks in at the reception with Ruth. She allocates him chalet 10, he says that is his lucky number. He tells her he is an author and that he is writing a book on psychology. He says if the vibrations from chalet 10 are ‘right’ he would like to stay for three weeks. Ruth says that is fine and is intrigued by his conversation.
Motel Bar: Later Dorothy and Evan are at the bar as Ruth serves the drinks. Dorothy explains that she’s stuck at the motel while her car is getting repaired. Evan takes a phone call and tells the mystery caller to come directly to his chalet tomorrow at 11 am. Meanwhile, Dorothy notices her handbag has gone missing. She asks Ruth if she’s seen it. She says she hasn’t and the only person to come by the reception during this time was Stevie. When Ruth asks Stevie if she’s seen the handbag she just walks off and says nothing leaving both Ruth and Dorothy confused.
Meg Richardson Lily Harris Janice Jarvis Brian Jarvis Marilyn Gates Evan Lloyd Ruth Bailey Sam Redway Mrs Mears Kitty Jarvis Sandy Richardson Carlos Rafael Dorothy Glenn |
Episode 287 – December 7th |
Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill | Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Motel Reception: Marilyn is cleaning the motel foyer when she moves a cushion from a sofa and finds a handbag underneath. She takes it to Ruth who says it belongs to Miss Glenn who misplaced it last evening in the foyer. Later Stevie accuses Ruth of suggesting she stole the bag, Ruth says she wasn’t and anyway it has been found. Stevie responds with a simple ‘oh.’ When Dorothy checks it over she says nothing is missing and puts it down to her being ‘overly careless’.
Motel Restaurant: Evan is having lunch, Ruth checks on him. He tells her he’s grateful they cleaned his room before 11 am, he asks if this could be done every day as he ‘dislikes interruptions from a maid once he starts working.’ He notes ‘it interrupts the flow of my inspiration and there will be callers – people I am interviewing for my book’. Ruth says she will see what she can do.
Motel Kitchen: Ruth has explained to Marilyn and Kathleen the situation with Evan, this has seen Marilyn go from thinking he was a dish to a pain in the chalet.
Marilyn: “Him and his visitors! Mustn’t have no interruptions whatsoever and it wouldn’t do at all to have a ‘maid’ nosing in and out. Who does he think he is? The Prime Minister? Calling me a maid, the big Welsh drip!”
Kathleen: “And there was myself thinking you had a weak spot in your heart for the gentleman…”
Marilyn: “Oh, when he first arrived – perhaps. But nobody calls me a maid, so now he’s had it.”
Marilyn goes on to tell Ruth that when someone wants a chalet in complete isolation they are up to something, and she says Mr Evan Lloyd is probably up to no good. She’ll be keeping an eye on him…
Brian and Janice’s flat: They’re hosting a dinner as a ‘home warming’ but the meal in the oven doesn’t seem to be cooking. Brian suggests ‘bunging the cooker on full heat’ to see if that helps. Janice is panicky that it won’t be ready by the time Dick and Kitty arrive. ‘Calm down’ says Brian observing that ‘it’s only my mum and dad, they won’t mind waiting’. Janice thinks that Dick and Kitty will think her a right nit-wit.
Motel Staff Room: Carlos hasn’t been feeling well for a few days but has been toiling on in the kitchen, he notes a painful foot. Sandy suggests gout while Sam thinks it might be lumbago. Carlos says it’s neither. Kathleen observes ‘Ah, you old Spanish onion. Your face would crack in two if you smiled.’ He goes to take a tray of cups back to the kitchen but it slips from his hands. Kathleen says he better not try to blame her for the broken crockery ‘T’was yourself who dropped the tray, I call on al the blessed saints to witness ’tis gospel truth and if you deny it may a thunderbolt from above strike the lying tongue out of your head.’ Carlos realises there is something wrong with his hands.
Brian and Janice’s flat: Kitty and Dick have realised something isn’t right in the kitchen and quietly discuss it. ‘I think the roast lamb is the problem’ Kitty notes, adding, ‘smells as if it’s going to be sizzed on the outside and underdone in the middle.’ Dick suggests they just pretend however it arrives they like it just that way. In the kitchen Janice tells Brian it’s going to be about half an hour late so he’ll have to keep them happy with plenty of sherry. Plenty of sherry later and Kitty and Dick are charging insults at each other over her terrible driving and his poor motor teaching skills. Janice laments the lamb, ‘It was like a dried-up bit of old leather.’
Kathleen Donovan Ruth Bailey Evan Lloyd Marilyn Gates Sandy Richardson Stevie Harris Dorothy Glenn Carlos Rafael Sam Redway Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Dick Jarvis Kitty Jarvis |
Episode 288 – December 8th | Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill | Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Motel staff room: ‘I cannot move my hands, my hands are deaded’ Carlos says – however Kathleen is more concerned about the broken cups and plates and gets a dustpan and brush and starts cleaning up. Ruth comes in and asks what all the noise is about. ‘Oh, Kathleen! You’ve broken the coffee set!’ proclaims Ruth, however, Kathleen is quick to correct the statement, ‘Indeed I have not ma’am. No, ’tis this lyin’ Spanish hypocrite you can put the blame on, and let him deny it if he can.’ Carlos admits he dropped the tray and Kathleen is stunned. Ruth asks if Carlos is unwell, but he pretends he is now fine.

Motel Reception: Marilyn is observing Evan and Dorothy having coffee together, when Ruth comes through Marilyn suggests that Evan is one of those ‘hotel gigolas’ who is on the hunt for rich women. On the other side of the reception Dorothy and Evan are discussing his work, he then notes ‘There’s a world of difference between a lone traveller and a lonely traveller’ Evan then asks her, ‘Which are you, Miss Glenn?’
Back at the reception desk, Marilyn notes that she is ‘taking no chances’ with him and is going ‘lock up all her best jewellery’.
Marilyn: “Ooo I’d give something to know just what’s going on. Didn’t get far with Miss Glenn did he? She’s got his number alright. ‘Are you a lonely traveller like me?’ The big drip, did you see the way she beetled off when he took his call? Miss Glenn’s not as green as she’s cabbage looking”
Ruth can’t get a word in to respond to Marilyn.
Petrol Station: Sam is telling Sandy how the business is ‘on the up.’ Every day that passes there is more and more business arriving for the filling station and garage. Sam is also working on his ‘new car’ an old banger that he’s doing up out of hours himself. Sandy offers to help. Although he knows his mum won’t be too happy. Sam asks why. Sandy explains the last time he helped out at the garage he got his clothes covered in oil and Meg was very unimpressed. Sam says he has an answer for that – a pair of overalls.
Evan comes over and notes the buses have been diverted, due to an accident in Kings Oak, are there any taxi services around? He’s in a hurry. Sam says Drury’s but if he’s in a rush they’ll take too long. Sandy suggests Sam take Evan in his car and he’ll watch the petrol pumps. Sam reluctantly agrees.
Motel Kitchen: Stevie is having tea which Marilyn is overseeing. Ruth brings in a visitor to see her, Lily her mother has made another unexpected arrival at the motel. Stevie asks if she’s alone, Lily says yes. Stevie is pleased she doesn’t want to see ‘Uncle Jack’ (Lily’s new husband).
Lily goes on to explain that Jack has a new job – in Birmingham – so she’ll be moving to the area, and when their flat is fixed up they can all live together as a family.
