PRODUCTION INFORMATION![]() Cast and story information from ITC Entertainment Programme Synopsis: Crossroads Episodes January-December 1965, TV World/TV Times/ TV listings. Producer: REG WATSON Created by: HAZEL ADAIR AND PETER LING Directors: ALAN COLEMAN, TIM JONES, JACK BARTON, REG WATSON Written by: Evadne Price and Ken Attiwell (week 48), Dan Douglas (week 49), Terence Dicks and Myles Rudge (week 50) Terence Dicks and Myles Rudge (week 51) Theme Tune: TONY HATCH Other Crew: Designers: REX SPENCER and ELIZABETH DORRITY, Floor Managers: PETER HARRIS and LIZ STERN, Production Manager: MARGARET FRENCH |
Episode 240, from October 1st 1965 can be seen in the final week of September.
EPISODE 241 – October 4th: Harold Finchley is checking out at the motel reception with Meg when he notes he’ll, unfortunately, have to pay by cheque, as he’s lost his wallet with all his money therein. He asks Meg if anyone has handed it in. She says unfortunately not.

In the kitchen Carlos is becoming bored of Marilyn’s ‘love for Clive Hudson’ and all her ‘electrocution lessons’ she’s been getting from William. He also has a problem ‘I am stuck between two horns’ he tells Sandy. He has promised to cook dinner for Mrs Aynesworth on Tuesday, but now also there is a large function booking that requires catering at the motel. So he’s flustered.
Sandy asks if his mother knows he’s working on the side. Carlos says no. Sandy says in that case he’ll work out a schedule for the chef so he can manage to do both meals.
“Don’t blame me, Meg. I begged Hugh to call you from the airport. I said ‘let’s give poor Meg time to change out of her dreary working clothes and fix her lipstick’. Now, admit it Hugh, I did. I knew she wouldn’t like us catching her looking dreadful like this, what woman would, Hugh darling?” – Louise
Hugh and Louise have arrived back from New York unannounced, although Hugh says he asked Louise to post a letter last week to let Meg know they were returning this week. Meg didn’t get it. Louise brings in a bottle of champagne and keeps calling Hugh ‘darling’ which riles Meg. Louise asks for a room ‘just until next week’ when the Fairlawns Hotel, a mile away from Crossroads, is to open.
‘Meg sits poker faced’ ‘Hugh sits uneasy’ Louise says they should toast to Mortimer and Borelli’s successful business trip, it all went divine. Meg says (unconvincingly) she’s pleased. Borelli then goes on about how luxurious Fairlawns is and notes that it doesn’t really compare to the motel – adding ‘Of course comparisons are odious’. One can’t expect luxury in a little motel like this. That’s part of its old England charm, including the poor plumbing.
Sam has continued to date Judith even though he has no interest in her romantically, but ‘she’s a smashin’ cook’. After one such meal, her father mentions marriage and Sam is out the door faster than a lightning bolt. ‘You’ve scared him away’ Judith tells her father, adding, ‘It gave me shivers down the spine you offerin’ me for sale in the marriage market. I could have died’.
Meg speaks with Harold Finchley, who has extended for one more night, and tells him her handyman found a wallet in the garden earlier. From what Finchley told her of its contents it clearly is his. Finchley however is a bit annoyed – he has never been in the motel garden. He also asks Meg, ‘if it’s been outside all night, how come it’s not slightly damp?’ ‘Someone stole it last night, then dumped it in the garden’ he tells her.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 242 – October 5th: Meg and Harold Finchley are still at the reception. He examines the inside of the wallet, the pictures he described to Meg are there (of his pet dog and his son) but some of the money is missing. Meg says how terrible it all is; Harold says it’s okay – it was his own fault for losing it in the first place by being too drunk.

Janice arrives at work at the car hire and Sam is already behind his desk. He tells her he knows Brian has been looking for a flat for them to live in, once they’re married. Sam tells her he knows of a flatlet but he’s not sure Brian will like it. Janice says they’re pretty desperate so why would it be terrible? Sam says it is in the same house he rents his room at, the vacant ‘flat’ is the room above. Janice says it’s better than nothing and she’ll let Brian know.
Louise is dining in the motel restaurant she, in a rare moment, praises Carlos’ food to William and says the wine is half decent too. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Carlos is struggling to balance the function room dinners, the restaurant orders and Mrs. Aynesworth’s special meal for two.
Sam and Hugh are chatting at the Drury Cars office. Hugh asks if there are any problems, Sam says just one – the loan to Mrs Richardson for the garage. Hugh says there isn’t a problem as far as he can see. Sam explains what Mortimer’s solicitor told Meg – Hugh says it’s ridiculous, he didn’t ask for any security. ‘This is absurd, I made no conditions on the loan.’
Sam tells Hugh about the ‘new investor’, but it is only currently a verbal agreement. Hugh says to leave everything to him. He’ll get it all sorted out, including the loan. He then realises why Meg has been so cold since his return from America.
‘Operation Carlos’ is in action as he rushes on his motorbike back and forth between the motel kitchen and Mrs Aynesworth’s house making sure meals at both ends are served on time. Sandy and Marilyn assist in the kitchen on this secret mission.
“Who do this? Who open my oven doors so my Yorkshire Pudding she flop? …It is deliberate.” – Carlos
Carlos blames Marilyn who argues that she didn’t touch the oven door, in the disagreement and scuffle the hot chocolate sauce she was cooking on the stove ends up all over her face and uniform; ‘That sauce was boiling hot, if I’m marked for life my Dad’ll sue you for ruining me!’ Marilyn notes.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 243 – October 6th: In the kitchen, Meg has arrived to find Carlos about to rush off to his motorbike, while Marilyn is covered in cooking chocolate. Meg asks if Carlos has poured it over Marilyn after the row she could hear in her office. He says no and comes clean about doing a meal for Mrs Aynesworth – as it was supposed to be his night off and he didn’t want to let her down. ‘You’re cooking two dinners for two different places… going from one to the other on your motorcycle?’ Asks Meg, she tries not to laugh.