Kathleen Donovan Carlos Rafael Ruth Bailey Janice Jarvis Brian Jarvis Kitty Jarvis Vince Bromley Evan Lloyd Dorothy Glenn Marilyn Gates Sandy Richardson Sam Redway Dick Jarvis Lily Harris Stevie Harris |
Episode 289 – December 9th | Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill | Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Motel Kitchen: The scene continues as in 288 with Lily discussing Stevie coming to live with her in Birmingham. She tells Stevie how it will be just the two of them in the flat, as Jack will be living in another flat on the floor above with a friend. Stevie isn’t convinced. ‘But he’ll be paying the rent?’ Lily says yes at first until she gets a job. She also promises her a more relaxed home life than she’s getting at the motel ‘none of this discipline’ that Mrs Richardson is dishing out.
Lily: “Oh you’ve forgotten how to smile since you came to live with Mrs Richardson. Is she very strict with you darling?”
Stevie: “No mum, she’s very kind – truly she is”
Lily: “I suppose so darling, in her own way. But it isn’t our way is it? Oh well, strangers aren’t like your own family are they?”
Stevie: “That’s why I don’t want Uncle Jack to live with us. He isn’t our family and I hate him!”
Lily then says that Mrs Richardson will miss Stevie when they move, especially the money she gets for looking after her. Stevie is surprised to hear Meg is paid to be her foster mother.
Motel Reception: Ruth asks Carlos what the doctor has prescribed. He comes clean and tells her ‘I cannot tell a lie, I did not go to see the medico.’ Ruth is disappointed, ‘you promised you would’ she tells him, he says it was too good a day to waste waiting to see the doctor, surrounded by ill people, so he went to the cinema instead. She asks to see his hands – which he is hiding in his coat pockets – but he rushes off into the kitchen when the reception phone begins to ring.
Meg’s Sitting Room: Mrs Cooper from the Children’s Services has arrived to see Meg. She explains that Miss Morrison – whom Meg has dealt with in the past – handles new intakes. However, as Stevie has been with the Richardson’s for several weeks now her case has now moved onto her. Mrs Cooper explains she is the liaison officer for the council with foster parents. Mrs Cooper asks if there are any new developments with Stevie she should know. Meg tells her how Lily has returned and the visits to the motel to see her daughter seem to disrupt and upset Stevie
When Mrs Cooper asks to see Stevie she gives both Cooper and Meg a shock. She tells them that she doesn’t need to ‘get to know’ Mrs Cooper as ‘I’m going to be living with mum in Birmingham’.
Motel Reception: Dorothy is telling Ruth how the car part has arrived and her car is nearly ready, but as she’s a lone traveller – as Mr Lloyd so openly noted yesterday – she’s wondering if she could stay on at the motel until the new year. She explains that everyone has been so friendly, what is the point of driving south now and booking into a hotel somewhere new and being surrounded by strangers over Christmas? Ruth checks the register and says while the motel is filling up she can extend her stay.
Over in the alcove, Evan is having a moment with a Mrs Templeton; he tells her how when he goes into a trance his spirit guides give him the answers to the questions or problems his clients ask about. He tells her how they confide their most sacred secrets and then he advises them. But when he awakes from the trance he cannot recall any of the conversations. He then tells her he senses ‘India’ vibrating from her. Mrs Templeton tells him she was born in India. Marilyn and Kathleen are watching from the restaurant doorway, ‘I wouldn’t trust that twister as far as I could throw him’ Marilyn observes. Later when Sam tells her how he dropped Evan off at a ‘posh house’ she’s even more interested in the dubious goings-on of Mr Lloyd.
Evan slumps in the chair, he tells Mrs T that his trance has been disrupted, she suggests that maybe it would be better if he came to her house and conducted it there. He tells her a single trance consultation would cost ten guineas (£10.50) and she might not get all the answers she’s looking for in one sitting – ‘One cannot compel the psychic’ he tells her. He suggests three sittings, and as he knows that would be expensive he’ll cut it to twenty-five guineas. She accepts.
Jarvis’ parlour: Kitty is sitting at the table with bits of kitchen utensils on the table which is ‘acting as a make-shift car’. Talking to herself she goes through what she’s learnt so far.
Kitty: “Clutch in neutral, hand-break on. Now, switch on ignition and start the engine. ‘rrrrrrrrrrrrr’. Good. Now, feet in position, press in clutch with left foot. Now in first gear, now release clutch – not too fierce.”
During this routine, Dick has arrived home and is observing Kitty and her ‘driving’. When she finally sees Dick she tells him how she’s had the most wonderful day with her driving instructor Vince Bromley. She notes ‘Mr Bromley says I’ll be driving in no time. He says I show a real aptitude for it’. Dick suggests the only thing Kitty will be doing is driving Mr Bromley around the bend like she did him. Kitty retorts that Vince taught her more in a day than he managed in a week. She adds that she is no longer terrified of being on the road. Dick says he’s pleased about that, but when she’s on the road everyone else ought to be terrified.
Stevie Harris Lily Harris Ruth Bailey Carlos Rafael Dorothy Glenn Meg Richardson Mrs Cooper Evan Lloyd Marilyn Gates Mrs Templeton Kathleen Donovan Dick Jarvis Kitty Jarvis Sandy Richardson Sam Redway |
Episode 290 – December 10th | Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill | Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Carlos’ Bedroom: Friday at the motel starts with Ruth concerned that Carlos is late for work. She visits him in his room and he tells her he needs a doctor, he can’t move his leg to get out of bed. She tells him not to be afraid she’ll get help straight away. Carlos feels a gold cross that is on a chain around his neck.
Motel Kitchen: Stevie is telling Sandy how she probably won’t be around for Christmas with her mum taking her to live in Birmingham. She tells Sandy she doesn’t know what is for the best.
Stevie: “I’m in a terrible mess Sandy, since mum was here. I don’t know if I want to go and live with her or not… she really does love me, but she did before then she went and left me and dad when she went off to live with this man… Jack.
“He’s a horrible man. He tried to kiss me once when mum was out of the room, and I hate him. She says he won’t be living with us, but I think she’s telling lies.”
Jarvis’ Shop: Dick and Vince are talking about driving and how Dick doesn’t envy his job. ‘I always feel sorry for you chaps swerving about in L plates’ Dick notes, but Vince is entirely positive about his work. He tells Dick how ‘teaching learner drivers is an art’ and even if some are more difficult than others all the cars are ‘dual control’. He then goes on to surprise Dick by telling him that Kitty is a very easy person to instruct.
Carlos’ Bedroom: Dr Quilley is performing an examination. As he pressures a ‘sharp pointed instrument’ along the side of Carlos’ leg he tests his sciatic nerve reaction. Carlos responds to this pressure when he feels any pain or sensation. Once it is over he is very eager to know what the problem is. Dr Quilley explains that it isn’t that simple, ‘it isn’t easy as you imagine to diagnose the cause of a nervous disorder’. He tells Carlos in the meantime he must rest.
In the hallway outside the bedroom, the Dr tells Ruth that he wants Carlos to see a neurologist as soon as possible, he tells her an ambulance will be sent to collect him later today.
Motel Reception: Evan is charming Marilyn, despite all her resistance earlier towards him. He tells her she has a beautiful disposition. He also mentions his vibrations suggest the motel chef is unwell. He offers his help, if he can see him he can help him. Marilyn says that his vibrations vibrated too late Carlos went to the hospital an hour ago. Evan wanders off.
Dorothy who is sitting at the bar observes she’s a bit sick of Evan. ‘Always trying to make conversation’. Marilyn says she thinks he’s a bit temperamental then asks her if she thinks ‘he’s one of those healers, you know they put their hands on you then you’re supposed to be cured’. Dorothy says she doesn’t think Mr Lloyd is a ‘spiritual healer’ adding a warning to Marilyn that she shouldn’t trust the man too much, she herself has a bad feeling about him.