Looking at the handwriting she asks if Sandy came up with this plan. Carlos confirms so. ‘Blame not Sandy, blame I, Carlos’ he tells her. When he explains it’s extra money for Josefina she tells him to rush off with his ‘Chicken Marengo’ for Mrs Aynesworth and she’ll oversee the kitchen while he’s away.
At the barn Benny Wilmot has roped in some ‘hip’ friends to overlook the place and see how they can, without much money, make the barn a ‘trendy’ coffee bar that youngsters would want to visit. He notes down several ideas to give to Meg.
“It’s for the kids, teenagers who can’t afford motel prices. Coffee and snacks with a bit of music and dancing chucked in. Nice and bright” – Benny Wilmot
At Mrs Aynesworth’s Carlos is paid ‘thirty shillings and an extra ten shillings as a mark of appreciation’ by Aynesworth who has thoroughly enjoyed her meal. Before he leaves Mrs. Aynesworth’s guest Colonel Marsh also speaks to Carlos about the food – and gives him another ten shillings. However, despite Mrs Aynesworth trying to shut him up, Carlos explains it was his night off at the Crossroads Motel which is how he was able to cook the ‘fabulous feast’. He tells Marsh how he only has a permit to work at the motel so it’s a little bit naughty. Aynesworth then interrupts to tell Carlos that Mr Marsh is a magistrate. ‘A magistrate! Madre Mia!’ Carlos notes.
Hugh pops into the motel to see Meg, he tries to explain about the loan, but Meg isn’t very interested. ‘You’ve humiliated me in front of your solicitor, and embarrassed me with Sam Redway’. She then says she’s had enough, she’s reached her limit. Especially after his little holiday with Louise in New York.
“I won’t lie to you Meg, yes I was a bit attracted to her at first. Mostly in the interests of business. Louise is vain and is easy to admire. When I realised I’d got too involved I cut it right out, and she didn’t like that at all. That’s the truth.” – Hugh
Meg says he makes himself sound ‘very cheap’. She adds she’s not jealous, she’s ‘bewildered, bitterly hurt and disillusioned.’ She gives Hugh the engagement ring back.
“We don’t see love the same way. To me, love that isn’t based on trust and faithfulness isn’t love at all. You see, I know what real love is. I had all those perfect years with Charles, and that’s why I know I could never be happy with a shoddy inferior substitute for the real thing.” – Meg
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 244 – October 7th: Having just been dumped, Hugh is asking Meg for a ‘second chance’. He tells her she comes first, he’ll sell off his share of Fairlawns Hotel if that will help. Meg says it’s too late, the trust is lost and with Hugh – eventually – business always comes first.
“I’ll go now, but I’m not accepting this as final. I love you, and there’ll never be another woman for me. I’m a fighter, Meg – you know that – and I’ll put up a big fight to get your trust back” – Hugh

In the kitchen Marilyn is in a very happy mood and is singing ‘he loves me, yeah yeah yeah…’ Carlos asks why she is making such ‘an awful cat noise?’ She tells him she’s young and in love. ‘Clive, Clive, Clive. I think you hope too much from this Clive’ he warns her. She says he’s better than Benny Wilmot – she is sure of that.
Hugh visits Sam and lets him know Meg has declined his offer for the loan. Sam says he isn’t surprised, really. But he was sure Mortimer would win her round – so he cancelled the deal he’d made. Hugh says it isn’t over, he can loan Sam the money instead. He admits there is one condition; that Meg doesn’t know about it.
In the kitchen Sandy learns from Stevie that Meg and Hugh are no longer ‘together’, at first he doesn’t believe it – until he sees his mother is no longer wearing the engagement ring.
At the motel bar William is serving Hugh, Carlos walks through reception. Hugh says he’s pleased Carlos is staying with the motel. ‘Loyalty to Mrs Richardson can only be admired’. Carlos responds that he is sorry he was the one to tell Meg about Fairlawns. When Hugh asks why, Carlos tells him Louise asked him to inform Meg. Hugh suddenly realises he’s been played by Borelli.
At Judith’s house, Sam is celebrating the fact he’ll be the part-owner of the Crossroads Filling Station and Garage. Seeing how he thrives on success she asks him outright; ‘Do you want to go out with me, or was it just to help you get the car hire council contract?’
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 245 – October 8th: Sam tells Judith he doesn’t like being put on the spot. ‘It’s not a nice question is it, the way you’ve put it makes me sound a proper heel. No, I won’t answer’ he tells her. She responds with ‘I think that answers it anyway’.

In the barn Meg is overlooking the changes, Benny and his pals have given it a makeover. All she has to do is buy the tables, chairs, beverage-making machines – and a jukebox – and it can open. She’s very impressed with the young men’s handiwork.
In his penthouse, Hugh is confronting Louise about her ‘games’.
“You michief making devil! You got Carlos to fire your bullets with poor Meg as the target. I could strangle you, Louise I really could. You deliberately didn’t send my letters to her and then told Meg a pack of lies about your father suggesting we get married!” – Hugh
Louise says even though nothing happened in New York, Meg wouldn’t believe that. ‘No Meg is one of those always upright women who always believe the very worst on principal’, Louise observes. Hugh says she’s taken him for a fool, ‘Yes, honey. I just didn’t realise how much a big fool you were’ she retorts.
Hugh says he never would hit a woman, but she is becoming the exception; he’s furious that she’s broken up his engagement ‘for fun’ and says she’s no lady and calls her a tramp.
“I can truthfully say I’ve never left any man’s apartment with more pleasure. You may be a smart businessman, Mortimer, but what you know about women you could put on the back of a sixpence. So long, partner. You can try and buy out of Fairlawns darling – but it’ll cost you much more than it’s worth. See you at the grand opening, sweetie” – Louise
Carlos visits Mrs Aynesworth and tells her that Mrs Richardson says he cannot cook ‘on the side’ anymore as she is responsible for his permit to work in the UK. So, sadly, it is goodbye to special lunch deliveries. She’s disappointed. She says she’s got a good mind to get Colonel Marsh to report Carlos; ‘Why should I be the only one to miss out on your cooking, would serve Mrs Richardson right’. Carlos says the only person who would suffer would be him. ‘I should have garnished my Chicken Marengo with poison,’ and he doesn’t appear to be joking.
Stevie has ‘borrowed’ the money from the ‘lost’ wallet to buy Sandy a new wristwatch to make up for the one she ruined. She gives it to Sandy, who doesn’t question how she paid for it.
Meg however when she sees it, is instantly curious. Stevie at first says her father sent her some money, but Meg sees through this. She suggests to Stevie the watch was bought with the cash notes stolen from Harold Finchley’s wallet.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 246 – October 11th: In Meg’s office she’s talking to William about Stevie and her ‘best intentions,’ however stealing the money from a guest’s wallet isn’t acceptable. William notes, ‘I’m not in any way condoning the child’s behaviour Mrs Richardson, but at least it wasn’t a criminal motive.’ Meg says she’s now sending a cheque to Mr Finchley for the cash he ‘lost’, but she still isn’t sure how to deal with Stevie. She’s sure of one thing though; ‘I can’t have her living here now this has happened’.
In the kitchen, Carlos isn’t making much sense. He is saying farewell to all the kitchen devices. When Marilyn asks if he’s gone potty he notes ‘It is El Fin for Carlos’ adding that ‘I break the law’. Marilyn asks if he’s been buying dubious frozen vegetables again. He explains the situation with the magistrate and he worries ‘they will lock me in the dungeons for years and years maybe’ adding ‘or worse they will have me exported’.