Motel Kitchen: Meg has gone to Stratford for the day and they are unable to reach her to tell her about Carlos. Ruth is doing her best to run the kitchen. ‘The kitchen is in disorder and Ruth is getting desperate’ Sandy is trying to help by doing the washing up. Kathleen and Marilyn come in with orders but Ruth tells them she’s not cooked enough and half the menu is about to run out. ‘I didn’t cook half enough, I didn’t realise how much people ate’ she sighs.
Ruth then takes a telephone call from Dr Quilley who informs her the hospital will be keeping Carlos in overnight; they are going to perform more tests. He tells her that he doesn’t want to alarm her but it is best to be aware that the illness with Carlos may be serious.
Carlos Rafael Ruth Bailey Stevie Harris Sandy Richardson Marilyn Gates Dick Jarvis Kitty Jarvis Amy Turtle Vince Bromley Doctor Quilley Evan Lloyd Dorothy Glenn Sam Redway Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Kathleen Donovan |
Episode 291 – December 13th |
Written by: Dan Douglas |
Directed by: Tim Jones |
Meg’s Sitting Room: A new week begins at the Crossroads Motel with Meg and Ruth discussing the medical issues with Carlos. The tests over the weekend suggest he is suffering from Polio, although there has been no final confirmation of this yet. Both women look very concerned and nervous. ‘Ruth, do you realise what this could mean?’ Meg asks, with Ruth observing ‘Yes, I know it’s very serious he could die or be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life’.
Ruth informs Meg that Dr. Quilley, to be on the side of caution, has ordered a supply of vaccine so the motel staff and the Richardsons can all be immunised tomorrow. The issue leads Meg to reflect on her late husband Charles. ‘At the end of Charles’ illness, he was too frail to realise what was happening. And the worst part of it all was being powerless to be able to do anything to help.’ Ruth is being practical rather than just hanging around waiting for news. She says she will write a letter to Josefina in Spain and let her know what has happened. Meg says she’ll pay for her flight to England.
Motel Kitchen: William, Marilyn and Stevie are looking at a bell which is on the kitchen wall. Sandy enters and explains its for the garage, well its for Sam really. He’s run a wire over the forecourt so when a car drives over it the bell rings – meaning if Sam is in the kitchen having a cup of tea he won’t miss a customer. Marilyn says she can’t be having that thing ringing every five minutes, he needs to fit a switch in the kitchen to turn it off. Sandy tells her all great works of engineering take time and he’s sure Sam, at some point, will find a way to switch it off.
Outside the chalet block: Evan is gleaming bits of information about Marilyn from Kathleen. She tells him that Ms Gates is a Kings Oak girl, and has only been away from the Midlands once when she had a short stint in a pop group as a singer in London. ‘Georgie Saint and the Dragons. A complete flop it was. So here she is back washing dishes.’ Kathleen also mentions a failed love interest from abroad.
Evan: “At least she tried to better herself”
Kathleen: “Pah! The cobbler should stick to shoes. If the good Lord intended you to wash dishes then washing dishes is your lot. As my dear mother used to say, ‘Know your place my girl’.”
Meg’s Office: The next morning: Dr Quilley has called in. He tells Meg that there is good news, Carlos is not suffering from Polio. He says this also means there is no need to be immunising the long term guests and staff. Ruth asks if it isn’t Polio what is the medical concern? He tells her that they know now several things that it isn’t. But they have yet to define what it is. Several more tests are being carried out.
He asks both women if they think he could have been in some way poisoned, accidentally. Dr Quilley suggests lead poisoning is a possibility as ‘the paralysis is a symptom of disease, we just don’t know the cause of this illness yet.’
Motel Kitchen: Sam is telling William how buoyant the business is at the Crossroads Petrol Station/Garage and that he’s going to have to hire a full-time member of staff. ‘I don’t mind telling you things have gone a lot better than I even thought. I knew the petrol sales would be good, being next to a motorway and a motel they couldn’t fail. But I never expected such good business for the garage repair side.’
Sam then tells him he’s thinking of expanding it further – although he clearly hasn’t considered Meg and Dick’s view of this when he mentions he plans to open the Crossroads Car Hire as the next addition to the business. William suggests advertising in the paper for a mechanic and, as he’s expanding, a car hire driver.
Motel Reception: Marilyn and Evan are talking at the bar. He mentions he finds it surprising that such an attractive girl is working at a motel, of course, it’s to the motel’s advantage, but he tells her she could surely be leading a glamorous lifestyle. He touches her bracelet and says he feels her luck is changing, ‘No more disappointment from the world of showbusiness. No more letdowns in affairs of the heart from someone overseas. Yes, I can see soon you will find the happiness you so richly deserve’. Marilyn stands staring at him open-mouthed.
Meg Richarson Ruth Bailey Marilyn Gates Stevie Harris William Fotherfill Evan Lloyd Kathleen Donovan Doctor Quilley Sam Redway |
Episode 292 – December 14th |
Written by: Dan Douglas | Directed by: Tim Jones |
Motel Reception: The scene continues from 291 and Marilyn amazed asks Evan how he could know all about her disappointments in her showbiz career and love. He tells her he picked up the ‘waves’. Evan explains how it comes to him through psychometry. He picked up her problems by touching her bracelet, he says to take it off and put it in his hand – he will get a better reading this way. He goes into a trance.
Evan: “I can hear music, loud modern music. There is a word coming to me, an archangel maybe… no.. a saint!”
Marilyn: “Ooh, that was me group, Georgie Saint and the Dragons.”
Evan: “Pulsating, vibrating, the spirits are communicating. I can see you and someone far off in the… [He then pulls out information that Kathleen didn’t tell him, but happened to Marilyn] Your nose. Someone wanted to alter your nose”
Marilyn: “That’s that smarmy-looking character, Mr Freed. He wanted to make me a beauty contest queen but I had to have me nose done to get the job…. Ere Mr. Lloyd, I think you’re marvellous, a real physoctic”.
Evan: “Psychic “
Marilyn: “Yes, that too.”

Stevie’s Bedroom: Meg has brought up Stevie’s clean laundry and finds handwritten poems and a photo of Mr Grainger, Stevie’s school teacher, in the drawer. Stevie isn’t home so Meg begins to read them. [The voice of Stevie is heard as the scene shows Meg reading].
“To the one I Love”
“Of all the men in Kings Oak, the only one I see is him here in the classroom who stands and teaches me.
“If only I could tell hm some of the things I feel. To me he’s the Avenger, and I am Mrs. Peel! He was the one I turned to in time of sore distress, when all others had failed me, and life was just a mess.
“His own money he gave me – his own his very own – but that’s our dying secret to him and me alone. My heart it beats much faster when -”
Meg is interrupted by Stevie arriving in the room. At first Stevie is angry, but Meg doesn’t mention the content only that Stevie has a real talent for writing poetry and they are very beautiful. This appeases Stevie and she goes off to school happy.
Hospital Ward: Marilyn has popped in to see Carlos but is surprised at how ill he looks. She pretends he is looking much better, but he isn’t fooled by her kindness. ‘Carlos is finished. I just lie here all day. I cannot move, only the head a little…. who would want to live like this’. Marilyn tries not to cry, Sandy and Stevie have bought him a motorcycle magazine which Marilyn puts on the bedside table painfully aware he is not going to be able to read it.
On Heathbury Road: Kitty is having another driving test. We see her ‘shoot across a road and ends up facing an entrance she should have reversed into.’ However, when she does reverse she does so perfectly. She tells Vince her instructor that its simply beginners luck. ‘Kitty with great confidence rams car into gear and drives off very fast’. Later at the Jarvis’ Dick is worried sick, Janice is with him and he tells her he’s going to phone the police – Kitty is three hours late home from her driving lesson.
Marilyn Gates Evan Lloyd Meg Richardson Stevie Harris Carlos Rafael Kitty Jarvis Vince Bromley Ruth Bailey Lily Harris Dick Jarvis Janice Jarvis |
Episode 293 – December 15th |
Written by: Dan Douglas |
Directed by: Tim Jones |
Jarvis’ Parlour: Dick is about to telephone the police when Kitty arrives home – three hours late from her driving test. Kitty, in a splendid mood, casually throws out ‘Sorry I’m a little late…’ to which Dick is none impressed ‘A little? Your test ended at four o’clock it’s now seven!’ Still not too concerned Kitty says all is well and she can explain everything. She tells Dick and Janice how the lesson went so well Vince suggested, as he had no other pupils today, they should go for a little drive out and they had tea in a little countryside cafe. Dick can’t quite believe what he’s hearing. Janice observes in quiet amusement.
Motel Reception: Next morning: William and Meg are discussing guest Evan and his mystic abilities. William mentions how Marilyn has been wooed by his psychometry powers. William mentions how Evan has promised to read Marilyn’s mind next. Meg says that might be a challenge. She then notes she can’t be doing with the occult.
Meg: “Mr Fothergill, I’ve got a business to run, I haven’t time to sit back and wait for my stars to be favourable. Nothing I would like better than a drop of good fortune, meanwhile, I prefer to trust success in a bit of hard work”.
Meg’s Sitting Room: Ruth is talking with Dr Quilley about Carlos and the latest developments concerning his illness. ‘Mr Rafael has a condition called polyneuritis. As I mentioned yesterday it isn’t Polio but many of the symptoms are similar.’ Ruth asks how serious the problem is, the Dr tells her it can be very serious; but in Carlos’ case, they have managed to stop it from spreading before it reached the heart and lungs so he will be able to make a recovery over the coming weeks.
Motel Reception: Marilyn is talking with Dorothy, who has just finished reading the morning newspaper. Marilyn asks if she checked the horoscopes. Dorothy says she doesn’t read them – she doesn’t go in for that kind of nonsense. Marilyn notes how she reads them every day. She says she was born under the sign of Pisces and that there have been some very important women born as Pisceans. Elizabeth Taylor, Margaret Leighton, Jean Metcalf. ‘Sometimes I think I’m just the same as Elizabeth Taylor and its very comforting’.
Dick Jarvis Janice Jarvis Kitty Jarvis Meg Richardson William Fothergill Doctor Quilley Dorothy Glenn Marilyn Gates Kathleen Donovan Carlos Rafael Ruth Bailey Stevie Harris Roy Grainger |
Episode 294 – December 16th |
Written by: Dan Douglas |
Directed by: Tim Jones |
That Place, Coffee Bar: Mr Grainger has dropped Stevie off after the school play rehearsals and has been asked if he’d like to see Benny Wilmott performing at the motel coffee bar, which he accepts. Meg joins them and tries to bring up the topic of Stevie’s love poems written about him but keeps getting interrupted.
Petrol Station: Sam is working in the shop when Don Bicknell enters. Sam is surprised to see him, and it’s clear they know each other. Don says he’d come across the advert in the paper for a car hire driver, so he thought he’d apply. Sam asks if Dick Jarvis knows he’s thinking of jumping out of Drury Cars for Crossroads? Don says of course not, he’s said he’s stuck in traffic…
Motel Reception: [The next day] Meg is at the desk observing an interaction between Dorothy and Evan. She’d dropped a glove, which he kindly picked up and returned to her – he then gets the vibrations coming through. She tells him she wants none of his witchcraft with her attire, he tells her he doesn’t dabble in witchcraft, black magic or any sort of voodoo. He tells her he can see her wealth was earned, although not by her fine hands, but by her father. Once they leave Meg observes to Ruth that he’s a bit of a ‘strange young man’.
School Class Room: Mr Grainger is doing some marking when Stevie enters, its way past home time and he asks why she’s still at school. She says she has been enjoying his English lessons very much and she’s taken up writing poetry. She wonders if he’d care to read some. He says he would and she hands him some of her papers. He begins to read ‘Of all the men in Kings Oak…’ As he reads his expression changes from faint amusement to deep concern. Cue sad theme…
Motel Kitchen: Ruth and Meg are clearing up and discussing Stevie’s rather sensitive disposition she’s acquired since her mother Lily arrived on the scene. Meg notes how she’s almost frightened to say anything to the girl anymore. Just as they’re about to close for the night there is a knock on the back door.
Meg: “If it’s the carol singers again, tell them Christmas is next week!”
Ruth: “Josefina!”
Meg Richardson Roy Grainger Stevie Harris Sam Redway Don Bicknell Ruth Bailey Dorothy Glenn Evan Lloyd Kitty Jarvis Dick Jarvis Mrs Mears Janice Jarvis Josefina Rafael |
Episode 295 – December 17th |
Written by: Dan Douglas |
Directed by: Tim Jones |
Drury Car Hire Office: Janice has found out that Don plans to jump ship and join Sam at the Crossroads Car Hire and she warns him Dick will be livid. He tells her he’s leaving Drury’s anyway as he wants to work ‘over the other side of town’ so if it wasn’t Sam it would be someone else. She says he’ll have a difficult time convincing Dick that is true. Dick pops out of his office and Don grabs his chance to say he’s leaving. He explains his new job will be closer to home. Dick takes the news surprisingly well. Dick is less enthused when Don gives him a week’s notice with a Christmas period full of bookings. And he’s entirely enraged when he hears its Sam Redway who is Don’s new boss.
Motel Reception: Meg has given Josefina a loan of some money, she suggests going to the hairdressers and getting a bit of personal time before going to the hospital to see Carlos, who doesn’t know she’s back in England yet. She reluctantly accepts Meg’s generosity. Dorothy Glenn arrives at the reception saying she’s had the most remarkable morning. Mr Lloyd had given her a psychometry session and Evan was able to tell her all kinds of things. He described her boarding school in the Lake District, how she shared a dorm with five other girls and he also looked into her future. She suggests Meg should give it a go. Meg says she’s too sceptical to take part in such things, but she’s pleased Dorothy has found it interesting.
Department Store Restaurant: Lily and Stevie are having afternoon tea. Lily asks if Stevie has been lonely, and she can understand that the people at the motel mean well but obviously just don’t have much time to spare for her. Stevie says she was a bit lonely sometimes, but recently she’s found someone who makes her fulfilled. Lily asks who, Stevie tells her she must keep it a secret; just between the two of them -Lily agrees. Stevie says she’s in love with Mr Grainger, her English teacher. Lily is furious ‘this is what Mrs Richardson lets happen does she, you end up fancying a man old enough probably to be your father!’ Stevie backtracks and says its a bit of a joke really all the girls at school try to outdo each other with daft things like this. It’s not serious. Lily accepts this reasoning. She then asks if Stevie has thought about when she’d like to move into Birmingham with her. Her daughter is reluctant to commit and Lily is far from happy but tries not to show it.
Hospital Waiting Room: Meg and Josefina are sitting waiting for visiting time to begin. Meg warns that Carlos appears to be depressed and isn’t accepting he will get better. He is, despite the doctors telling him otherwise, resigned to believing he will never walk or work again.
Meg: “Don’t be too upset if he’s still depressed, remember he’s been seriously ill. If he sees you looking frightened it will just add to his belief that he’s still very unwell. Hopefully, you’ll perk him up as a pleasant surprise. I think you might just be the cure he needs.”