“Oh, Carlos. Don’t be so barmy. At the most, I bet you’ll get fined a fiver and given a caution. Just be like my Uncle Albert – plead ignorance.” – Marilyn
Meg asks to speak to Stevie in the office. She explains that as the stolen money is the second incident since the girl has been staying with Sandy and herself she has to let Miss Morrison at the child services know about the theft. Stevie asks ‘What will she do with me?’. Meg says it is now out of her hands. They will have to wait and see.
In the motel foyer, Marilyn meets up with Clive Hudson – eventually – after first mistaking a short, bald man with big glasses for him.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 247 – October 12th: In the kitchen, Marilyn is telling William all about her date last night with Clive, her former school friend whom she fancied – but never got the chance to woo due to Diane Lawton ‘stealing him away’. She tells William how Clive in Bahrein has a very important job with an oil company. She says he plans to continue working in the Middle East for another two years then he’ll be back in England, and she can wait.
At the motel reception, Clive – who is checked into Chalet 3 – says he can tell Meg is an admirer of great culture. ‘As soon as I saw you, I knew you were a lover of art’.
“And then I saw the décor here in the motel. The delicate colours, the feeling of peace and tranquillity mixed with the stark, bold, designs of this age. One can tell it is the work of someone who knows and appreciates art.” – Clive Hudson

William and Carlos are in the kitchen talking about the sudden number of cancellations the motel has had recently.
Carlos suspects people are deciding to book with the ‘fancy Fairlawns instead’. Later Meg suggests if Fairlawns want a fight, then Crossroads will give them one.
At their new flat, Brian and Janice are checking out the empty sitting room. Janice is making plans for furniture, Brian says she has a great imagination ‘how can we magic up £300 worth of furniture just like that’. Janice says over the months they’ll soon make it home. Brian says the only downside to the flat is Sam living right beneath them.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 248 – October 13th: Hugh pops into the motel, casually, hoping to speak to Meg. But she isn’t in the mood for small talk. She asks him why he has ‘added insult to injury’ by sending her an invitation to the grand opening of Fairlawns. He says his secretary must have sent it in error, he’d asked for Meg to be removed from the list – which annoys Meg even more.
“Meg you can’t have it both ways. One minute you’re complaining because you were invited, and now you’re complaining because your name was taken off the list. Make up your mind.” – Hugh
Clive and Marilyn are having breakfast in the restaurant, he is going on about how there isn’t an artist alive today with the ‘feeling, the power, the raison d’être of Angelo, Botticelli, Titian and El Greco. Marilyn is trying to seem interested but is more involved in eating her fry up.
Carlos is listening to their conversation while he checks over the continental offerings. Once Clive leaves he tells Marilyn, ‘that Clive he can talk the tail off the donkey’. He says he thinks Clive is ‘a fake’ and as ‘that Senora Borelli say ‘that guy bore the bloomers off me!’ all those fancy big nonsense words’. Marilyn isn’t impressed with Carlos’ attitude – even if Clive does bore her silly, he’s pretty to look at.
“Remember Marilyn the greatest painter of all was a Rafael. So put that in your pipe and knit it” – Carlos
Louise wanders over the road and takes a look around the barn, she asks Benny what is Meg doing with the old relic. He tells her that Mrs Richardson is opening a coffee bar, it’s sure to be a hit as there isn’t anything for miles for the teenagers. Louise thinks it all sounds very interesting.
In the motel foyer, Colonel Marsh has popped in to see Carlos. He explains to the Colonel how Josefina lost her baby, for the second time, with a miscarriage and she has returned to Spain to recuperate with her mother. He notes why he was working for Mrs Aynesworth; to earn some extra money to support them as his mother-in-law is very poor. Carlos says he must face his punishment. The Colonel says as there are a lot of mitigating circumstances, on this occasion, he is going to ‘forget all about it’.
At the Gifford house, Janice and her mother are making wedding plans. When her dad arrives home drunk they think he’s been celebrating – and are not impressed. He then gives them a shock – ‘I’ve not been celebrating Janice’s marriage, I’ve been sacked!’.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 249 – October 14th: A full-page advertisement for the Fairlawns Hotel is in The Clarion and Midland Gazette. Meg looks at the page, concerned by its appeal to travellers. Marilyn thinks the place looks quite nice, while William interrupts and assures Meg the motel will be fine. Business will recover once the excitement has worn off. Meg isn’t so sure.
At the Gifford’s house, Janice is stunned her father has been sacked after 15 years. He tells her ever since the company was taken over by a Swedish firm ‘the writing was on the wall’. They have been replacing workers with machines, and now it has happened to him. Janice can’t understand how an insurance worker can be replaced by technology. He says ‘Well that’s the future, Janice, we just have to live with it’.
At the motel bar Clive and Marilyn are having an afternoon drink, he tells her he’s checking out of the motel tomorrow; he’s going to stay with his parents in Cheltenham for a while. He’s surprised she’s not more sad about the news but carries on the conversation anyway. He says he hopes to come back and see Marilyn before he returns to Bahrein. She says last night in the restaurant he forgot to take his book from ‘the Louvre’, and hands it to him. She says it’s awfully interesting that all the comments he’s been making about several pictures are ‘word for word’ the same as notes in the book. ‘You just learned that book like a flippin’ parrot’. He tells her it’s handy to impress the peasants.
“Oh, bloomin’ peasant am I? Ta very much! And what are you? Snotty-nosed Clive Hudson from Duke Street! You might be able to impress the folks in Bahrein with this sort of talk, but remember I know you from when you was a kid… And I thought you had become a genius; but all the time you’re nothing but a dirty great cheat, all your words stolen from a book!” – Marilyn
She tells him that when he does checkout to never come back. She then gives him the book and says he best keep it for the next fool he wants to deceive.
In the kitchen, Benny is telling Carlos about his plans for the coffee bar. He mentions Louise came in and admired his work – Carlos warns him that she is no friend, she is a rival – she is opening the hotel down the road. Benny says he didn’t know. Carlos says if she offers Benny work, decline it – she is bad news.
At the Jarvis’ shop, Miss Tranter has popped in to see Owen. She tells him after her illness, brought on by a lack of eating properly, she has a difficult decision to make. She’s been offered a place in sheltered accommodation. ‘An old people’s home’ in Mosely. She says she is swayed to move into the place, she can’t really cope looking after her big house on her own anymore. Brian suggests if she doesn’t want to go into the home, but also can’t manage a big house on her own, has she thought about lodgings? He tells her Janice’s mother has been looking for a lodger for some time.
“What a wonderful idea! You’d have your independence and yet you wouldn’t have the big house to look after” – Owen
Meg calls a staff meeting in the restaurant. (‘British Grenadiers, Fife and Drums’ plays as the scene opens).
‘I’m sorry to have to call you all together like this at such short notice but the situation is really serious.
‘As you know Fairlawns opens this week, and it’s going to mean fierce competition to the motel. We aren’t going to take this lightly. We are going to fight this rival tooth and nail.
‘It means that we must be able to give as good a service as they do. Now listen carefully. From today onwards this is what we are going to do.’
Meg notes her plans:
As Fairlawns is aiming at the upmarket clientele and the motel coffee bar is being aimed at teens; Meg hopes that this stream of income is one that Fairlawns will not be very uninterested in. They will get the barn open as soon as possible.
All the chalets will have television sets installed.
The restaurant will open for lunch. She notes as she can’t afford another chef, she will oversee lunches herself.
Advertising. The motel will place adverts in the local newspapers and promote Crossroads with travel agencies. (The scene ends with a burst of the track ‘Old Soldiers Never Die’).
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 250 – October 15th: Benny is explaining to Carlos, in the motel kitchen, how in London they speak cockney. ‘You mean in London they speak a different kind of English?’ Carlos asks. ‘Oh completely different mate, you wouldn’t understand a word of it’ Benny notes. Marilyn isn’t interested in Benny’s cockney rhyming slang. She is still mourning the deception she was at the receiving end of from Clive. ‘I really thought he was the one’. Benny says she needs to be cheered up, he offers to take her out on a date on Sunday. She says she has nothing better to do, so accepts.

Hugh pops into the motel to see where Louise has got to. ‘The opening ceremony is in an hour’ he tells her when he finds her sitting drinking coffee casually in the motel foyer. She tells him she isn’t going, in fact, she’s leaving for New York at the earliest possible moment. He leaves for Fairlawns’ grand opening alone.
Marilyn brings Louise another pot of coffee. Louise notes Marilyn looks ‘depressed’. She says it’s a man thing. Louise says she has time to spare, a problem shared…
Marilyn: “Oh, it’s just a chap what I thought was wonderful. Well, he turned out to be nothing like I thought he was. If you know what I mean.”
Louise: “I know, honey. I know just what you mean…”
Marilyn: “You see Miss Borelli, you build your hopes up and you think ‘this time this is it’ and then; before you know it you’re right back where you started. Flippin’ men, they make me sick!”
William has just beaten cream in the electric mixer in the kitchen when Benny pops in with some lumpy paint he wants to ‘whisk out’. Earlier Carlos told Benny the kitchen machinery is not for ‘dirty paint’ and not to tamper with his devices. Marilyn keeps William distracted while Benny uses the mixer to stir the paint.
Carlos enters the kitchen and thanks William for getting the cream ready, he takes the bowl from the mixer and sniffs it. ‘This cream, she no smell so good. She how you say? Not on… she is right off!’ He pours Benny’s paint away. William turns and gives Carlos the actual cream. He then realises – ‘paint’ he orders Benny and Marilyn out of the kitchen.
Brian and Janice are measuring the flat sitting room for carpet and fittings when she tells him she doesn’t think she can marry him – they can’t afford to anymore.
Louise asks Meg if she can book her a cab to the airport for six thirty. Meg is surprised about Louise’s sudden departure. Louise says she should ask Hugh for the details, ‘but sweetie, you won’. Meg ignores the barbed remark and asks how the opening of Fairlawns went. Louise says ‘I’m sure it went, but I didn’t.’ She says she’ll settle her bill later and leaves. Meg notes to herself ‘It’s possible to win the battle and still lose the war’ as she looks around her guestless motel.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 251 – October 18th: Janice tells Brian that now her dad is unemployed they’re not going to be able to afford the wedding and all the plans for the flat. He says they’ll sort something out, they can delay the wedding if needed.
At the motel Sally from the child services arrives and speaks with Meg. She apologises for not being able to come sooner. Meg explains that she has lost a regular guest due to Stevie stealing money from the person’s wallet and she deliberately broke Sandy’s watch. Sally notes, ‘From what you’ve told me Mrs Richardson I think Stephanie is in need of specialised care.’