Josefina walks down the hall and enters the ward. She gives Carlos a delightful surprise, but he is frustrated he cannot reach out to her, instead, she embraces him.
Josefina Rafael Meg Richardson Ruth Bailey Janice Jarvis Don Bicknell Dick Jarvis Dorothy Glenn Sam Redway Stevie Harris Lily Harris Marilyn Gates Carlos Rafael |
Episode 296 – December 20th |
Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill |
Directed by: Reg Watson |
Hospital Corridor: The new week begins as Friday closed with Meg, Carlos and Josefina at the hospital. Having visited Carlos, Josefina returns to Meg in the waiting room and tells her things haven’t gone to plan – Carlos thinks she’s come to visit him because he is dying! Meg is horrified. She reassures Josefina that her husband is very much not at death’s door and he will be fine, it is just going to take a long time.
Meg tries to explain to Josefina that Carlos’ mental health needs boosting to help him with his recovery, while he feels like he’s unable he will be unable for much longer. Josefina doesn’t know how to help with that.
Motel Reception: Kathleen is trying to get a cheap-as-possible session with Evan Lloyd and his mystic abilities however her Irish charm fails and he is offended by her conversation,
Evan: “I am not a fortune teller, I am a serious psychic consultant and I am not at the beck and call of inferior-minded sensation hunters who regard me as though I was a cheap end of the seaside pier crystal ball gazer. A free tip for the horses indeed, I am worth no less than five guineas. What next? How dare you! Kindly leave me to have my cup of tea in peace”
Jarvis’ Parlour: Kitty and Vince have just returned from another driving lesson, and she’s made them a pot of coffee. However, as the conversation progresses Kitty becomes increasingly uneasy with Vince’s familiarity towards her, especially when he calls her ‘my dear’. She however refrains from showing her concerns.
Sitting at the dining table, Kitty turns the conversation to her driving and he tells her how much progress she is making, he then tells her ‘With me beside you, you are learning. You are gaining confidence and with me beside you that will only continue to blossom’ He then places his hand on top of hers.
Grainger’s Flat: Stevie knocks on his door. When he answers he is horrorstruck. He tells her she must leave at once, and because of what she’d written in her poems she must never call around again. She says she has come for advice, no one else can help her. He suggests talking to Mrs Richardson.
Stevie: “I don’t want to talk to her – she isn’t special like you. You’re very special to me – Aren’t I special to you?”
Mr Grainger: “Certainly not. Stop talking nonsense, to me you’re just one of my many pupils at school – and nothing else!”
Stevie: “That isn’t true, you’ve gone out of your way to be kind to me…”
Mr Grainger: “Don’t ever – ever – come here again. Now go home at once you silly child or I’ll telephone Mrs Richardson and ask her to come and retrieve you.”.
Meg Richardson Josefina Rafael Kathleen Donovan Marilyn Gates William Fothergill Evan Lloyd Kitty Jarvis Vince Bromley Stevie Harris Sandy Richardson Ruth Bailey Dick Jarvis Janice Jarvis Brian Jarvis Roy Grainger Barbara |
Episode 297 – December 21st |
Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill | Directed by: Reg Watson |
Meg’s Sitting Room: Meg has asked Mrs Cooper to pop in from the child services to speak with Stevie. Meg explains that Stevie has been crying endlessly since she returned home last night, and can only assume her mother has upset her again. But when Meg asks what the matter is she gets no response. Mrs Cooper says she has other ‘bad news’ for Stevie, having inspected Lily’s flat it has been decided it isn’t suitable for the child so she can’t spend Christmas with her mother.
Motel Kitchen: Sandy is showing William a letter he’s been sent from the choirmaster, giving him the ‘brush off’. Sandy calls it a ‘diabolical liberty’. William reads aloud “Dear Sandy, it is very kind of you to invite us for hot drinks and mince pies at the Crossroads Motel and we would be delighted to accept…. Now about the singing. We appreciate your excellent solo work since you joined up, but now your voice is breaking and a little uncertain on pitch, I think it would be best for all concerned if you stand aside this year.”
Sandy says he’s got a good mind to cancel the choir. Ruth says that would be a shame she’s planned a nice little Christmas Eve party around them. William tells Sandy to just take it on the chin, be polite and hand out the mince pies with a smile.
Motel Foyer: In the sofa area Evan and Dorothy are chatting. She asks him if he believes there is another world or spiritual level beyond this world. He tells her that he believes in ‘what I know to be true. Life on earth has a plan – it has to have one – since the entire universe is governed by timeless law and order. Nothing in nature is left to chance, and it is only common sense that we mortals were never meant to stumble randomly through life’. Dorothy thinks he’s put it all so very beautifully.
At the bar, Meg observes to Ruth that she feels Evan is a fake, and he’s somehow found out Dorothy has money and is giving her the ‘hard line of patter’.
Jarvis’ Shop: Kitty is explaining to Dick that she’s booked her driving test for three weeks time, but Mr Bromley doesn’t think that is a good idea, that she needs a bit longer. Kitty – to herself fears it is a rouse to spend more time with her as he’s been getting cosy – so she asks Dick if he’ll give her some extra car experience alongside Bromley. Dick is amused. ‘The wonderful Vince B isn’t so great after all, fancy having to fall back on the old man eh?’ He agrees to help Kitty with her driving.
Meg’s Sitting Room: Lily confronts Meg about Stevie spending Christmas at the motel rather than with her at her flat. Meg tells Lily it wasn’t her decision and if she has any complaints she must speak with the person who made it – Mrs Cooper. Lily says she doesn’t believe her. Stevie has been helping Meg with Christmas decorations and is observing the whole thing.
Lily: “Maybe Mrs Cooper would like to hear a few home truths about you. You’re supposed to be a moral woman, hardly! Encouraging my child to have love affairs with old men! A fine foster mother you are!”
Meg: “What exactly are you insinuating Mrs Harris?”
Lily: “I’m not making suggestions, it’s the truth, Stevie told me you knew about her and this Mr Grainger. Encouraging their affair.”
Stevie: [to her mother] “I didn’t tell you that! You tell lies all the time; you’re the biggest liar in the whole world, and I’m glad I’m not spending Christmas with you – you great big liar.”
Brian and Janice’s Flat: Brian has decided to surprise Janice and take her out to dinner, however when he finds he hasn’t any clean clothes the pair have a row. He storms out.
Mrs Cooper Meg Richardson Stevie Harris Sandy Richardson William Fothergill Ruth Bailey Marilyn Gates Kathleen Donovan Evan Lloyd Dorothy Glenn Mrs Templeton Doctor Quilley Josefina Rafael Dick Jarvis Kitty Jarvis Lily Harris Janice Jarvis Brian Jarvis |
Episode 298 – December 22nd |
Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill | Directed by: Reg Watson |
Drury Cars Office: Dick is working through the recent paperwork and has noticed a change in booking habits. He speaks with Janice about the situation on the bookings sheet – especially Fairlawns Hotel – they haven’t had a hire from them for a while. Janice offers to ring Fairlawns and ask if there is a problem, Dick says he will pop in himself and see if ‘the personal touch’ can help the situation.
Motel Reception: Evan is talking to William about life after death after noting his parents are both no longer ‘on this earth plane’. Evan explains, ‘It’s quite simple, I do not believe that death is the end. To me, it is a new beginning. The start of a new existence, my parents are as alive as I am, they have just left this dimension.’ Evan then talks to William about his future he tells him he doesn’t see him being at the Crossroads Motel for much longer ‘Your departure will begin with an unexpected meeting… but you are accustomed to moving on often, are you not?’ William asks if he can tell something of a past from a ‘scarab ring’ and Evan, after holding it for a few seconds, says it has an evil horrid past.