At Hugh’s penthouse, he takes a call from Dick Jarvis in Australia. Dick tells him that the business is going well for Mortimer Investments however there are a few deals that are taking longer to finalise than first expected. He may have to stay there for a further two weeks. Hugh says that is fine he’ll extend their expense arrangements. Dick then asks Hugh a favour; could he speak with Janice and Brian and see if they’ll delay the wedding until he and Kitty return from Australia.
In Meg’s office, Sally speaks with Stevie and tells her due to her irresponsible behaviour, she won’t be staying with the Richardson’s anymore. She reminds Stevie it was a provisional trial, which she has unfortunately proved would be unworkable long term. Sally tells her by this time next week Stevie will be placed back in the girl’s home. Stevie takes the news badly.
“Did you know that the entire surface of the moon is covered with a fine dust, several feet thick? And that the first man to get there will have to wear a hundred and seventy-five pounds of transistorised equipment?” – Sandy
In the reception Meg is talking to Sandy, who is more interested in a magazine a guest left behind – ‘and its smashing article about man going to the moon’. Meg suggests he’s a bit young to be pondering space travel. He then asks Meg if she’d ever considered how her ‘grandchildren might be born on a different planet.’ Just before Meg can give a witty response Mavis from the Moulin Rouge nightclub walks in; ‘Lofty darling’ she warmly says to Sandy. (They’d nicknamed him ‘Lofty’ in Paris).
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 252 – October 19th: Sandy is surprised to see Mavis, the dancer from the nightclub in Paris who helped him out when his wallet was stolen, turn up at the motel. Meg thanks Mavis for her assistance. ‘I’m delighted to meet you, Miss Butler, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all your kindness to – er – ‘lofty’.’
“I’ve left the nightclub. I had a blazing row with the management in two languages then packed me bags. Instead of the ‘Eight Mademoiselles’ there’s only seven now.” – Mavis
Mavis reminds Sandy that he said if there was anything in return he could do for her sometime, just to pop into the motel – well here she is. She needs somewhere to stay for two weeks. Meg says that isn’t a problem, she’ll even do a special rate – Mavis says that is very kind. She then notes she’s managed to pick up some work in Kings Oak at their ‘Elthan Road Community Club.’

At the Gifford’s house, Brian brings Miss Tranter to visit. With the prospect of her renting their spare room, she asks if she can take a look around. Mr Gifford says they’ve both had a few bad weeks, with her illness and his job loss. It’s about time something positive happened for a change – and he hopes she likes the room.
Sandy is talking to Stevie about Mavis. ‘They don’t wear very much in nightclubs you know. Well, not in Paris.’ He wonders how many feathers she’ll wear in the ‘grotty community club’. He says Mavis has invited him to attend. He asks Stevie if she’d like to go, she says she’d love to. But when he mentions that his ticket is for next week – she tells Sandy that she won’t be here next week. Sandy is baffled. Stevie explains. He says he will talk to his mum about the situation, he doesn’t want her to leave.
The first appearance of Meg’s sitting room and Benny and Meg are discussing the coffee bar. He’s brought her an ‘Expresso’ from the machine he’s managed to get second-hand from an acquaintance. Meg says it doesn’t taste much like coffee, in fact, it’s disgusting. Benny says the machine probably needs looking at while Meg continues to look with distaste at the disgusting coffee. She suggests William looks it over, he’s very handy with machinery.
In the reception, Mavis is saying Birmingham city centre has changed since she was last there. She kept trying to get out of New Street Station and ended up wandering around a shopping centre. Benny comes through, Sandy introduces him to Mavis. She mentions where she’s working for two weeks – Benny says so is he, he’s playing in the house band. She asks him what the customers are like. ‘The lads who go there like an eyeful. If you don’t mind me saying they’re going to get quite an eyeful’ he observes.
In Meg’s sitting room, Sandy enters. He says he’s been looking for her. She tells him she’s decided to work in more comfortable surroundings, the lack of guests has made her office very uninviting. He says speaking of people feeling uninvited – Stevie.
“Look Sandy, I don’t want to send her away, but I think it would be better if she goes to a place where she can be properly looked after. There really isn’t anything left to say.” – Meg
At the Elthan Road Community Club the evening is drawing to a close after a successful night of comedy, variety and music. Mavis and Benny ends the show by doing a duet. The episode ends with their version of ‘Baby it’s Cold Outside’.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 253 – October 20th: Outside the motel, on their way to school, Sandy tells Stevie he had a word with his mum yesterday about her situation. Meg isn’t for turning. She won’t change her mind. Stevie says she expected as much, but thanks Sandy for trying.

At the Jarvis’ shop, Miss Tranter pops in to tell Owen all about the room at the Gifford’s. She says it’s perfect, and Mrs Gifford has told her she can bring some of her own furniture to make the room feel like home. Owen says he’s really pleased for her. She asks if, when Gwynne returns from shopping, they could figure out how much rent she should offer to pay Mr and Mrs Gifford – as he seemed embarrassed to name a price. Owen says they will figure it out, but he thinks £4 a week is a reasonable offer.
At the Drury Cars office, Hugh pops in and is pleased to find Brian waiting for Janice. He asks him if he’s heard from his father this week. Brian says he hasn’t. Hugh mentions Dick called him the other day. He tells Brian if the wedding is still set for the 13th of November Kitty and Dick won’t be able to attend – they’re having an extra two weeks in Australia. Brian is a bit taken aback. Later Janice and Brian decided to delay the wedding by two weeks. It’ll hopefully give everyone time to get their lives back on track and his dad to get those business affairs down under in order.
In Meg’s sitting room, Ruth has popped in to see how things are going at the motel. Meg asks how Ruth likes her new job at the advertising firm. Ruth says it’s lovely and she’s so pleased she gets on well with her boss Mr Martin. Meg suggests maybe that is a hint of romance. Ruth says no it is just a happy working relationship. Ruth asks Meg if she’d like to pop out for lunch tomorrow – she’s looking over a flat for let in the centre of Kings Oak on Wendell Street, near the Post Office. She says she’d like Meg’s opinion of it. Meg says it’s a date.
Meg: “I’m keeping pretty busy here, Sandy precipitates the odd crisis. His latest worry is how to land a rocket on the moon.”
Ruth “Oh… yes?”
Meg: “Yes, he seems to think it will be up to him to go and start a colony up there. However, as he says women are not allowed to travel to the moon, I’ve not asked him how he intends to complete that mission”.
Sandy pops in to see Ruth and Meg. Ruth says she heard he passed his GCEs. She asks if he is serious about being an astronaut. He says no, he’s been reading a new book about ‘Fleet Street’, he’s decided he might like to be a journalist.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 254 – October 21st: Meg arrives at the Trident Advertising agency offices to pick up Ruth for their lunch get-together and meets her boss Bernard Martin, a charming Scottish man. Meg mentions her Scot’s heritage. Mr Martin is invited to join them for lunch – he says unfortunately he’s far too busy – but hopes they have a lovely afternoon. Meg can see why Ruth likes working for him.
In the restaurant Stevie is helping Marilyn lay the tables, Meg arrives back from her afternoon with Ruth and before she can speak Jill walks in and says, ‘Hello mummy!’ She is introduced to Stevie. ‘I’ve heard all about you from Sandy’. Jill says she’s been sent up to cover an event in Leicester so decided she might as well stay at home. Jill asks for the latest news.
“Well, it’s all over with Hugh. He bought that old house Fairlawns, I thought to be a home for us to live in when we were married. Then without telling me he turned it into an upmarket hotel… and then when I found out, not from him I may add, he had the cheek to offer I run it!” – Meg
Meg also tells Jill all about Louise Borelli and the trouble she caused. ‘But mummy surely you could have done something’ Jill asks. Meg says Louise wasn’t the only disenchantment; Hugh behaved furtively and she has lost all trust in him.
Later that night Brian and Janice are talking to Meg at the motel bar. They ask if the wedding reception could be moved to the 27th of November. Meg checks her bookings and says unfortunately the function suite is booked on that date. But she says she has an idea and makes a phone call. She later tells them their wedding reception is booked for the 27th at the Fairlawns Hotel.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 255 – October 22nd: Friday and in the advertising agency office Bernard Martin and Ruth are talking about Meg. Mr Martin says she’s a very charming lady. Ruth says she’s very fond of Meg and how they’ve been good friends for many years. Ruth explains how the late Charles Richardson and her ex-husband both worked for The Clarion newspaper.

At Drury Cars Hugh is talking to Janice about Brian booking the lounge at Fairlawns for their wedding reception. Janice says she’s a bit embarrassed about it as Mrs Richardson actually made the booking. Janice tells Hugh it is most unlikely that she and Brian can afford to hire Fairlawns. Hugh is interested in this news. ‘You mean Meg sent your business to Fairlawns?’ He ponders. He then tells Janice not to worry about the cost. As Dick is delayed due to working for Mortimer Investments the function will be Hugh’s personal wedding gift to Brian and Janice.
At school Stevie is talking with teacher Mr Grainger.
When he goes off to get some books for the next lesson Stevie picks up his jacket from his chair and cuddles into it.
Hugh pops into the motel to see Meg. But she’s not sure why he’s bothered.
“Look Hugh, you’ve been here at least ten minutes and you’ve chatted about the weather, you’ve enquired after Sandy and myself, you’ve even admired the flowers over there – three times.” – Meg
He says he actually came to say something, but isn’t sure how to get round to it. He came to say ‘thank you’. Meg asks what on earth for? He says Janice explained earlier how Meg recommended Fairlawns for the wedding reception. He says it was very generous of her to do such a thing.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 256 – October 25th: Ruth has checked-in to the Crossroads Motel for two weeks while her new flat at Kings Oak is getting its water pipes replaced.

In the motel kitchen William is talking to Stevie about her pending departure back to the girls school.
William: “Whatever you choose to call it, the fact remains you took money without permission. You let Mrs Richardson down after everything she’d done for you”
Stevie: “I didn’t mean to… and I’ll make it up to her if only she’d let me.”
William: “It isn’t just about making it up, it wasn’t the fact that you took the money that counted – although that was bad enough – you let down the one person who helped you when you needed help. Can’t you see that?”
Stevie says her father has sent her five pounds, she will pay Mrs Richardson back that. William says that is a good start, but it will take a lot of steps in the right direction to win Meg over again, if she ever can.
At the Drury Cars office Janice is dealing with Gerald Bailey – Ruth’s ex-husband – who is asking for her address, she had send him a letter on Night and Day letterheaded paper some time previous. Gerald is being rude and loud, it draws the attention of Sam from his office next door. Sam tells Mr Bailey they don’t have Ruth’s address, she only worked for the car hire for a short time as a favour. Sam adds, ‘if she wanted you to know where she was, she’d have given you a reply address in her letter’.
“I tell you something Janice, that bloke spells trouble, unless I’m very much mistaken. I’ll buy you lunch. That little row with Bailey has worked me up quite an appetite.” – Sam
In Meg’s office Stevie gives her the five pounds ‘she owes her’ and says she is very sorry about it all. Meg says she’s very aware how sorry Stevie is about her actions. And she’s spoken with Sandy and Jill and they have decided that it might be for the best… If she is given one more chance. Meg says she has accepted the role of permanent foster parent with child services.
Gerald Bailey tries the Jarvis’ store to see if he can find where Ruth is. Owen says they don’t have her home address but they do have her work details.
Ruth Bailey, Secretary, Trident Advertising, Trident House, Endell Street, Birmingham.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

EPISODE 257 – October 26th: Meg is showing journalist Godfrey Winn around the ‘Old Barn Coffee Bar’. He observes that she must have worked very hard to get it looking so good on a limited budget. ‘Oh, it isn’t just me, meet William and Benny, they have been doing most of the hard work’. Meg tells the pair that when the Coffee Bar opens Mr. Winn may come back to do a feature on it for the magazine like he has done about the motel.
She shows them a copy of the article. ‘This is one in the eye for Fairlawns’ William states, with Meg adding ‘It’s a marvellous article Mr. Winn – you really have been very complimentary!’ Meg changes the subject. She’s not sure about the final name for the coffee shop. ‘Old Barn Coffee Bar’ is to the point, but not very ‘hip’ and some of the suggestions by staff and motel guests have been very uninspiring; ‘Mud Hut’, ‘The Pad’, ‘Dive In’. ‘Positively barbaric’ William describes such names as.
At Trident Advertising’s reception, Ruth is taking a call when Gerald walks in. She becomes flustered when she sees him and ends the phone conversation as quickly as she can. ‘It’s been a long time’ Gerald says. Ruth isn’t happy to see him and asks ‘What have you come here for?’.
Gerald wonders if there should be a ‘motive’ – he just wanted to see Ruth again…
“For old time’s sake, is that it? Do you realise what you’re saying? Any moment now you’ll start talking about ‘the good old days’. What good old days Gerald? I can’t recall any, and I haven’t forgotten – even if you have!” – Ruth
He tells Ruth he’s missed her since they split up. She says he needs to move on. They’re divorced and she has no interest in spending any time with him, not to reminisce and certainly not to try again – not even as friends.
Sandy is catching up with Mavis. She says she’s been wooed by Raymond Little – the fella who had his wine conference at the motel recently and came back to thank Meg with a crate of wine. Well, since then they’ve been dating after her gigs down in the community hall. She tells Sandy that Raymond has asked her to marry him. Sandy eats an éclair and suggests he gives her the whole story.
Outside Trident House, Gerald waits in a car for Ruth to finish work for the day. He smokes a cigarette and casually glances around. Ruth leaves the building’s main reception doors and begins walking down the street. Gerald flicks his cigarette out the car window, starts the car engine, and slowly begins to follow his ex-wife.