Public Highway: Scene notes state ‘Dick’s car with L plates up, sidelights on. Kitty is driving as she weaves in and out of traffic with some uncertainty. They drive around a roundabout twice before getting into the correct lane for turn-off. The car narrowly misses a pedestrian on a crossing. Kitty continues on before pulling into a side road stopping with a jerky halt.’
Dick: “What do you think you’re doing Kitty? You nearly ran down that fella!”
Kitty: “I put my foot on the accelerator instead of the break. And stop shouting Dick, you make me nervous.”
Dick: “It’s nothing to what you’re making me. In the last half mile you’ve almost crashed into a crowded bus, missed narrowly a dozen head-on collisions – only because the other drivers swerved in time to avoid you – and Lord only knows what chaos you’ve left behind at the roundabouts.”
Dick and Kitty conclude it hasn’t gone awfully well. But she says she can drive well – just not when it is busy. He suggests maybe she just drives through the night…
Motel Kitchen: William is talking about his earlier encounter with Evan and explains about the ring he gave him to work his psychometry on. He tells Meg how Evan came out with a ‘terrific spiel’ of it having a past of ‘blood, horror and evil connections’. But it proves, William notes, that Evan is a fraud – if he’d looked inside the ring it states ‘Made In Birmingham’. Meg says it proves at least her gut instinct was right Evan Lloyd is a phoney.
Fairlawns Hotel Reception: Dick is talking to Marion the receptionist who also handles the car hire bookings. Dick offers her a ‘Christmas present’ of perfume from the Drury Car Hire firm. She looks awkward and embarrassed. Dick says that when Fairlawns first opened Drurys was getting a lot of business but now of late there has been no bookings. Marion says that they have been using a more local service recently as they’re quicker – the Crossroads Car Hire. Dick is furious.
Meg’s Sitting Room: Ruth is commenting on how festive everywhere looks. Meg says she has always loved Christmas and her mum Harriett always went in for big celebrations; ‘I can close my eyes and back comes the thrill of it all, being taken to church to see the Crib and the huge Christmas tree with the shiny decorations’. Meg then recalls how she, Kitty and Andy would all try and stay awake to see Father Christmas come down the chimney but they never managed it…
Sandy suggests that one year they should invite Granny Frazer to the motel for Christmas. Meg’s face suggests this would be a horrific idea, she tells Sandy ‘Granny Frazer isn’t what she used to be dear, I don’t think she could cope with the excitement.’ Ruth asks if Harriett is in ill health, Meg says her mother’s body is willing but her mind sadly isn’t. Later Meg gets news from Mrs Cooper that Lily Harris has made a complaint about Meg and Stevie’s school teacher.
Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Sandy Richardson Josefina Rafael Marilyn Gates Meg Richardson Dick Jarvis William Fothergill Evan Lloyd Kitty Jarvis Pedestrian Ruth Bailey Mrs Cooper Marion Clarke |
Episode 299– December 23rd |
Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill | Directed by: Reg Watson |

Grainger’s Flat: Meg and Mrs Cooper, from Child Services, have called in to speak with Roy Grainger, Stevie’s English teacher, about her recent obsession with him. Cooper received a letter from Lily Harris saying Mr Grainger was having an affair with her daughter and Mrs Richardson knew about it and ‘encouraged it’.
Roy tells them that it really isn’t anything to be overly concerned about, it happens from time to time he tells them. School girls have crushes on many people, but he says Meg and himself have handled it as tactfully as possible and there is no truth in Lily’s statement. Mrs Cooper agrees with that, the woman is a noted troubled sort.
Jarvis’ Parlour: Kitty and Vince Bromley are preparing for another driving test. Kitty tells him about her disastrous lesson with Dick yesterday during rush hour in Heathbury. ‘Oh, no! Not heavy traffic?’ Vince asks, with Kitty explaining ‘Yes! It was awful. He kept shouting at me all the time and it made me so nervous I nearly killed a man crossing the road. If I’d been on the quiet roads I would have been all right.’ Vince sympathises with her and tells her Dick has disturbed her confidence.
Meg’s Sitting Room: Meg and Ruth are opening up the Christmas cards and placing them around the room.
Ruth: “Meg you are a popular one. You must have about two hundred cards.”
Meg: “Not so popular as you may think, about fifty per cent of these are from business firms…”
Ruth: “Even so – that leaves you with about a hundred friends. That’s not bad going… I’ve only had about a dozen. I lost a lot of friends over the scandal of Gerald’s death. People don’t like it when you’re accused of murder.”

Meg says that is preposterous, however, Ruth says that ‘mud sticks’ and she’s been dropped by all kinds of people – some she’d known decades. Meg says she hopes 1966 fairs kinder to Ruth while Ruth observes that Meg hasn’t had the best of it either in 1965. ‘Oh you mean Hugh?’ Meg asks, adding, ‘I don’t think I handled Hugh very cleverly. I should have put my foot down right at the beginning when Louise made a dead set at Hugh and he liked the attention.’
Meg ponders that had she given Hugh an ultimatum at the start of the Louise business he might have pulled back from the woman then and there.
Meg: “Instead I sat on my dignity, pretending to ignore what was nearly killing me. Oh Ruth the agony a woman goes through when the man she loves plays her up. Seventeen or Seventy – the heart just breaks as cruelly. I wouldn’t go through all that again for any man. I’ve finished with love.”
Ruth asks if Meg still has feelings for Hugh. Meg says she refuses to even ask herself that question in case she ‘gets the wrong answer’ She tells Ruth that she’s not unhappy anymore, the terrible hurt has faded and she is looking forward to Christmas. ‘Peace on earth and goodwill towards men – even Hugh Mortimer’.
Motel Reception: Dorothy is explaining to Marilyn how she is going to help Evan with his life work. She’s going to invest in helping him with his ‘noble work for mankind’. Marilyn says ‘but we have a very efficient free Health Service in the country’. Dorothy responds that Evan only deals with people ‘doctors have given up on as incurable.’ She then says the two of them are going to open a centre to provide ‘Health, Beauty and Happiness’. Marilyn reckons that would make a good song title.
Roy Grainger Meg Richardson Mrs Cooper Josefina Rafael Sandy Richardson Stevie Harris Kathleen Donovan Marilyn Gates William Fothergill Ruth Bailey Vince Bromley Kitty Jarvis Carlos Rafael Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Dick Jarvis Dorothy Glenn |
Episode 300 – December 24th |
Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwill | Directed by: Reg Watson |
Motel Kitchen: Christmas Eve in the kitchen sees Kathleen, Marilyn, Ruth, Sandy, William and Stevie pondering the past year. Kathleen observes its been a terrible time for Josefina and Carlos ‘in a foreign land’ a comment which Marilyn takes offence to. ‘What do you mean foreign land, England isn’t foreign.’
Kathleen: “Sure tis foreign, if you’re not born in England. Tis foreign to me being from Ireland and tis foreign to Josefina and Carlos with them being Spanish.”
Marilyn: “If you want a slosh across the kisser with this Mince Pie say that again! English foreign, don’t be so ignorant.”
Sandy: “Calm down Marilyn, England is foreign to all the immigrants who come here to work”
Marilyn insults Kathleen by remarking she didn’t realise she was just a ‘common immigrant’. Kathleen retorts that she is far from common she is ‘a decent respectable Irish girl, descended on me great-great grandmother’s side from the Fitzgerald’s of County Cork’. Marilyn says she has sophistication in her family too – her Uncle Jim was a third cousin of an Aunty of Sir Stanley Mathews.
Meg’s Sitting Room: Marilyn has informed Meg of Dorothy’s intent to give all her fortune to Evan so he can open a ‘centre of Health, Beauty and Happiness – HBH Centre’. Meg is now discussing this situation with Ruth. ‘Ms Glenn absolutely believes he is genuine, how can I walk up to her and say ‘Oh by the way I think your paragon of virtue is a complete fake’. She would ask for proof – and I have none’ Ruth says either way something ought to be done to stop his con tricks.

Motel Reception: Meg is once again hosting her festive party in the motel foyer and restaurant so both friends and guests can join in the celebrations. Kathleen and Marilyn are trying to get two gift-wrapped boxes up to Meg’s sitting room without her noticing. One contains a lampshade, the other a lamp, they have added them to the family gifts piled in the sitting room, but they are so large they stand out clearly.
Just as they run out of ideas Brian arrives with the presents from Kitty and Dick and himself, which he puts on top of the already piled items, this nicely hides the gifts from the staff. Kathleen and Marilyn then realise two boxes from Dick and Kitty look the same as theirs, even the same wrapping. Marilyn notes ‘I bet it’s a table lamp exactly like ours’. Kathleen adds ‘Now, that would be a calamity’.
Motel Restaurant: The party is in full swing ‘Has everyone got a drink’ asks Dick, who adds, ‘The toast is…Meg!’ She thanks everyone for coming to the party and wishes everyone a happy Christmas.
Dick reflects on the year, observing that ‘the years seem to get shorter as you get older’. Kitty says he might feel that way but she doesn’t feel any older. Ruth notes a lot can happen in a year. They all drink looking thoughtful.
Meg’s Sitting Room: William is trying to find out what is inside the two boxes Kitty and Dick have gifted Meg. As he is trying to peek in through a gap Meg walks in and catches him at it. She demands an explanation. He comes clean and tells Meg the staff clubbed together and bought her a table lamp and shade from a department store. However, it looks like the Jarvis’ have done the same. Meg says there is only one way to find out – she decides to open them. To William’s relief, Kitty and Dick have bought Meg a Chinese vase which is in the first box and a matching China table centre piece in the second one.
Motel exterior: Carol Singers, led by Stevie Harris, walk up the driveway, from the main road, holding candlelit lanterns. They are singing ‘Oh Come All Ye Faithful’. Once they finish Meg invites them all in for mince pies and warm drinks. As she turns one of the carol singers says ‘Merry Christmas mum’ – it is Jill.
Hospital Ward: Sandy and Josefina have called in to see Carlos, Sandy gives him a gift of motorbike gloves and says he will soon be back on the road. Carlos is still glum about the lack of progress he is making with his movement. Sandy leaves to attend the motel party. Carlos and Josefina watch him from the ward window outside, Josefina waves and as Sandy waves back he nearly crashes into a car – Carlos waves in warning – Josefina realises what he’s doing ‘Carlos, you’re waving your hands’. Carlos is overcome with joy. The episode ends with a mix of scenes between the motel party, the hospital and the carol singers performing ‘Hark The Herald Angels Sing’.
Stevie Harris Sandy Richardson Ruth Bailey William Fothergill Sue Nicholls Kathleen Donovan Josefina Rafael Meg Richardson Dick Jarvis Janice Jarvis Kitty Jarvis Brian Jarvis Jill Richardson Carlos Rafael |
Episode 301 – December 27th |
Written by: Paul Erickson |
Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Currently, this information is missing from the archive for this episode.
The TV Times synopsis notes Lily: “I don’t care about the circumstances. I only know this – Stevie is my child and you’ve stopped me from spending Christmas with her!”
Sandy Richardson Josefina Rafael Jill Richardson Ruth Bailey Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Kathleen Donovan William Fothergill Sister Maitland Carlos Rafael Dorothy Glenn Mrs Templeton Dick Jarvis Kitty Jarvis Stevie Harris Lily Harris |
Episode 302 – December 28th |
Written by: Paul Erickson | Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Currently, this information is missing from the archive for this episode.
The TV Times synopsis notes Dick: “I happen to know that you are breaking the law and running that business of yours illegally. And I see no reason why I shouldn’t bring those facts to the attention of the authorities.”
Stevie Harris Lily Harris Ruth Bailey Sandy Richardson Dick Jarvis Kitty Jarvis Janice Jarvis Brian Jarvis Meg Richardson Josefina Rafael William Fothergill Kathleen Donovan Vince Bromley Mrs Mears Sam Redway Evan Lloyd Dorothy Glenn |
Episode 303 – December 29th |
Written by: Paul Erickson | Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Petrol Station: Dick Jarvis – without any facts – has accused Sam of running the Crossroads Car Hire illegally. Sam tells him that his image may be one of carefree and maybe even careless but making sure all parts of the business were licenced and insured was the first thing he did. Dick is taken back by the fact. Sam suggests anyone with authority can happily come and check over the documents. Dick, dismayed but not giving up, suggests Sam bribed Fairlawns for the taxi deal. Sam suggests Dick should be careful what he says, after all, it wasn’t Crossroads that was dishing out fancy perfume to the Fairlwans receptionist.
Meg’s Office: Ruth and Meg are going through the accounting for the laundry. Meg is three towels short. Ruth says for a monthly audit that is pretty good going surely to have just lost three. Meg notes that usually they’re not intentionally stolen people just seem to pack them in error, well that is what she keeps telling herself. Ruth says it’s still thieving. Meg says she wonders what people visiting the homes of former guests spotting towels emblazoned in ‘Crossroads Motel’ must think. Meg then looks on the positive ‘At least its not six towels like it had been in November.’
Ruth then turns the conversation to Evan Lloyd; she tells Meg that she’s agreed to see him for a psychometric session. Meg can’t quite believe it and asks Ruth if she really goes for that kind of nonsense. Ruth says she doesn’t believe it but Evan last night challenged her to be convinced otherwise so he will be doing his best this afternoon to prove his powers are real.
Jarvis’ Shop: Dick is telling Kitty the latest with Sam Redway. He notes Drury Car Hire business is down while it seems Crossroads’ offering is up.
Dick: “Everywhere I look Sam Redway seems to be popping up. If it isn’t him, its something connected with him.”
Kitty: “Well there’s no need to get a sort of complex about it”

Meg’s Sitting Room: Stevie brings Lily into the sitting room to wait for Meg. Lily asks Stevie why she speaks to her like a stranger – ‘After all I am your mother’ Stevie says she heard all about her mother’s rant about being a mother the other evening. Stevie notes that half the time Lily has never cared about where she was or how she was feeling – especially when Lily ran off with ‘Uncle Jack’. Stevie adds that her mother only cares when it suits her or is convenient for her life. Lily says it isn’t true, and she is a bit ashamed about her row with Meg the other evening. (Episode 301).
Chalet 10 (Evan Lloyd’s room): Ruth arrives for her session. Evan tells her it won’t be what she expects, no dark room, no crystal ball and no incense. Ruth says she didn’t think it would be like that. Evan says all he needs is an item she has owned and had close to her for at least several years. She gives him a brooch. But it comes up with strange vibrations. ‘You bought this second hand?’ Ruth confirms. Evan says he is picking up details of its previous owner so this is no use. He needs something of hers that was bought as new. She offers her watch.
He tells her the vibrations are strong this time, that he senses she went to a European city a few years ago, one with a wall, it must be Berlin he notes. He says in Berlin Ruth was very unhappy. Ruth stares at him in silence nonplussed.