At The Crown bar, Brian and Mr Gifford are having a drink. He says Janice asked him to try and see if he could get Mr. Gifford his job back at the insurance firm. Gifford is annoyed and says she had no right, it was not Brian’s problem. Brian says he spoke to the management at the firm, who said his excuse it was a computer replacing him isn’t true – but they wouldn’t say what the real reason was. He said by chance Mrs Wallace popped into Kitty’s shop and said she was very sorry to hear about Mr Gifford being sacked. She felt terrible – then said there was little she could do. Brian then asks, ‘Why would Mrs Wallace feel terrible?’ Mr Gifford looks very angry.
Gerald – having followed Ruth to the motel – checks in with Marilyn, who is unaware of who he is. He says it’s odd staying at ‘Charles Richardson’s old house.’ He tells her he remembers it when it was a private house. He bumps into Ruth outside her chalet as he’s heading to his. She asks why he’s there, he tells her he’s a paying guest (waving his chalet key at her) and remarks the motel is quite a nice change from the old days. ‘You remember Ruth, those days when poor Charles couldn’t even afford to fix the roof tiles?’ She tells him he needs to stop living in the past. He tells her ‘one way or another you and I are going to have that little chat’.
At The Crown, Brian carries on sharing his findings about Janice’s father being dismissed from his insurance Job. Mrs Wallace said she couldn’t admit to Mr Wallace’s signature being a forgery as that would get her in trouble, and as much as she feels sorry for Janice having her wedding disrupted there isn’t anything she can do to help.
Brian tells Mr Gifford that Wallace, after a lot of persuading to tell the truth, said it wasn’t even her idea – ‘it was yours’. Mr Gifford comes clean and says it was his idea; Mr Wallace had run off with a younger woman – and he felt sorry for Mrs Wallace – so he made sure she got ‘a few grand’ from the husband’s insurance policy by forging his signature for an early payout.
He then shocks Brian to the core, ‘There was a good reason why I did it, you know. Me and Daphne – Mrs Wallace – ‘we were in love.’
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 258 – October 27th: Brian and Mr Gifford continue their conversation in The Crown. Brian asks if Mrs. Gifford knows about his affair with Mrs. Wallace. He tells him ‘no’. He adds that the fling was over a long while ago it didn’t last long. He just felt sorry for Daphne, she had hardly any money after being deserted by Mr Wallace.
“Please Brian, no more going around asking people questions, you and Janice – leave it well alone. A big favour Brian, Janice and Mable don’t know anything about Daphne and I’d like it to remain that way.” – Mr Gifford
Brian notes as it wouldn’t do either Janice or Mrs Gifford any good he won’t say a word to them.
The next morning, in the motel kitchen, Meg asks Carlos if he has any thoughts on what they should call the coffee bar. He tells her ‘The Mad House’ – a perfect name for the place with the ‘boom boom jukebox and the stupid kids’. Meg says they are both ‘squares’, it needs something catchy. Stevie suggests something futuristic as science fiction is popular on TV at the moment; so why not ‘The Launch Pad’ or ‘The Satellite’?

Ruth is having breakfast in the restaurant when Meg joins her at the table. She asks how Ruth is, she’s just checked over the bookings register and sees that ‘a Gerald Bailey has checked in to chalet 8’. Meg notes if she’d been on duty she’d never have accepted his booking – but now he’s here there isn’t much she can do – she has no reason to chuck him out. She asks Ruth if he caused any issues last evening. She tells Meg ‘no’; adding that they had a chat and he says he’s made a fresh start, but she could see through that. He’s clearly still a raging alcoholic. He asked her for another go at their relationship, but ‘he hasn’t changed… he’s still the same Gerald who tore our marriage apart’.
At The Castlewich Clarion Gerald Bailey has gone hunting for his old job back as a reporter for the newspaper. He meets with Desmond Gough, Managing Director of the publication. Gerald asks if there is any possibility of being rehired as a reporter. Desmond says bluntly ‘unfortunately not’. The way Bailey departed the newspaper would make it impossible; ‘There are a few directors on the board with long memories – and they remember you and how you behaved’.
Later that night, the motel is winding down for the evening. Ruth rushes into the kitchen through the back door, her dressing gown torn, her hair ruffled. She tries to tell Meg something – but Gerald rushes in behind her. ‘He strikes her a blow across the face’. Marilyn screams, Carlos is so shocked he isn’t able to react in time. Sam, who has heard the noise, rushes through from reception and grabs Gerald. Ruth says she tried to stop him but he forced himself upon her. Meg ‘looks at Ruth with deep concern’.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 259 – October 28th: At the Trident Advertising office Bernard is concerned about Ruth. She’s pretty much covered her bruised face with make-up, but she’s not convinced anyone that she ‘is fine’. He asks if she needs anything. She says she’s ‘just a bit tired’ and will be okay after a strong coffee.
In the motel kitchen, Carlos and Marilyn are discussing Ruth, Gerald and last night’s terrible events. Carlos notes, ‘A man like that. How could she ever have wished to marry him?’ Marilyn says she’ll be glad when he’s gone, it’s a shame Ruth wouldn’t involve the police for the forced intimacy and beating. Carlos says Meg might find it harder than she thinks to get rid of Gerald from the motel.
Marilyn: “And If Sam hadn’t have heard the racket I don’t know what would have happened! I could hear your knees knocking together, you were petrified.”
Carlos: “This is not true, I was just going to tell him to leave when Sam got to him first.”
Marilyn: “Telling him wouldn’t have done much good. A good thumping – that’s what that nasty bit of work needs. I was terrified, I don’t mind admitting it.”
In her office, Meg is talking about Gerald Bailey and his abhorrent behaviour. She tells William that she can’t make Ruth report his actions to the police, but she can chuck him out of the motel. She asks William to help her pack up Gerald’s belongings. She will put them in the office and then escort him off the premises when he returns to the motel – his whereabouts are currently unknown.
At work Ruth breaks down and tells Bernard about what happened last night and how Gerald won’t leave her alone. ‘He’s making my life hell’ she tells her boss. He says if there is anything he can do she just has to ask.
In the motel restaurant Raymond Little ‘the wine expert’ and Mavis Butler ‘the nightclub dancer’ are talking about their wedding – following a whirlwind romance at the motel. Mavis says she fancies a nice church and a honeymoon in Venice. Raymond suggests he likes very long engagements.