Sam Redway Dick Jarvis Meg Richardson Ruth Bailey Stevie Harris Carlos Rafael Josefina Rafael Evan Lloyd Kitty Jarvis Vince Bromley Lily Harris Ron Bateman Janice Jarvis |
Episode 304 – December 30th |
Written by: Paul Erickson | Directed by: Alan Coleman |
Laundry room, motel: Meg and Ruth are sorting through the laundry assessing the standard of the pillowcases and sheets. Meg has made three piles. ‘Bin’, ‘Repair’ and ‘No issues’. While working through the sheets Meg discusses Stevie and how Lily continues to be a disruptive figure in their lives, adding how it is making at times Stevie difficult to handle. Ruth asks as she’s such a trouble maker can Meg not just ban her from visiting? Unfortunately not is the answer. Meg then says that she’d love nothing more for Stevie to return to Lily to live – but that would take Lily to sort herself out first.
Meg asks Ruth how her session of the psychometric went yesterday. Ruth says it was more psycho than mystic. Ruth is now convinced more than ever Evan is a fraud. She tells Meg how he kept mentioning Berlin ‘a few years ago.’ But she has never been to Berlin. She says she didn’t let this information on to Evan who carried on along that German theme. Ruth believes Evan knows Gerald is her husband and must have read in one of the recent articles covering his murder how Gerald had been a Foreign Correspondent working from that city in 1960. Evan has assumed Ruth was with Gerald at that time – when she wasn’t. Meg tells Ruth this makes it more important that they somehow get through to Dorothy Glenn about Evan being a fake.

Drury Car Hire Office: Janice is sick and tired of hand-washing her and Brian’s clothes, she is also tired of Dick noting she is getting later and later. He observes he hopes marriage isn’t making her unreliable. She says she’s just so tired from running a home and a full-time job. He sympathises and suggests if she wants tips she should speak to Kitty – but that horrifies her – she politely says she’ll remember Dick’s advice. She then gives Sam a call, he might know someone with something she has in mind to make her life easier.
Hospital Ward: William is visiting. Carlos tells him that physically he is improving every day. His walking is improving and he is doing good exercise. He is hopeful that he will soon be able to go home.
Carlos: “The doctor, he is very pleased with me. He say, Carlos, you are doing very well, you have the brave spirit. So that means soon I will be back in the kitchen… All I ask is to get back into my work and then go riding on my motorbike once more.”
William: “We are all waiting to see you back at the motel in your rightful place in the kitchen”
Carlos: “And when I come back to the motel I will turn over the new leaves. Because of the way I sometimes treat my good friends. I argue with Kathleen, I sometimes chase Marilyn with my chopper around the kitchen when she makes me mad, and when Senora Richardson isn’t looking I sometimes add a little garlic to the cooking, which she doesn’t like”.
Motel Bar: Ruth is serving Evan, she asks him if he enjoys the line of work he conducts. He tells her it is very fulfilling being able to help others and he enjoys the interaction with people. He tells her that Dorothy has gone to Glasgow to sort out some legal affairs to do with her late father’s vast financial estate and he will be helping to guide her when she returns. Ruth feels she needs to speak to her before Evan does.
Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Meg Richardson Ruth Bailey Kitty Jarvis Vince Bromley Mrs Mears Kathleen Donovan Evan Lloyd William Fothergill Carlos Rafael Dick Jarvis Sam Redway |
Episode 305 – December 31st |
Written by: Paul Erickson |
Directed by: AlanColeman |
Hospital Ward: It’s the end of the week and the end of the year as Carlos ponders how much longer he will have to rest and be bored in the hospital. Josefina pops in and tells him she has found a job – she shows him a letter – A cook at the Fairlawns Hotel. Carlos is not happy he says this is no way to treat Senora Richardson. He is also not happy when he sees they have offered Josefina the same wage that he makes as a chef. She mentions things they could do with the extra money and he begins to warm to it, but he says she must get a blessing to work at Fairlawns from Meg, it is only fair.

Petrol Station: Meg is talking to Sam. She tells him while visiting Kitty yesterday Dick said some sharp things about how Sam is running the business. Sam says Dick is just annoyed that some of his business has moved to Crossroads, but it won’t ruin Drury Car Hire – there is enough for everyone. Meg agrees. But she tells Sam that Dick said ‘he has a card up his sleeve’. Sam notes that Dick can’t have – as everything to do with the car hire and garage is fully above board and he’s already told Dick this. When Meg leaves Sam looks slightly concerned. Clearly, there is something he’s hiding.
Brian and Janice’s flat: To ease their laundry blues Brian has bought a second-hand washing machine. Unbeknown to him Janice has also bought a second-hand washing machine. Brian suggests they get a dozen more and open a laundrette.
Motel Reception: The New Year’s Eve party is in full swing. Ruth is serving Dorothy at the bar. Ruth brings the conversation around to Evan and his psychic abilities.
Ruth: “I think I must warn you to be cautious in your dealings with Mr Lloyd”
Dorothy: “But why? Evan is a perfectly respectable young man.”
Ruth: “In my honest opinion he’s a plausible young man, but when it comes to having special powers. I’m afraid I have certain proof he hasn’t any such ability.”
Dorothy says it is a terrible thing to accuse Evan of; being a fraud. She will hear no more of it. Later Dorothy and Evan dine together in the restaurant. Elsewhere in the foyer Meg and Sandy are looking for Stevie. Sandy tells his mum that Stevie was looking for her earlier but with all the busy of arranging the new year party she’d given up trying to. Meg notes she does recall Stevie wanting a chat and telling her she’d talk this evening. Sandy then notes he suggested she go and speak to Mrs cooper if it was very urgent. Meg says that is possible, but she’s been gone far too long.
Welsh Roadside: Stevie is wandering along a ‘B’ road, it is dark and foggy. She reads a signpost that says ‘Ystrad Brynamman’ as she wanders further she sees a cottage. She knocks on its door. Roy Grainger opens the door and is stunned to see Stevie there.
Meg Richardson Kathleen Donovan Josefina Rafael William Fothergill Sandy Richardson Stevie Harris Ruth Bailey Kitty Jarvis Mrs Mears Carlos Rafael Sam Redway Brian Jarvis Janice Jarvis Dorothy Glenn Evan Lloyd Roy Grainger |

Episode 284 sees the introduction of the Petrol Station and Garage set. Episode 285 shows changes to the motel layout. Previously the door at reception marked ‘Private’ entered straight into Meg’s office. It now leads to the more well-known hallway with the offices to the left and Meg’s personal dining room and library to the right. The staircase is next to this. It is noted at this point Meg’s Sitting Room is ‘upstairs’ but it is moved within the story downstairs by 1966.
Scenes with Kitty learning to drive, especially in episodes 292/298, are shot on roads around Hall Green which was the setting for Heathbury. Episodes 295 and 296 feature hospital waiting areas and hallways. These were recorded in ‘Alpha Studios’ Offices’. Christmas Eve and episode 300 feature outside scenes recorded at Walford Hall (Carols on Motel Driveway) and two outdoor scenes with Sandy on his bike at the hospital (Hospital recording location is not noted.).
Episode 294 and the scene within the school room where Roy Grainger and Stevie discuss her poems use the ‘sad theme’ twice. Once in full in the middle of the scene and a brief reprise as the scene moves into the next.
Keith Buckley plays Evan Lloyd, he would return in 1974 as Michel Morrice.
Synopsis written by Mike Garrett for The Crossroads Years. With thanks to Bob Hope for additional cast information from TV World listings and Rob Wilde for some of the photographs.
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