In the motel office, Meg and Ruth are waiting to get a signal from William, who is manning reception, to let them know Gerald is back on the premises. Ruth says she feels ‘like a refugee’. Meg says considering everything she’s gone through in the last 24 hours Ruth is being incredibly strong. ‘When I came here I never thought I’d land you with all this, I’m sorry’ Ruth notes. Meg says it isn’t anyone’s fault other than Gerald’s and ‘I think the end is in sight’.
In the foyer, Marilyn and William have tried to tell Gerald – who has just walked back into the reception quite drunk – that Ruth has ‘gone to the cinema’ (lying as agreed with Meg). He tips over a table and then grabs William by his tie and shouts ‘you think you’re all being very clever trying to make out Ruthie isn’t here, but I know she is…’.
Meg enters from the office and tells Gerald;
“Your bill is already made up, and all your luggage is packed in my office. I’m afraid we’re no longer able to accommodate you… What else do you expect after your behaviour last night? And if I have any further trouble I am calling the police…” – Meg
Carlos enters from the kitchen with a carving knife in his hand and tells Gerald to get out; ‘If not, for what you have done, I will kill you…’ Once Gerald storms out, Meg tells Carlos he shouldn’t have done that.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing
EPISODE 260 – October 29th: In the Jarvis’ back parlour Owen has some good news for Miss Tranter. He says Gwynne spoke with Mable Gifford and she thinks two pounds a week rent is more than sufficient. Miss Tranter is very pleased with that. It also includes laundry and an evening meal. Owen says that it seems she’s landed on her feet, much better than being alone in her big old house.

Late evening at the motel kitchen. Meg and Ruth are discussing recent events, she says while Carlos scared off Gerald last night he hasn’t returned to collect his belongings. Meg also tells her that a Mr Gough from the newspaper called to see her, but he didn’t leave a message. Ruth says she’ll speak with him tomorrow. It’s been a long time since she spoke to Desmond and wonders what he wants. She says it’s been a long few days and needs a rest. They both head to the reception, which is now closed and in darkness. Ruth’s chalet key is missing from the rack. Meg says the housekeeping must have forgotten to return it – it’ll be in the laundry room somewhere – she’ll look for it in the morning. Meg goes to the office and gives Ruth the spare to get into her chalet and says goodnight.
From her chalet, Ruth telephones the reception. Meg rushes from her office to answer.
“Meg, I don’t think the key is missing. It must have been taken. The room has been trashed. Everything is broken” – Ruth
Meg looks up from the reception desk as the sound of a lorry swerving startles her. The scene cuts to outside the motel where a truck has driven onto the motel grass verge. Lifeless in the road is Gerald Bailey, the truck driver gets out and checks Gerald over. His body is lifeless.
Episode status: Wiped/Missing

Ruth’s boss at the advertising agency ‘Mr Martin’ is played by Larry Marshall. A well-known personality from Scottish Television, which began screening Crossroads in March 1965. In order to lure viewers to watch the soap STV Programme Controller, Francis Essex, and ATV Head of Programmes, Leonard Mathews, met up to discuss how to get STV audiences to watch the goings-on at the motel. Francis thought it might be a good idea to have a ‘big personality’ from STV appear in the serial. Star of The One O’clock Gang Larry Marshall was loaned by STV to ATV to appear for a couple of weeks in Crossroads.
Episode 242 features location scenes of Carlos on the road outside the motel ‘Walford Lane’ and also the road outside Mrs Aynesworth’s house. Episode 257 features a scene outside an office block with Gerald and Ruth as he waits for her to leave work. Gerald is seen smoking a cigarette during this scene which appears to be before the TV regulator ‘banned smoking’ in the programme due to it’s teatime airing in what was considered a ‘children friendly time slot’ (4pm – 7pm.)
Episode 260 ends with a sequence recorded at Walford Hall (motel exterior) of a lorry ‘crashing’ onto the grass outside the old house. This sequence shows Gerald Bailey being hit and killed by the truck in the road.
Episode 246 sees Lew Luton appear as Clive Hudson, he would return in the longer-running role of motel manager Geoffrey Steele.
Episode 260 features James Donnelly as Gerald Bailey, but he isn’t listed in the TV listings or closing captions as he doesn’t speak.
Episode 252 sees the first appearance of ‘Meg’s sitting room’.
Although it may have been used in earlier episodes, edition 244 is the first noted log of the ‘Crossroads Sad Theme’ being used when Meg and Hugh break up. It is used again in episode 249 when Miss Tranter says she is having to give up her house to move into a home. This episode also features ‘The British Grenadiers Fife and Drum’ as Meg rallies the staff to battle against Fairlawns. The scene ends with a snippet of ‘Old Soldiers Never Die’.
The sad theme makes one last appearance this month in episode 260.
In 250 as Brian and Janice measure up their new flat the music ‘A Room With A View’ plays.
252 sees a live version of ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ performed during the closing credits and ‘stop shot’ of the episode by Susan Denny and Deke Arlon.
Synopsis written by Mike Garrett for The Crossroads Years. With thanks to Bob Hope for additional cast information from TV World listings.
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